The Sussexes' relationship with the press, tabloids, and social media.

Started by Nightowl, January 25, 2023, 07:26:56 PM

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Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on January 29, 2023, 08:00:14 PM
That?d be enough to keep me away. How embarrassing.
what?  HIs family being cool to him?  I doubt if he finds that embarrassing  per se, I m sure that he's experienced it on his recent visits that William is angry and upset and just keeps up a front - it hasnt stopped H form lambasting Harry in his book.  I think that he wont come, but it wont be from any unselfish motive.  It will be because he worries about security in the UK, because he knows the public will know that he's just barely tolerated just now rihgt after the book.. and perhaps he worries about public displays of disapproval.


It looked pretty awkward at Commonwealth Day. But maybe they won?t be seated near Prince William and Kate this time. That would likely be a good compromise.


True but that was a first off.  I think something had happened just before CW Day, to spark off a row and William could barely hide his anger. but H has been home a few times in the past 2 years and I dont think that the RF as a whole were all that delighted to see him, so he must be used to it by now.
I think he may feel uneasy in case he is stuck somewhere he can barely be seen and worries tat it will look bad... but of course his fans will still like him and take it as evidence that he is oh so cruelly treated. and he has made a fuss about security in the UK, and for that reason too, he may be wary.


Yeah, in truth, there?s likely no perfect answer to this. It?s just awkward. But the press they?ll receive will of course depend on how they feel about the couple already. The big thing is that he said he wanted an apology from the family to him and especially his wife. Charles might be okay apologizing, but I can?t see William doing it. Maybe he?ll spin it as the main guy apologized so it?s fine.

Idk. His press in the U.K. will be difficult to revive, but he seems keen on ?battling? with them, so?


Charles: I'm sorry for?

Harry: Calling major media networks to gaslight (again) his Pa.


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 30, 2023, 11:15:00 AM
True but that was a first off.  I think something had happened just before CW Day, to spark off a row and William could barely hide his anger. but H has been home a few times in the past 2 years and I dont think that the RF as a whole were all that delighted to see him, so he must be used to it by now.
I think he may feel uneasy in case he is stuck somewhere he can barely be seen and worries tat it will look bad... but of course his fans will still like him and take it as evidence that he is oh so cruelly treated. and he has made a fuss about security in the UK, and for that reason too, he may be wary.

From what I recall, the Sussexes were not scheduled to join the procession with the Queen, Charles/Camilla and William/Catherine and were therefore not included in the printed programs. Apparently the Sussexes objected and the then Cambridges offered to leave the procession even though they were listed as being part of the procession in the program.


^ Interesting tidbit, @TLLK. I think something similar would happen here. The media impression is an important one. You can?t be completely unreasonable but also can?t be so accommodating as to make people think they?re okay with the things he?s said.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on January 30, 2023, 09:07:24 PM
Yeah, in truth, there?s likely no perfect answer to this. It?s just awkward. But the press they?ll receive will of course depend on how they feel about the couple already. The big thing is that he said he wanted an apology from the family to him and especially his wife. Charles might be okay apologizing, but I can?t see William doing it. Maybe he?ll spin it as the main guy apologized so it?s fine.

Idk. His press in the U.K. will be difficult to revive, but he seems keen on ?battling? with them, so?
I dont think the press in the UK will forgive him, he got on the wrong side of them a few years ago, and so did Meghan.. and every time he has gone out in public since then, with the book etc, he has shown up worse and given them more ammunition to use against him. but Harry is so out of control now.. He's capalble of swinging around and saying different things, which contradict what he said only a few days earlier.


Quote from: wannable on January 29, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
The way Omid treats reconciliation demands towards the Coronation is delusions of grandeur, believing Harry is above it and them all.

The coronation is a 100% state funded, state event, not a family event. Whilst the King, William the organizer 1/3 has a say representing the British Royals, the COE and especially the state (PM and parliament) the other 2/3 have the last say. 

After saying that, Charles will never will place a individual over the Constitutional Monarchy.

Include in the list Gayle King who also spoke very recently of Harry's comment of a required public apology, she is recommending the King to do so.  :hehe:

Oh silly me, of course King Charles will listen to the famous one who knows everything...Gayle King.... :clap: :random18: :soap:....
From what I have learned over the decades about the royal family is that first and foremost the Monarchy comes First before any single person.   That is how I view HM and her life for the monarchy and the country.  I believe Charles will be the same and William for sure is the same as he learned that very young from HM about his role in the monarchy and family.   I am sure he will always have some deep love for his brother yet as I am sure he is pretty darn well disgusted and very hurt and angry at him as he should be.


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 31, 2023, 08:35:04 AM
I dont think the press in the UK will forgive him, he got on the wrong side of them a few years ago, and so did Meghan.. and every time he has gone out in public since then, with the book etc, he has shown up worse and given them more ammunition to use against him. but Harry is so out of control now.. He's capalble of swinging around and saying different things, which contradict what he said only a few days earlier.

