Why Zarzuela hides the sex of the son of Letizia?

Started by royalfamily, September 23, 2005, 05:17:32 PM

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Why Zarzuela hides the sex of the son of Letizia?

The scientific advances do not create any problem, nor do necessary to wait for the safe ones
Little two months of the lighting of the first-born of Princes de Asturias, the Real House continues hiding the sex of the creature, a man who could receive the name of Pablo. Why?

Thursday 15 of September. 19:00 hours. The princess of Asturias, that that day celebrates his to trigésimotercer embarrassed birthday of seven months, accompanies to the Heir in the presentation of the New Dictionary of the Student, that takes place in the Foundation Rafael of the Pine, in Madrid. At the end of the act, while in the room the applause of the assistants to the words pronounced by the prince still resonates, Letizia is boarded by a veteran journalist: "Congratulations, Height. How it takes the pregnancy?"

Always complaciente with the informers to whom it considers of FIAR - nothing that to see with chusma of paparazzi that this summer roamed by the Club of Sea of Palm, inviting to the principesca pair flee from Marivent course to the island of CorfĂș -, Letizia trusts to its interlocutor some details of its next maternity. And in a while of the conversation, capably perhaps induced by the journalist, to the princess it is heard say to him before the general incredulity: "No, not..., we have not wanted to know the sex of the baby".

Fulfilled mission. Surpassed test. to advance events, nothing. Ever since, at the end of May, TIME kept awake that the first-born of the princes of Asturias will be man, the tactics of the Real House have not been other than the one to play the confusion with the press.

In agreement with version official - same which the heirs spread the these days in meetings of friends and identical one to whom Letizia was in charge to transmit the veteran journalist -, nor the dilemma of the constitutional reform who would derive from the birth of a girl nor the stratospheric obtained scientific advances in the field of the prenatal diagnosis have dissuaded the princes of their persistence to live the happy delay in the ignorance.

Calculated strategy?Manifest irresponsibility? When, in the middle of November, the future queen gives to light to her first-born in the Ruber clinic the International of Madrid, whole Spain and part of the foreigner will vibrate with the news of the real natalicio. To blow of special marathon in the public and deprived televisions. The kiosks, flooded those days of editions extra of the magazines.

The arrival to the world of the first-born of the heirs will shoot the image of Corona in the ranking of affection of the Spaniards. And its mediatic management has been calculated to the millimeter in the Palace of the Zarzuela. Why to ruin so successful operation of marketing keeping awake inopportunely substantial details like the one of the sex of the creature?

In opinion of some of the experts consulted by this weekly magazine, the hermetism of the Real House has something to see with that I haul of magic and so necessary mystery to the own survival of the monarchy. But also with a tradition nonwritten of the real families, hardly sustainable nevertheless in century XXI, within the framework of a constitutional monarchy the whose Magna Carta still establishes the masculine preference in the succession to Corona.

By Maite Alfageme.
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i think that most people are hoping for a boy just because this child will be the future king but i am still hoping for a girl and hope that things change so that she would be able to be the heir and future queen even if there is a son born later on.  
"I am as happy as a fat mouse in a cheese factory!"