Brand New Chelsy Pics- Part 12

Started by Sandra Dee, May 02, 2011, 03:35:21 PM

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Sandra Dee




She definitely is looking chubbier.


Thanks for the pictures, Allie.

I think she looks great in the pictures. While I am not personally a fan of the fake tan, each to their own.

To me, she looks happy and healthy. I don't feel it is constructive to label someone as "chubbier". What does this achieve? By all means discussing fashion choices and relationships in one thing, but someones weight, particularly the allegation of weight gain is dangerous territory. Weight is something so personal.

BOT I enjoy Chelsy's choice of casual outfits. The white shoes she is wearing I believe her and Olivia were wearing when papped the other day. Bet they are hard to keep clean!!


Thanks , Allie... much appreciated!!


I also think she gained some punds...but i think she looks and happy!!!
She also have lost a lot of weight through the years...due to the pressures of being constantlly pictured and etc...everyone worries about theyre image at some point..its normal...
But its nice to see that on purpose or by pure mistake she have gained some weight....
i think that chels still is on that stage where she can be thin and look good and health...diferentlly from both middleton sisters who are thin but starting to look very unhealth!!!!


You're all welcome!

Quote from: gec on May 03, 2011, 10:31:12 PM
To me, she looks happy and healthy. I don't feel it is constructive to label someone as "chubbier". What does this achieve? By all means discussing fashion choices and relationships in one thing, but someones weight, particularly the allegation of weight gain is dangerous territory. Weight is something so personal.

I agree with you completely! Some people are on this forum are really – and I mean REALLY- obsessed with her weight, and honestly, it's ridiculous (I'm not referring to anyone in particular, just a general comment)! It's easy to sit behind a computer and judge someone's weight anonymously (I have some special adjectives for these types of people, but I won't go there today). I just hope that those people who are making such comments aren't dealing with their own weight and self esteem issues (again, just a general comment...not talking about anyone specifically :)).   


Ok, Alberta Feretti the couture designer, took bad measurements and fittings with her client. The finish look of both dresses, IMO aren't the best look free or paid for, if the later, I would have done a Carol Middleton, perhaps a last minute high street change/option. 

As I understand it, friend sources said she was trying and jogging everyday to look her best, good for her.


I agree with wannabe that the measurements f the outfit were totally worng...but then again...its said that she got the outfit weeks before te wedding..i find  it very weird that the measurements were wornf...were not talking about anyone its alberta ferrati making harrys ex or still gf dress for  a wedding watched by billions...if chelsys outift had been a sucess alberta would be one of the most busy designers at the moment....and honestlly it wasnt bad but it was far from being good...

And whoever told chels that it was a good option was clearlly not a good friend
The color is too clear for her it leaves her with no fun at all..i mean any other more strong color would have changed the whole look....
I think chels has a problem with formal clothes fitting her body and it has nothing to do with her weigh..shes extremelly thin as far as i can see...the problme normally is on arms wich always the clotes seems to be bigger than her...and normally at the breast area coz she has a lot of breats and normally its where it gets very tight....
On this particular outfit is just what happenned!!!!

The breas area looks very tight and the colors of the jcket and the skirt are diferent tones of green wich makes it looks weird...
I dont know what happenned but seriouslly something didi happenned...i doubt that chelsy would make herself a silly person in this wedding by wearing a dress that didnt fitted her body...and i doubt that ferrati would loose the chance to make her name big in suc event by making such weird outfit as well...

What happened..only god knows...but i dont think it had anyhting to deal with chelsys weight...
Maybe the boobs yeah...but the rest of the body looks very thin to me...


QuoteThe breas area looks very tight and the colors of the jcket and the skirt are diferent tones of green wich makes it looks weird

On both dresses, breast area too tight, bodis if not loose, baggy, the evening dress, still/frozen photo walking out of the bus, hem line, too long. This was a better dress from the day number, but still, as I said, free or paid for, there is no passion/inspiration from designer to client.  Strapless, or one sling strapless dresses are very tricky, if its tight, one may notice the (baby fat or not) hanging out in different ranges, from little to a lot.  Its like wearing a tight bra (or underwear)...over that dress up and what you see, is what you get...marks.

