The Sussex Family General Chat Part 3

Started by TLLK, April 17, 2023, 02:28:52 PM

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Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on May 07, 2023, 02:16:52 PM
^I thought he looked good. I think he made an effort to look in good spirits, too, but not so conspicuous as to draw attention away from the event. I hope that things continue trending this way and everyone can just move on.

Agreed. Let's hope that this trend continues.


We don't if Harry has a deal with Dior. Though, if anyone claiming he has a brand deal can point me to the proof or anything of substance about it, I'll say 'okay'

What we do know, is that he likes their suits or clothing. This is his at least 3rd time wearing Dior.

And if Harry is considered to be in a brand deal partnership or merching because Dior posted about him wearing his suit. Sophie is merching because her dress maker posted how honored they were for her to wear their clothes, as well as Lady Louis. All of the Queens and Kings that came to the Coronation and had their clothes posted about were merching as well. Reports or not. They could tell those who made their clothes not to post about it until the year end reports come out. They didn't do that though, on Coronation day, they also rushed to post about the royals wearing their clothes.

What's more likely, Harry bought a Bespoke Dior suit, wore the suit and Dior posted about it because....Prince Harry wore their suit.


He's a non working royal, he can (or not) do whatever deals he wants, he's free.  :flower3:

So far it's only Neil Sean, Fox News, who said he knows Dior source.

I'll speak for myself in reference to my latest comments of he is free to do as he wants related to commercial deals or no deals.  He is IMO truly free now in my own factual mixed with personal view; the deal with the late QEII giving them one year to comeback or not 2019-2021, and his father Charles wishing them all the best in their overseas life Sept. 2022.  Mix this with my hopes that he won't trash the family any more, a fresh start, a deal with Dior isn't bad, it's great brand, A+.


EXCLUSIVE: Charles's sorrow at Harry's disappearing act: How 'genuinely disappointed' King raised poignant toast to grandson Archie 'wherever you are' at post-Coronation buffet - despite Prince having already left.

Despite the ongoing acrimony with Harry, who was on a plane back to the US within hours of his father being crowned, emotional Charles made a point of mentioning his absent grandchildren as well as those present on his big day.

The poignant moment came at a private family gathering at the palace following his Westminster Abbey crowning and appearance on the balcony with Queen Camilla.

King Charles raised a glass to toast Archie's fourth birthday | Daily Mail Online

The buffet was like the QEII BP Christmas party for the extended, approx 60   

Charles included Camilla's side of the family and the Princess of Wales side of the family too (Middleton's)


^ My opinion about rich families can travel despite one member only participating at a very public state and historical event is the same, hasn't changed. IOW, the Sussex family members could have participated in the very private dinner buffet at BP together with everyone else, the close and extended.



Did Harry just go to the Coronation just because Netflix told him to and that he needed that fat Netflix paycheck to keep up their million dollar lifestyle?  He goes from one paycheck (the Firm) to another (Netflix and whom else, like books, interviews) to make money. 

Personally I can't figure out why he went, so the Yorks said Hi to him, got a slap on the back, and some smiles from them.....that was IT.  Harry has trashed, bad mouthed, lies, and stabbed his birth family in the back so many times that going there must of been just for the fat Netflix paycheck. So he has a new suit, no big deal as most celebs do deals with designers in getting to wear their clothes for a price or even free.....Harry might be related to the King, yet he has NO place in the royal family anymore, he slapped them all in the face and and poo canned them and left....And NOBODY can spin that any other way than what it is, it is what it is.......PERIOD! 

If Harry and Meghan planned this OUT as a final goodby then good for them as the BRF will continue to do the job while the Sussex's will kiss whomever to make that dollar......who needs more chickens?


Takes a Hike

Pictures taken today Sunday, 7th May

Source: TMZ

Meghan, Marcus Anderson, Heather Dorak


Not even the RRs have suggested that Harry went to the Coronation for Netflix. Harry went to the Coronation because his father asked him to. Charles wanted both his sons there to support him. He was also asked to join in the official photo afterwards and the family lunch, but didn?t. I think he perhaps should have, but he wanted to get back to his family in California, and had decided to do that before he went to Britain. It was his son?s birthday.