I totally agree with your comment in all aspects.  Harry says one thing and turns around and say the same thing half dozen different ways, what is the truth, how can anyone believe him?   This is all on Harry now and it seems like for his family in Ca and all his friends there that there is nobody actually helping him with what is going on  inside of him.  He is living in his own bubble right now and until if bursts there is no way to reach him.  This is really sad and will not be pretty when he hits bottom.


I think he's hopeless.  His book revealed so much about him that showed that the image of Harry was wildly ridiculously unlike hte real Harry.
He will still have his fans and he may still have a following in the US that will keep him in money, but overall, I cant see most people liking someone like him, if they take the trouble to look at him properly. And he does seem IMO to be still using drugs and drink to help him through the day, so one feels that he is still a very messed up creature who should be in good therapy


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 31, 2023, 10:13:10 AM
I think he's hopeless.  His book revealed so much about him that showed that the image of Harry was wildly ridiculously unlike hte real Harry.
He will still have his fans and he may still have a following in the US that will keep him in money, but overall, I cant see most people liking someone like him, if they take the trouble to look at him properly. And he does seem IMO to be still using drugs and drink to help him through the day, so one feels that he is still a very messed up creature who should be in good therapy

Have you read Harry?s book?


What I have read horrifies me.  I really didnt think he was such an unpleasant character.


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 31, 2023, 11:51:02 AM
What I have read horrifies me.  I really didnt think he was such an unpleasant character.

Perhaps you have read bits and pieces of the book presented through the eyes of those who never liked Harry in the first place.


No I've read the things that Harry has said about himself, and things he has said in promoting the book, where he continually lies and distorts, where he admits cheerfully to callousness amounting to cruelty and nastiness.  I had retained a little belief that while H was behaving very badly over the past few years, that he was essentially a good enough guy, but I've realised that quite simply he wasn't.  He was always unpleasant and unstable, and joining up with Meghan he has just shown his bad side more and more because he does not believe it is really wrong at all.


These two Harry quotes says it all, narcissist with dark traits.

''Whatever the cause, my memory is my memory, it does what it does, gathers and curates as it sees fit, and there's just as much truth in what I remember and how I remember it as there is in so-called objective facts.

Prince Harry

''I will admit to any wrong doing that the family ascribes to us and apologize for it IF we were wrong, but the family has to tell us what we did wrong.

Prince Harry

In both quotes, IF one (BRF) replies back, the couple's played pattern is to deflect, put others in defense mode, keep on lying to look good, victim blaming and playing the victim.


Here's the summary of my view on the couple and how it's altered over time.

For years I held a good opinion of Prince Harry. By all accounts he seemed to be a charming, friendly young man and later adult who was courageous in serving his nation as a soldier and also publicly  sharing his mental health struggles. I was very happy when he met Meghan and also  proud of him for using his opportunity to make a statement regarding the press coverage of their relationship. IMO it was certainly the right thing to do and I'm glad that his grandmother and father had supported him in providing a communication team. I was especially happy when they announced their engagement and I was charmed that they announced it in the KP garden. Thrilled to see the very warm reception that Meghan received from the British public and the YouGov poll taken then led me to believe that she would be very popular over time. Later I was glad  that she was welcomed to Sandringham at Christmas. Overall even the press coverage was positive especially for the wedding. I was rooting for her considering the last minute news that her father would not be present.   Not really surprised that they announced they were expecting three months later but a bit concerned that too much change was happening especially for Meghan with a new role, new country, new home etc.The tour of Australia and the South Pacific was fantastic. Meghan announcing her patronages and Archie's birth seem to cap off a great start to their first year of marriage.  Even the stumbles during the birth coverage were erased with Harry's very ecstatic remarks about his new son. Later nothing compared to their happy smiles seen in the photo with QEII, the DoE and Doria.

Then like you @Amabel2 there's been  a  change in my views.  I have been saddened, chagrined and disappointed by the attitude that they've displayed especially towards the British public and  more importantly the   public/recorded statements that both  Harry and Meghan have made in recent years. This change in my perception of the couple started in 2019 at the end of their tour of Southern Africa. IMO it had been a wonderfully planned and well received visit which was then undone by the interview with Tom Braby. Since then, my perception of the couple has rapidly gone downhill. It wasn't the tabloid stories. It wasn't the comments made by the Markles or so called "royal experts" including Mr. Scobie.  The only people who have soured my view on this couple were honestly Harry and Meghan. It is mainly  due to  the remarks that they have made and continue to make in their solo and joint interviews, television appearances,  her podcasts,  and public speaking events. It's been listening to the words that they say out loud that have unfortunately changed my once favorable viewpoint on Prince Harry since he reached his adulthood the mid- 2000's and on Meghan since 2016. Most annoying are the remarks that they seem to make a 180 degree turn on ie:The insinuations  that Archie's skin tone and that it would have affected his security and possible royal title. IMHO the American public's opinion of the couple has been steadily dropping since the spring/summer of 2022 with Prince Harry's interview at Invictus,  the release of the Archetypes podcasts, the RFK award reception remarks, the release of Netflix's Harry and Meghan and finally Spare.  (I don't count the appearances they made at the Jubilee and at the late Queen's funeral as neither were speaking publicly.)