Alberta Ferreti has teamed with Emma Watson to make serial (think green, ecological) outfits, in other words, non couture made for specific individual/client, but in standard sizes and by the dozen.  Perhaps when a once famous designer is on the low, its not a good idea to put forward (client) ideas of what you want, when the outcome is not redeeming of the clients personality. I'm putting it then on the designer, that the last fitting, she didn't fix/arrange or however you want to call it the "ill" looking parts.


Another shopping trip at King's Road for Chelsy today....

I wish the article didn't insinuate that she was copying Kate, but I guess they wanted to give their story an angle...


^ Thanks for the link. I like her casual outfits and she is showing off her best asset: Legs.

gec, while I understand your reasoning, nobody here insulted Chelsy and called her unhealthy or ugly. It is a simple observation, she looks like she's gained some weight. Should we not mention it since gaining weight in considered a non-PC subject, even though the person we are discussing is most probably not reading this? And still, if we think she does not look good, shall we not mention it if it has something to do with her weight?

Kate's weight loss has been subject to debates and people actually called her demeaning things. Why is weight loss considered an OK topic to discuss and not weight gain?

Anyway, I agree with wannabe, Chelsy looks like she has gained a few pounds, intentionally or unintentionally.  She has a body type where she packs on pounds on her face and bosom. That may explain the ill fitting dress and her about-to-explode-bosom if the weight gain happened between the last measuring and the day of the wedding.

I actually admire Harry for liking her fuller figure. Many years ago, while still in Africa, she looked much heavier than her usual figure, I think people then attributed that to birth control pills. Yet Harry still thought she was beautiful and did not ask her to lose weight. I really dislike the surge in super skinny models and love to see guys who don't necessarily go for it.

Having said that, Chelsy should watch her figure. She has a tendency to gain weight and a not so healthy life style what with drinking and smoking. She is young and she gets by. Aging and having babies will change the dynamics.





It actually combines much better with what she's wearing, rather than the white tennis shoes.

She purchased the pair as in the shopping bag carried, Office has online as well.


Quote from: Riss on May 04, 2011, 07:56:36 PM
More pics here:

OH MY GOD! The shoe looks just like Kate's

So what? After all, it is what's in right now. I've asked my friends where did they get a certain type of shoe that I love. No big deal.
Harryite #0009


cherryite # 009

Sandra Dee

Quote from: Riss on May 04, 2011, 07:56:36 PM
More pics here:

OH MY GOD! The shoe looks just like Kate's
I have wedges exactly like that, and I wore them much before I saw them on Kate. :shrug: I think they're just a regular classic-style pair of wedges that go well with skirts and dresses.


I think it's a very nice shoe, and now that both of them were spotted wearing it - especially Kate - it will become a hit. I hope I can buy this shoe here where I live, hehe.


Quote from: Sandra Dee on May 04, 2011, 08:15:46 PM
Quote from: Riss on May 04, 2011, 07:56:36 PM
More pics here:

OH MY GOD! The shoe looks just like Kate's
I have wedges exactly like that, and I wore them much before I saw them on Kate. :shrug: I think they're just a regular classic-style pair of wedges that go well with skirts and dresses.

Exactly, I have a similar pair too that I bought 2 years ago. But now I can't wear them since my spinal surgery :(  But there super comfortable.


Everybody seems to have these kind of shoes...kate, melissa percy, pippa why chelsy cant have one pair also...

Seriouslly...she had one buy in white seems to be a trendy  thing i guess.especially now fo rthe summer i believe al the womens love to wear this kinda of sandals with dresses and sch stuff....normal i believe...
She seriouslly is loving the tennis shes been wearing it a lot...and it seemsfinally she got a good and stable bbf...meliss apercy is always there with her everysince she broke up with tvs!!!!

Good to see them toguether!!!I think aparentlly judging by theyre looks they seem always happy  when in company of each other and seem to have a lot in common...good for them...
Melissa always looks so cute!!!!!

About the weigh i agree with someone who said that she gained a few pounds...and that the same way people are free to discuss loss of weigh why not discuss gaining the end its all the same..i believe...


Chelsy is really pretty but she needs to lay off the tan a touch, she looks a bit orange in that pic ^
cherryite # 009

Blue Clover

Chelsey looks great in those jeans!