Global Political News and Elections Thread

Started by wannable, December 12, 2019, 10:51:50 PM

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Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng will use mini-Budget to order more than 100,000 people with part-time jobs to work longer hours and try to make more money or face a CUT in their benefits as he seeks to fill 1.2million vacancies
Claimants working up to 15 hours a week must meet regularly with work coach
Increase from the 12-hour threshold for a more intensive work search regime
Plan expected to take effect from January as part of the Universal Credit system

^ Starting January 2023, the UK will say goodbye to part time jobs. They have 3.5 months to seek full employment.
This is just one of the several items the UK PM's are fixing to relieve the ''Crisis of Living''

The chancellor of the Exchequer, often abbreviated to chancellor, is a senior minister of the Crown within the Government of the United Kingdom.

Why is it called the exchequer?
Exchequer, in British history, the government department that was responsible for receiving and dispersing the public revenue. The word derives from the Latin scaccarium, 'chessboard,' in reference to the checkered cloth on which the reckoning of revenues took place.


And how does the gov expect to get these *part-time* jobs done?  Isn't retail, the food industry among those that are part time?  Here in the states retail does not want full time workers as that cost money for medical, vacations, etc, so they have part time workers to keep the cost down and more money in their pockets... what is going to happen to all those part time jobs that won't get done?   Someone has to sweep floors, clean bathrooms at airports, etc.



They have a fairly poor+ full time salary issue, there are 1.2M vacant positions to cover, 100,000 prefer the part time good- salary. The full time salary will also be fixed.


Bit of a grim prediction for Italy, I fear. Far right governments, like far Left ones, are too inflexible in my view. And it?s not as if Italy has had a history of stable long term Govts over the decades.

On eve of election, Italy braces for potential far-right win - The Hindu

?Out with internationally respected Mario Draghi and in ? polls say ? with Eurosceptic Giorgia Meloni, head of the post-fascist Brothers of Italy party, who is widely tipped to become the country's first woman to head a government.?


Labour Party conference opens with the National Anthem for the first time EVER as Keir Starmer leads tribute to the Queen including a minute's silence and there is NO booing (despite Jeremy Corbyn moaning)

Well well well, they sang God Save the King with vigour.


Quote from: wannable on September 25, 2022, 02:08:59 PM
Labour Party conference opens with the National Anthem for the first time EVER as Keir Starmer leads tribute to the Queen including a minute's silence and there is NO booing (despite Jeremy Corbyn moaning)

Well well well, they sang God Save the King with vigour.

MPs and others singing the National Anthem vigorously doesn?t mean that the entire delegates have all instantly turned into monarchists. Far from it. There?s never been a survey done but it?s been known for decades that a large proportion of Labour MP have republican views. The same with Trade Union representatives. These people don?t boo but they don?t believe in a monarchical system of government either.



A Labour republican group has said the national anthem does not "marry" with the party's values ahead of a rendition of the song at its annual conference.
Sir Keir Starmer opened the conference in Liverpool with a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and led members in singing the God Save the King.
Labour for a Republic chairman Nick Wall said it was "reasonable" for the party to mark the Queen's death.
But he told the BBC did not expect the song to be sung again at conference.
"Our thoughts at Labour for a Republic is we'd expect it to be a one-off because, at the end of the day, Labour is for the many, and not for the one.
"That's really important and of course the anthem is all about the one. And in that respect, it doesn't marry with our values."

Labour MPs - most of whom gave did media appearances expect those involving tributes to the Queen during the period of mourning - were conspicuous in their absence.
That was until one showed up, to the applause of some in the audience.
Richard Burgon, the Labour MP for Leeds East, a leading figure on the left of the party, said he welcomed a "considered" discussion on the topic of the monarchy.
"I think these are still legitimate matters of inquiry," he said.
"And people who respect the Queen's service, who like her as an individual, can still hold these views. It's not an insult to anybody. It's a legitimate discussion in a democratic society."


Liz Truss fights for survival as even allies say she could have only days left | Liz Truss | The Guardian

British PM fights for survival as even Liz Truss?s allies believe she has only days left in power. If this is true then Ms Truss will be one of the shortest term Conservative Party leaders ever to be elected. It did look good actually that there was little enthusiasm for her among the rank and file Conservative Party members from the beginning.

From the article

A poll by Opinium for the Trades Union Congress using the MRP method to estimate constituency-level results, projected a 1997-style landslide for Labour, with the party winning 411 seats.

