ALL ARTICLES: W & K - Engagement/Wedding Rumours

Started by Alixxx, April 04, 2010, 02:48:50 AM

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June 3 and June 4th? "Doesn't the Queen always celebrate a second birthday or something in June?" If the engagement/party is June 3rd/4th I would be pissed. That's my birthday weekend, "No!" (Just Kidding!) I don't believe or really follow all of this. I see 2011 as a good year for these two...


I feel like reporters just keep writing these stories on the realization that eventually one of them HAS to be right. So every week or two, another writes an engagement or breakup story. Most of them flip-flop and go back and forth. Eventually someone will get it right, but that doesn't mean they have inside info necessarily, and I think that's what they're all counting on. They're just praying to be the one who guesses the right date.
Harryite #0094   


Quote from: sillyjobug on April 06, 2010, 07:10:57 PM
I feel like reporters just keep writing these stories on the realization that eventually one of them HAS to be right. So every week or two, another writes an engagement or breakup story. Most of them flip-flop and go back and forth. Eventually someone will get it right, but that doesn't mean they have inside info necessarily, and I think that's what they're all counting on. They're just praying to be the one who guesses the right date.
Yeah. Whoever gets it right eventually will be the Vince Cable (UK politician who successfully predicted the credit crunch, now widely seen as Parliament's economic guru) of royal reporting. I think they're all going to regularly predict and one day, unless PW's a lifelong bachelor, one of them will get it right. Monkeys and Shakespeare.


The last time the press was so "defiinite" was when they insisted Wills would get engaged on August 31 to make it a "happy" day instead of a "sad" one. The date came and went. It's like hitting the lottery I guess, just pick a date and hope the writer hits the jackpot.


So well put, Hattie. Monkeys and Shakespeare exactly. And thanks for explaining who Vince Cable is! I've heard the name but didn't know who it was really. I suppose that's what I get for receiving the majority of my news from reruns of "Mock the Week" and "Have I Got News For You," huh? Lol!
Harryite #0094   


Well, that combination plus Hislop's own Private Eye, tells you all you need to know! Bit of scepticism is a great thing IMO.

A winter wedding would surprise me. I think they'd be too scared of no public on the streets, in this day and age.


Given William's privacy concerns, any chance that this is an intentional leak on the part of BP and that the announcement will come BEFORE?  


Quote from: Lucy on April 06, 2010, 02:27:35 PM
That said, I don't believe for one moment that St. Georges is nearly large enough for a William wedding. :yesss: Brown goes on to dismiss it anyway and moves on to St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey....dismissing them in turn as well.....I am still thinking it will be St. Pauls, for size.

I can see why your hedging your bets on St Pauls, Lucy considering William's position: but I just don't see William plumping for a grand venue.  Something tells me he'll go more low key and St Georges sounds about right.

Whether its true or not is anyones guess.  Awful thing is its been going on for so long that I couldn't imagine getting excited about an engagement or wedding between them now.  I'm sure the press and CH will do all in their power to promote the glamour and newsworthiness of it all, but its all lost its gloss for me now.  Does anyone else feel the same, or completely differently?
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil


I'm not sure about St Paul's because of the inevitable comparisons to Diana and Charles' wedding.  I realize the funeral was at the Abbey, but I see that being chosen before St Paul's...and before Windsor because it's too small for a future king and queen.   :)


Ah it never gets old does it?  The dawn of a new day, the beckoning of a new season and hark what is that I hear? The rumblings of a speculation? An engagement at last? Could it be that this year is the year? Hope springs eternal.....and the sage continues.  :boredatwork:

Miss Scarlett

What a snarky article!  Veiled jabs at Kate galore.

QuoteThe obvious top-tier choice is Westminster Abbey, which seats 2,000 and is the final resting place of 17 monarchs but it feels unfashionably grand for the studiedly modern casualness of William and Kate, the daughter, as the press never stops reminding her, of a commoner. Kate herself may be shrewd enough not to want the full royal Monty. Quietly ambitious and gently pushy, she has cannily held her position in the life of England's most eligible bachelor for seven long years of female competition and relentless press coverage. She knows she will get her shot at Westminster Abbey when she is finally crowned queen, and that's always been the finale Ms. Middleton has played for.

She's definitely calling Kate out on the social climbing business and even goes so far as to allege Kate's been after the crown this whole time, not just William.

Also, I think William himself would prefer St. George's, but as the heir to the heir, his wedding will be a state occasion.  Thus, he (well, the Queen) will be required to invite a lot of dignitaries, etc, so I think Westminster Abbey is the most probable venue.  I guess with William's stubborn streak, though, he could always surprise us!


Quote from: Countess of Highgrove on April 06, 2010, 03:46:24 PM
The royal reporter is tweeting about this...I think he is worried that Tina is going to steal a scoop from him because he is shooting the idea down. :chuckle:

And to think Richard Palmer 1 month ago had a 'scoop' too!!!


