Princess Beatrice e Edoardo

Started by jerry4, July 12, 2019, 03:39:12 AM

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It's worse if she lived together with no commitments for ten years. She was very young when she met him I doubt the Queen would have allowed it.


Quote from: oak_and_cedar on September 05, 2019, 03:59:44 PM
I mean she might have spent some weekends at his place. But I don't think that she moved in with him. It would have been widely reported IMO.

I don't think she even lives with her current bf. But I could be wrong..
according to some reports she does have him living in her place and she spends time at his place as he has his child living there.  Theres nto that much in the papers about Bea or Eugenie.. so why would it be reported...

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 04:11:30 PM

Quote from: oak_and_cedar on September 05, 2019, 04:07:56 PM
Didn't Clark live in NY? At the time she might have even had to asked for HM's permission/opinion. I'm not so sure that HM would have liked that.
why would she have to ask for the queen's permission?  She was a grown woman, and her parents probably saw no objection..

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 04:18:48 PM

Quote from: sandy on September 05, 2019, 04:05:10 PM
Formal agreements are often necessary especially if it involves money and property. Many young people are savvy enough to have some sort of an agreement.

Yes they are called Marriage. I don't know of many young people who "have agreements".  They move in because they like the idea, or because it saves on expenses..and if it doesn't work they move out.  Honeslty sounds like Sheldon and Amy..


Quote from: amabel on September 05, 2019, 04:10:18 PM
according to some reports she does have him living in her place and she spends time at his place as he has his child living there.  Theres nto that much in the papers about Bea or Eugenie.. so why would it be reported...

why would she have to ask for the queen's permission?  She was a grown woman, and her parents probably saw no objection..

But has he officially moved in though?

Her grandmother is the monarch and might not have been enthusiastic about her living in NY. Especially since in the beginning before PW had children she was still an important part of the succession.


Quote from: amabel on September 01, 2019, 02:42:24 PM
Not really.. its that times have changed.  A few years ago I'd have put money on Harry being married in London like his brother.  But things are slimming down.. Harry is said to be a popular royal.. more so than Andy ever was.. but IMO from now on, only the heir will get the big W Abbey wedding...
i think harry's windsor wedding was related to meghan divorced status

Quote from: oak_and_cedar on September 05, 2019, 09:55:52 AM
She should haven given 2-3 years max.

I wonder if she's not compensating for her mistake with Clark by rushing it with Edo.

Why? i understand they start their relationship when she was 17, 18 or 19... i doubt she ever thought in marriage before lets say she was 26


Quote from: amabel on September 05, 2019, 04:10:18 PM
according to some reports she does have him living in her place and she spends time at his place as he has his child living there.  Theres nto that much in the papers about Bea or Eugenie.. so why would it be reported...

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 04:11:30 PM

why would she have to ask for the queen's permission?  She was a grown woman, and her parents probably saw no objection..

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 04:18:48 PM

Yes they are called Marriage. I don't know of many young people who "have agreements".  They move in because they like the idea, or because it saves on expenses..and if it doesn't work they move out.  Honeslty sounds like Sheldon and Amy..

No it's not called marriage. Some couples totally reject the idea of marriage and just live together. Agreements must be made.

there is no record of her setting up housekeeping with either of these men on any permanent basis.


not everybody have your idea of living together involving agreements

Quote from: oak_and_cedar on September 05, 2019, 03:25:09 PM
I'm not worried about her or anything. People sometimes make mistakes whatever age.

I mean I was sympathetic with regards to that situation. You can lead a full life etc. and still get your heart broken. That I sympathize with.
who knows as she felt about him? maybe that was a long-term 'dead' relationship....

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 05:04:02 PM

Quote from: sandy on September 05, 2019, 04:09:35 PM
It's worse if she lived together with no commitments for ten years. She was very young when she met him I doubt the Queen would have allowed it.
if they were living together there was commitment


Quote from: oak_and_cedar on September 05, 2019, 04:20:08 PM
But has he officially moved in though?

Her grandmother is the monarch and might not have been enthusiastic about her living in NY. Especially since in the beginning before PW had children she was still an important part of the succession.
As far as I know Bea has had jobs in NY so presumably unless it was a very long commute she lived there.. with or without Clarke. Beatrice is well down the succession.. not of any importance whatsoever in that respect.

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 06:45:57 PM

Quote from: sandy on September 05, 2019, 04:45:04 PM
No it's not called marriage. Some couples totally reject the idea of marriage and just live together. Agreements must be made.

there is no record of her setting up housekeeping with either of these men on any permanent basis.
WHo?  if they reject marriage, then why would they stick with some other legal agreement?  And if it does not have the force of law, what's the point of it.  People live together.. they move in.. They don't set up legal agreements.. They move and if it suits them they stay.. If it doesn't they move out.