That being said, I will continue to support their charitable endeavors: Sentebale, Invictus, Smart Works etc...and especially any local work done in California which like Meghan is my home state. I truly appreciate when they spotlight small charities and organizations.


Quote from: wannable on January 31, 2023, 02:06:59 PM
These two Harry quotes says it all, narcissist with dark traits.

''Whatever the cause, my memory is my memory, it does what it does, gathers and curates as it sees fit, and there's just as much truth in what I remember and how I remember it as there is in so-called objective facts.

Prince Harry

''I will admit to any wrong doing that the family ascribes to us and apologize for it IF we were wrong, but the family has to tell us what we did wrong.

Prince Harry

In both quotes, IF one (BRF) replies back, the couple's played pattern is to deflect, put others in defense mode, keep on lying to look good, victim blaming and playing the victim.

The bolded remarks from Prince Harry-Oh dear.    :blink:Yes this is really what bothers me lately.


Quote from: TLLK on January 31, 2023, 02:15:58 PM
Here's the summary of my view on the couple and how it's altered over time.

Then like you @Amabel2 there's been  a  change in my views.  I have been saddened, chagrined and disappointed by the attitude that they've displayed especially towards the British public and  more importantly the   public/recorded statements that both  Harry and Meghan have made in recent years.

That being said, I will continue to support their charitable endeavors: Sentebale, Invictus, Smart Works etc...and especially any local work done in California which like Meghan is my home state. I truly appreciate when they spotlight small charities and organizations.
Hmm, well I was cool on Harry for some time before the Oprah interview and the steady stream of lies and incoherence and the mean things that were said.  So when I say that I was shocked by the things that were said in Spare, and really really could hardly believe that he was quite that bad, well you can see that he has gone down to lower than a snakes belly, IMO. I had realised back in 2020 that he was capable of lying and being nasty, and that he was certainly none too bright.. but the Spare text and promotional interviews just showed how bad he was, how Public Harry was NOTHING like the real young man.
He just is all about money, and taking a nasty revenge on his father for having a bad marriage, and for finally saying NO to H, and even worse ,taking revenge on William for the crime of being born 2 years earlier.  ANd I'm sure if he writes more books, he will go after other royals or people he has worked with and savage them, because he just IS like that and also because an attacking book will sell better than an anodyne on. He wont care if the said royals have done nothing to do him and he gets on OK with them, (if there are any such) he will do it because he wants to make money and to justify himself.
I was dumbfounded by the lies about Camilla - how one minute he was attacking her as an evil woman and then saying that he didn't dislike her at all.. or that one minute the RF were being racist and then denying that he had said that....
And I dont like to say this but Its a bit like Diana.  I liked her, in fact I really crushed on her years ago but the more there were things that she herself said, that were lies or confusing, I had to cool down on her.  I think that Harry is like Diana in that he has some trouble sorting out the truth from lies.


Quote from: TLLK on January 31, 2023, 02:18:16 PM
The bolded remarks from Prince Harry-Oh dear.    :blink:Yes this is really what bothers me lately.

Yes, it?s definitely an issue with many others, but Harry, specifically, exhibits this childish idea that just because you believe something it must make it true. I don?t particularly care for phrases like, ?my truth.? It?s an opinion. A belief. A personal perception. But reality stands outside of all of those things.


Yes I dont know how anyone can believe  a wrod they say when they exhibit this attitude to truth. 


He has no intentions whatsoever of a sincere reconciliation, the intention, the wish is to end the monarchy via drama, tit for tat endless fight, seeking for a word or a squirmy facial expression to attack a senior royal member.  Silence is golden. One of the two or both at the same time are in a constant anger, fury with the entire institution or by criticizing every senior royal member at every opportunity they get (paid).

''I will admit to any wrong doing that the family ascribes to us and apologize for it IF we were wrong, but the family has to tell us what we did wrong.

Prince Harry

The word IF is already a nope, include the pattern of looking for 'fault' in the wording, if they can't find anything, they will make sure to go live on TV breakfast news to say 'He (or she) said sorry, it happened this way bla bla bla' effectively invading privacy. Who want's to have a chat with people like this, the day they get angry, they will mud your name publicly.


I think this petulance is also why you see a number of papers including op-eds and reviews about the book that are not favorable to him. It?s not just the Sun and the Daily Mails of the world that find his comments off-putting. Even the Guardian (a very left-wing and republican paper and one of my favorites) had a wonderful review by Charlotte Higgins in which she claims that he uses the same tabloid tropes in his book that he is criticizing. Almost like he?s trapped in this other reality. I tend to agree. I guess the lack of awareness makes it difficult to see the irony.


Quote from: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 11:10:43 AM
Have you read Harry?s book?

Oh yes and what it says about Harry who wrote about Harry makes Harry look really like a not so trustworthy or compassionate human being...making fun of a disabled woman, shame on you Harry