This from the Daily Telegraph website in Australia.  If it's meant to be then it's meant to be, but I think it's going to be as big as when Charles and Diana married and they will eclipse him and his wife, no matter what is said or intended imho.

You Can't Fix Stupid

Countess of Highgrove

I would love to know why the DM article is NOT appearing in a google search??? Was it pulled? Moi is becoming suspicious.


I can certainly see why some are jaded by now, such a long courtship with sooo many false alarms!!

Still, at the end of the day, I think excitement will Rule for all those who love Diana and her legacy. :yesss:

When the word is out and the date is announced, pulses will race and toasts will be made and anticipation will climb.

As for a winter wedding, I don't think that will dampen the enthusiasm in a country that is famous for 'weather.' We'll see. :flower:

I think William wants a large scale wedding for his beloved. He is used to doing things in a large way with much pomp and circumstance and will delight in showing off his Lady when she will be rightfully in the spotlight.



Who knows? According to the Telegraph article posted, he has already popped the question and it's just a matter of announcing it. Maybe that was why he was jokingly calling Mr. Middleton dad on the Courchevel ski trip? And also maybe it could be the reason why Kate sued Tanna, as preparation for her future relationship with the Press? :shrug:


Wait, what if there is going to be an announcement but rather Will and Kate, it's Zara and Mike?  :ninja:

Btw, the Queen and the DoE has engagements on those days according to what I've been reading elsewhere, so how is this all adding up?


I think it's total nonsense.

  • ZP is a private individual and wouldn't have a big deal announcement IMO, and nor would the Queen host her wedding if PP's is anything to go by, though PA might. So that rules out the champagne order/diary clearance being anything to do with her.
  • The Queen & PP are in Devonport on the 3rd according to their own website.
  • PC was living at BP when his engagement was announced, but surely PW's would be from CH? It's his home.
  • Would the RF announce something like that within a month of a new government being elected? Whoever they are, they have a legislative programme to announce and a Cabinet to select, and the run-up to a royal wedding would steal all the attention.
  • If they are engaged and planning to announce it then I hardly think Tina Brown would be the first person to know. Wasn't she the only person on the planet insisting that KM dumped PW in 2007?

Having said all that, your explanation for calling Mr Middleton "Dad" and everyone chortling is the only one that makes sense to me. I thought it decidedly weird at the time. Far more convincing than anything Tina Brown has come up with - maybe you should be a royal reporter! Bottom line is that anyone privy to this sort of info would not share it with anyone who'd spill to the press. It really is just monkeys and Shakespeare, IMO, and whoever eventually gets it right will have fluked it. I think 2011 a heap likelier, or even 2012 if the Queen thinks it'd be a fillip to her Jubilee year. I also think it will happen in the next two years or not at all, tbh, and I'm someone who firmly believes it will happen. I think they love each other. :shrug:

Lucy - I agree that the jaded feeling would subside if there is actual solid wedding news. There hasn't been a big state occasion type royal wedding now in almost 25 years, and the jadedness is over the treading water, which would have ceased.


Quote from: Countess of Highgrove on April 07, 2010, 04:34:13 AM
I would love to know why the DM article is NOT appearing in a google search??? Was it pulled? Moi is becoming suspicious.
You scared me, Countess ;) but I just checked and the article is still there.  And I was able to find it using Google.  Let's see if there's a follow up of some kind from CH or BP.


I think Westminster Abbey will be the venue. A November wedding would follow in the steps of the Queen and Philip (Nov 20) and the Princess Royal and Capt Mark Phillips (Nov 14), but it's not a good time of year for crowds camping out on the route.


I agree Fawbert. Whenever it happens I think it will be at Westminster Abbey.


QuoteWould the RF announce something like that within a month of a new government being elected? Whoever they are, they have a legislative programme to announce and a Cabinet to select, and the run-up to a royal wedding would steal all the attention.

This is one of the main reasons I don't believe this story

The others being

There is no way the bad press of late would have gone ahead. Kate would be protected.

Tina Brown is not in the know and I think of her on the same level as KN only slightly higher

William will be training those 2 days

A November wedding is unlikely

HM would have been pictured with her by now.

Quote from: Alixxx on April 07, 2010, 05:30:28 AM
Wait, what if there is going to be an announcement but rather Will and Kate, it's Zara and Mike?  :ninja:

Btw, the Queen and the DoE has engagements on those days according to what I've been reading elsewhere, so how is this all adding up?

Yes HM and DOE have engagements that day also

As for Mike and Zara, they have both said publicly that they will get married AFTER the Olympics. Zara is focusing everything on the Olympics at the moment

I personally think they will be the next to Wed.


That would be great if they marry once and for all...and end up with this whole circus sorrounding theyre possible marriage thats been going on for almost a decade... :sowhat:
Marry and finish with this for once.