The thing is in this day and age it is not just moving out. There is money involved, Some have children together, and property and in whose name. It's not that easy. Why wouldn't they set up legal agreements for protection? It makes sense. And there are issues of the wills and changing the wills. And what if the man moves in with a woman and does not set up provisions for her after he dies. It's very complicated.

It does have the force of law. And there are many many lawyers who handle domestic relationships whether or not the couple is married.


Pretty nonsensical.  ANyway, mostly people do not go through all this palaver.  Beatrice and other royal women.. there is no problem now with them living together with their boyfriends...


Nonsensical? It would be nonsensical and risky if each person in the relationship did not have any legal documents. A woman or man would be vulnerable if there was no legal protection. A man could walk out and clean out a bank account if the woman did not protect her assets and he could clean out an joint bank account or an account in his name only. And there are cases of this happening.Also if a woman is with a man for years and when he dies gets nothing from him because he did not bother to revise a will and factor her in, she would be left with nothing if she had had no money of her own when she began the relationship. 

I did not say there was a Problem. I just doubt Bea was living together with either of them. Edoardo also has some domestic issues since his ex had his child.

I think most people do go through this palaver. Better to have palaver than be walked out on and left with nothing.


Quote from: dianab on September 05, 2019, 04:39:40 PM

Why? i understand they start their relationship when she was 17, 18 or 19... i doubt she ever thought in marriage before lets say she was 26

Who knows what age she considered marriage. But she probably had hopes for the relationship if she stayed for years, IMO.

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 08:00:39 PM

Quote from: dianab on September 05, 2019, 04:51:39 PM
who knows as she felt about him? maybe that was a long-term 'dead' relationship....

She stayed for a decade so it wasn't 'dead' IMO.

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 08:01:19 PM

Quote from: amabel on September 05, 2019, 06:43:54 PM
As far as I know Bea has had jobs in NY so presumably unless it was a very long commute she lived there.. with or without Clarke. Beatrice is well down the succession.. not of any importance whatsoever in that respect.

But she was pretty high up in the beginning Before PW had a family.


Quote from: sandy on September 05, 2019, 07:55:50 PM
Nonsensical? It would be nonsensical and risky if each person in the relationship did not have any legal documents. A woman or man would be vulnerable if there was no legal protection. A man could walk out and clean out a bank account if the woman did not protect her assets and he could clean out an joint bank account or an account in his name only. And there are cases of this happening.Also if a woman is with a man for years and when he dies gets nothing from him because he did not bother to revise a will and factor her in, she would be left with nothing if she had had no money of her own when she began the relationship. 

I did not say there was a Problem. I just doubt Bea was living together with either of them. Edoardo also has some domestic issues since his ex had his child.
That is why people get married.. Generally however couples living together in their twenties, who are vaguely thinking of marriage.. dotnt go round with legal agreements or the like.  They live together.  If they split up, they take their stuff and walk. 
I thought that it was EDo who had the main role as child carer because his ex girlfriend travels a lot for work.


Well some don't get married or one does not want to get married and the other settles for being a live in in the hopes the partner will eventually marry. So it is to me hardly practical to sit around and hope for the ring and years pass and no legal arrangements are made between them.

If they are smart and realistic, they indeed get legal agreements. it's not just getting one's things and walking if it's for the long haul.

women are more educated now and more financially savvy a woman just moving her things in and hoping for the best is not as much the norm as it used to be.

Married couples even get pre nups now. Which is more and more prevalent.


well if you know a lot of people who live with someone iwht a legal agreement I have never heard of anyone who did.


I do know them. I also attended financial  and legal literacy lectures and the days of a woman not getting financial and legal advice before moving in with someone (and getting legal protection) are really over. So many cases exist of a woman being dumped and the man taking her possessions and money when a relationship goes sour. There are even con men (and women) who move in with someone and end up leaving with the money and valuables. There was a case of a man moving in and telling a woman who had a safe, you don't have to give me the combination. The woman wants the man to think she trusts him so of course gives the combination and the next day the man and the safe contents are gone.


a legal agreement equals marriage which in it self is a piece of paper that can led to another piece of paper called divorce... wealthy people with their own houses and  generally 20-somethings hardly does this stuff when starting a relationship and chose moved in... meghan had a living in boyfriend before harry and i've never read that she had a legal agreement with that and that dont changes at all that she lived with that man... gazillions of other couples around the world are the same


I recall she and Cory had some sort of agreement. I read it somewhere.