Harry and Prss Anne had a short conversation and were smiling at each other at the Abbey before the service. That was caught by the TV cameras. She went over and spoke to him before she sat down. And he spoke to the Tindalls after the service. So it wasn?t just the Yorks at all.


Please   do not respond to my comments!


As a fellow poster here I am entitled to a right of reply when something is written I disagree with. Heaven knows other posters have written posts thoroughly disagreeing with what I have posted many, many times. That?s what happens in any free exchange of views I believe.

Voltairean principles. I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.


I could care less about Voltairean Principles and I need no one to ever defend me ever.  I despise Harry and Meghan totally, plain evil in my book.  Listen, my grandfather saved my life when I was 3 years old and I remember that and I was raised by my other grandmother when a child so NO one in this world should ever treat, *** on, disrespect or degrade or hurt and harm their grandparents ever. Harry is a spoiled BRAT and does not deserve to be a member of the royal family after all he was given in life, his life was NOT hard or cruel or mean and hateful, he treated his family with such disrespect, he *** on his family, he slapped them all in the face, he walked all over them totally like they were garbage all for the sake of MONEY, and Meghan well there is not a word in the English dictionary to say what I think of her.  All this came from Harry for there is only one thing that is driving him nuts, his total JEALOUSY of his brother William, talk about who got a bigger sausage, who got a bigger bed, JEALOUSY is eating him alive today and will continue the rest of his life if he does not come to terms with his life, NO one in the royal family should ever apologize to him ever and for the way he is now, I would never accept it from him as he has broken all TRUST and he broke his HONOR and his PLACE in the royal family. Both have LIED, again and again and again over and over.

I have been in William's shoes with a family member doing almost the same things except it was not public and never will be, the hurt was beyond painful, it almost destroyed me for I could not believe someone in my family could be so evil to me all because of MONEY......and even my sister tried to turn the situation around to make peace and I absolutely refused to ever *trust or speak* to that person ever again and haven't.   This situation hardened me to not just openly *trust* anyone ever again and I *don't* period. 

This situation in the royal family regardless of who talks to Harry or Meghan ever again is going to make sure they do not openly talk about what is happening the family for then it might just end up in books or on TV AGAIN.  I think William is a hard ass when it come to family members betraying the family.....I don't ever see him forgiving Harry or Meghan ever.......he, I think keeps them way back in his mind in a garbage can with the lid tightly in place until he needs to deal with them openly.   He will never forget or forgive them for back stabbing is wife, talking about his children, disrespecting his grandparents whom he deeply loved  and even in the concert today he spoke of his granny, what Harry has done to the royal family will always be a part that will never go away and NOBODY can put a damn spin on it and say it did not happen,it is out there totally plain and simple for the world to read and I am sure even some of his fans would love to shake the day lights out of him and tell him to grow up and  work on yourself.....yet he is the victim and everybody else is against him...

If Harry's grandparents had put him in a dungeon, had kicked him out of the family, had told the world all the inner secrets of him and what he has done, yet they have not said a bad word about Harry publicly, then I would think very differently about him yet I honestly believe that he ***Hastened the death of HM with all the stress and drama and lies he told the world**** after all just look at all the pictures of HM and how her health took a decline from the time of the Oprah interview and all the carp he did till she died, that right there is totally UNFORGIVABLE forever and NO picture of Anne talking to Harry is ever going to make me believe she was nice to him for Anne of all people in the family when HM died suffered deeply as we have all seen in the pictures.   .....I do not need a damn lecture on how great Harry is for he is NOT great at all, he is a winey lair who says anything to get people to feel sorry for him with all his tens of millions in the bank.....go Harry make a zillion dollars and just leave the royal family alone to to the job you ran away from....and that is out there also on the internet.......damn can't change the internet now can we?

Well I got Harry out of my system that all off my chest for good, so I am done talking or reading about evil people in the news and that even goes for Trump the monkey in FA, and believe me what I would to do Trump is not printable at all....