I would not say gazillions myself


Quote from: dianab on September 05, 2019, 09:45:21 PM
a legal agreement equals marriage which in it self is a piece of paper that can led to another piece of paper called divorce... wealthy people with their own houses and  generally 20-somethings hardly does this stuff when starting a relationship and chose moved in... meghan had a living in boyfriend before harry and i've never read that she had a legal agreement with that and that dont changes at all that she lived with that man... gazillions of other couples around the world are the same
Well precisely.  What is the point of a legal agreement when there is marriage?  and as you say marriages can break up, can lead to rows about property and custody anyway.... I've never heard of any young couple who move in together, going through al this sort of stuff.  People start by spending more time together.. then maybe they move in full time and only have one flat.  Beatrice has some place in KP.. Edo has a flt in London. Odds are that they live half and half between the 2 places.. and since Bea doesn't own her place n KP it would be ridiculous ot have legal agreements about who owns what.


I do know some couples that life together with "legal agreements" without marriage, because they've been divorced and got "burned by the name marriage" but have assets together and a couple in my extended family before marriage equality for LGBT people, but those aren't a young couple in their 20-30s who are just trying to see if they're compatible, even if they're wealthy. She had bodyguards and others paid for by her father, she wasn't in a vulnerable position to be taken advantage of, except if a man is using her for her fame and connections.

I don't know if Bea was/is living with either, but all her adult cousins did before marriage. It was reported earlier this year that he said he was living in St. James, but that could have been made up. She has lived at least part time in NY but has always seemed to fly about all over the place. The fact that she didn't claim some sort of common law spousal support means they weren't officially living together is hilarious, that's probably the last thing she'd have wanted to do, no matter how the situation went down.

We don't know that she and Dave didn't have an understanding about marriage in the future, just that it ultimately didn't happen. There were all sorts of predictions William was suddenly going to find "The One" and drop Kate after so many years, even though their situation was unique.


True most young royals tend to live together for a time before they marry nowadays.. so I don't know why Bea wodl not.  but the idea of her "having a contract" with a boyfriend is just silly. they are not buying a house together or likely to have children before they marry so there is no need for a contract....


It's a personal choice for each couple.

Nothing is "silly". I have my opinion and thoughts and they are not "silly."

The couple may not even last. The ex had a baby with the man and I think she had some legal resources so he would not walk off and not help their child.

Double post auto-merged: September 06, 2019, 12:31:35 PM

Quote from: amabel on September 06, 2019, 06:52:33 AM
Well precisely.  What is the point of a legal agreement when there is marriage?  and as you say marriages can break up, can lead to rows about property and custody anyway.... I've never heard of any young couple who move in together, going through al this sort of stuff.  People start by spending more time together.. then maybe they move in full time and only have one flat.  Beatrice has some place in KP.. Edo has a flt in London. Odds are that they live half and half between the 2 places.. and since Bea doesn't own her place n KP it would be ridiculous ot have legal agreements about who owns what.

I would not easily dismiss this. I heard plenty about couples dealing with money issues and financial and legal issues when they move in together.

They do not share a residence together. Nor formally live together. No evidence of it.

One example of advice for couples cohabitating
It's only one of many sites on the Internet.

This is real life.

Living Together - FindLaw


If Princess Beatrice and Edoardo marry, do yo think that they will want to reside in London?

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: amabel on September 05, 2019, 03:11:45 PM
they were together for 10 years, I find ti hard to believe they didn't live together.. Most young royals seem to.. I don't know what this palimony thing is.. people live together without "palimony" in the UK at least....

Double post auto-merged: September 05, 2019, 03:13:34 PM

Why feel sympahteitc for her?  I have nothing against her but I don't know why everyone seems so involved with worrying about her.  She's a big girl, over 30.  She hasn't had to remain a virgin or lead a restricted life until she got married.. like previous princesses.  She has been able to lead a full life, travel, work etc...
I felt very sorry for her when her relationship with Dave Clark broke down. We don't know and never will know whether they had an understanding and subsequently it fell apart or what the situation was, but the fact is that they were in a deep relationship that broke apart. There had to be a painful ending, and, the breakup was known and discussed all over the place. She must have been mortified, big girl and all. I felt very sorry for her and hope history doesn't repeat.   


I think Dave Clark was really not the man for her to put it mildly. He may have been using her for influence for himself and in his mind may have had no intention of marrying her. She should not rush into a marriage after this. She is only in her early thirties.


Honestly, she should have ditched Clarke after two - three years, tops.

He was awfully quick in re marrying too, IMO.

It's better to take things a bit slow(er) and be sure, than to "rush in" and regret it.