Blue Clover

Quote from: wannable on May 06, 2023, 02:28:28 PM
Happy birthday to Archie, it seems papa will be back home by 7 p.m. PDT (Pacific Daylight TIme)

The Daily Mail has spotted his car and police escort at Heathrow for a return via Commercial flight.

I also like it that Harry had a jovial display during the duration of the #Coronation.

Yes, this was good! I am happy Harry attended the Coronation. His appearance was meaningful for many royal watchers.


Can I ask how it was meaningful to anyone?  He should be ashamed of himself for how he lied and disrespected his family to the entire world...I think that Harry is Charle's achilles heel for even in wanting his son to be at the Coronation.  Does everyone forget what and how Harry has trashed his family for the last 3 years?   


It wasn't meaningful, IMO.  He was there because Charles wanted to invite him, though he knows it will be hard to trust him ever again.  ANd he came so that he can later say that he came and noone spoke to him.  of course the RF are not going to rudely ignore him when he is at teh Abbey but they would be utter fools to do more than make a show of being polite to him in public.


Harry has been selling (fake, fantasy and half truths) where ever they pay him for the past 3 years, so it's understandable to be weary of his 'moves' and the as per usual behaviour of these past 3 years, which he concocted with his wife proven as fact before their own engagement.

Having said that, I will post what Neil Sean, Fox News has said as recent as this week about Netflix and the Sussexes. As a matter of course, time will tell if it's true or not true. He said that his Netflix source are not interested in projects nor them being producers, they want a season 2 of more, in NS words, ''trashing and junk.''


1. Harry didn't go to the Coronation because Netflix told him. And I'll say again, if you do have actual proof of that claim, feel free to share it until then, it's not the truth, it's how you feel.

2. Harry went to the Coronation because his father asked him to be there. Simple as that. He most likely also went so people couldn't whine about how he didn't show up.

3. Fox News isn't a trusted source, see the election but since they're actually an entertainment company and not an actual news org, they can run around and have fun. Not only is Neil Sean speaking out the side of his mouth about Dior, he's also speaking out the side of his mouth about Netflix. I say this because, before he made a statement about what Netflix wants, he'd do well to remember that Netflix has Heart of Invictus coming out as well, so they've already moved past the Harry and Meghan focused content and has other plans. Now, I realize that mentioning that they have non-royal related content coming is hard for people who want cash in on Harry and Meghan but it is there.

4. Harry's appearance was meaningful to people and some royal watchers. Now, it's fine if one feels like it wasn't personal to them but royal watchers aren't a monolith. So, what's meaningful to one doesn't have to be meaningful to the other and the other way around. I think it's one thing to say it's not meaningful to you personally but it's quit rude to tell someone what is or isn't. I know it's shocking, but there are royal watchers who enjoyed seeing Harry there, family drama or no. There were royal watchers who also wanted Meghan there. I know this forum leans more into user not liking them and not believing them but it doesn't speaker for the wider world. So I do agree with Blue Clover, his appearance was meaningful to a lot of people and even better that he flew in, was smiles and all, talked to whoever, didn't cause a seen, showed that he could support his father for the ceremony and then quickly flew out to focus on his duties as a father.

5. I hope the article written about Charles saying something about Archie's bday is a lie or has some type of spin. To say "Whenever he is." Is completely dismissive. He's in California with his mother and sister and family, hanging out in the Bermuda triangle. He could've said, "Happy Birthday to my Grandson." or instead of making it a spectacle for the another "source" to give quotes to papers that have been cruel and made fun of his grandson, said nothing and contacted Archie privately.

All in all, I'm glad that royal related stuff is done unless it's a funeral. There is no need for them to coming for the trooping and I'm praying that the media will find something interesting about the royals in the UK to write about so we don't get about of needless articles around

Also, let us remember that the speculations about Harry and Meghan, calling them grifters, names, chasing popularity and etc came before they even opened their mouths. Harry and Meghan didn't need to say anything for that to happen. Especially, Meghan. And for all of the talk of selling, they barely sold secrets. It'd actually be more interesting if they did, at least I could understand the reasoning behind some peoples distaste, especially Meghan. I'm still waiting for her to be the actual villain.

Blue Clover

Quote from: Nightowl on May 08, 2023, 06:46:24 AM
Can I ask how it was meaningful to anyone?  He should be ashamed of himself for how he lied and disrespected his family to the entire world...I think that Harry is Charle's achilles heel for even in wanting his son to be at the Coronation.  Does everyone forget what and how Harry has trashed his family for the last 3 years?   

Nightowl, Harry's return was meaningful to me. I hope for a happy reconciliation between Harry and his royal family members.


Harry put in his appearance at the Coronation.  If it was meaningful to him, to Charles, or to anyone else, that's fine.  It is hard for me to consider it meaningful since he barely spoke to anyone other than the Yorks and stayed the shortest amount of time possible.  But I'm not a member of the family, and if it meant something to any of them, that's good.

I would not say that Harry went because Netflix told him to (maybe they did, but I don't know.  Possibly Dior told  him--how many times will they get to show off their morning suit to an international audience?  :P) but I do think his main reason for going is because he and Meghan do want to keep reminding everyone that they are still royal.  That means that every so often they need a sprinkle of royal fairy dust.  And maybe Harry really did think that he was, in some way, supporting his father, although I would think that a better way of supporting his father would be to not lie about and trash his family.

Also, I would not go so far as to say that Harry and Meghan are evil, but I do think they are petty and vengeful.  I think Meghan is quite ruthless in her ambitions and I think Harry is troubled, with some serious immaturity and jealousy issues.     


Quote from: Blue Clover on May 08, 2023, 08:17:07 PM
Nightowl, Harry's return was meaningful to me. I hope for a happy reconciliation between Harry and his royal family members.
I think you will be waiting.  Unless Harry changes, and I dont think he will, they are not going to get over his behaviour over the past 3 years.  Charles will keep a line open to his son because he loves him.  William I think is angrier and wont forgive at all unless Harry really apologises and stops his negative behaviour.


Quote from: Kristeh-H on May 08, 2023, 09:44:31 PM

Also, I would not go so far as to say that Harry and Meghan are evil, but I do think they are petty and vengeful.  I think Meghan is quite ruthless in her ambitions and I think Harry is troubled, with some serious immaturity and jealousy issues.   
That's what is worrying, that Harry and his image makers were able to put forward an image of H for years that is so different to the real man. I cant help wondering if the family were always aware that he was an angry bitter young man and feared that one day there would be an explosion.


I think the family would have to have been aware of some of Harry's issues, to a degree.  What I'm not sure of is if Harry's troubles were always this bad, or if they've gotten worse.  I have to say that I think he and Meghan bring out the worst in each other and egg each other on.


It is startling and Harry's book seems to give a picture of someone who was always at odds with his family and his life....
Andrew was a second son too but his essentailly arrogant unpleassant nature came across to the public, after a few years.  Harry seems to have acted as nice Guy Harry for longer


Up until he met Meghan, whatever his issues, he seemed resigned to the fact he wasn't the heir, his destiny is completely different from his brother. After meeting Meghan all the issues about status and hierarchy and pecking order came up.


Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on May 09, 2023, 12:13:31 PM
Up until he met Meghan, whatever his issues, he seemed resigned to the fact he wasn't the heir, his destiny is completely different from his brother. After meeting Meghan all the issues about status and hierarchy and pecking order came up.
It just seems to me that the issues and problems and general anger and fire bubbling under the surface were part of his life for a long time, perhaps all his life. It unnerves me a llittle that the image makers could make him seem quite a nice chap for some years, adn fool us, but under it Harry was angry, didn't like his job as a royal, didnt really IMO like the  public who were admring him..
I wonder did the RF just try nad ignore this and hope for the best, or if perhaps all those stories a few years back, that Meg might continue acting or they might go and live in Africa, were because the RF knew he would not stay the course and were providing him with a get out.