It suggests the Conservatives would lose 219 seats to end up on 137, with the Liberal Democrats on 39 seats and SNP on 37, with 10 cabinet ministers including Jeremy Hunt, Jacob Rees-Mogg, and Th?r?se Coffey losing their seats in a general election, along with former prime minister Boris Johnson.

Meanwhile, plotting at Westminster continued with a group of senior Tory MPs, many of them supporters of Rishi Sunak, planning to meet on Monday night for a dinner hosted by ex-Treasury minister Mel Stride, amid speculation that as many as 100 no confidence letters have been submitted to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee.?


Hi everyone. I've merged the old British Political News thread from the Republics and Monarchy forum into Global Political News here in the Coffee Klatch forum. It seems to make sense just to have the one thread.  :high5:


UK politicial scenario grim
Iranian women tied to a mix of 'men' politics, relgion, customs scenario very grim
Ukraine very grim
Russia very grim
China wants to invade Taiwan very grim
USA poltical division (and dissension) very grim


I guess this is global political news. Over 92 countries have protested fuel prices in the past year. Fuel and food costs are becoming serious issues for families post Covid.

Here in Melbourne and it?s surrounds petrol averages at nearly 2 dollars a litre.


@Curryong-My son and I recently filled up two of our three family cars for around $5.40 per gallon at stations that can sell at this " low price" because either customers paid in cash like my son did or it's at a membership only station like Costco. Both of the vehicles are considered fuel efficient- 1. 2012 Honda Fit (compact) and 2. 2016 Mazda CX 5 (smaller crossover). Fortunately my husband does not need to drive our SUV too often-Honda Pilot.  California tends to have some of the highest prices in the nation for fuel. By contrast my sister in Arkansas has been paying about $2.00 less per gallon.


Interesting about fuel in California, TLLK. Most of our big petrol stations, Caltex, Shell etc are almost cartels really. There is little difference in prices between them. Australia has many minerals and some coal but very little oil of our own. The vast majority is bought from Singapore suppliers. We don?t have car producing plants any more so most of our cars are imported European and Japanese models but adapted for export by those car companies because of course we drive on the left here. Mazdas are great little cars, popular here too.

We used to have gallons but for several decades now it?s all metric and so our fuel is in litres. It will be interesting, won?t it, when electric cars come into full production? Wondering how that will go in the remote outback of central Australia!


Wow. She and her family would have just had time to unpack at Number 10. I don't envy her successor in the Conservative Party nor any other UK political party.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after economic plan sparked turmoil

QuoteLONDON ? British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Thursday after just six weeks in office, following a disastrous and rapidly reversed economic plan that sent the pound plunging and her government into chaos.

Having been formally appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 6, Truss is now by far the shortest-serving prime minister in British history and will be remembered as one of the most calamitous.

The previous holder of this record, George Canning, lasted 119 days in the early 19th century; Truss will serve about 50.

A leadership contest to decide the next leader of the ruling Conservative Party, who will by default become the next prime minister, is now underway and will conclude in the next week. The opposition Labour Party called for an immediate election.


Just woken up here in Aus to the news of Liz Truss?s resignation. She is indeed the PM with the shortest period of office ever. Too much too soon it appears, with a disastrous bundle of policies she tried to push through. Her nearest rival, another male but this time from a racial minority, will be eager to throw his hat in the ring again, no doubt.


Boris Johnson is throwing his hat into the ring once more as the new battle for the leadership of the Conservative Party and the country heats up. He?s not likely to succeed on the balance of probabilities but, you never know!

Fixing the economic mess left by Liz Truss is way beyond the ability of Boris Johnson | Boris Johnson | The Guardian


They are ALL truly bad (contenders, the labour party is worse), I feel for the UK citizens.  Honestly if they can get from a Magicians hat a little known person that can make a ''miracle'', I'd be surprised.


Johnson and Sunak are to meet before tossing their hats into the ring according to the Sunday Times. Interesting to be a fly on the wall and hear what deal they propose.

UK's Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to meet, the Sunday Times reports | Reuters


Boris pulls out of election for leader race in Britain, leaving the way clear for Rishi Sunak.

The Australian Financial Review


The new PM may well be decided in the next few days.

The U.K. is gearing up to install a new prime minister this week ? its fifth in six years ? following the sudden resignation of Liz Truss, just 44 days into the job.
Truss? successor will once again be decided by a Conservative Party leadership contest, which could be over as soon as Monday.
Over the weekend, two Tory hopefuls threw their hats into the ring for a stab at the top job: Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt.


And it appears that the next PM will be Rishi Sunak.

Rishi Sunak will be British prime minister after Liz Truss' resignation

QuoteThe former finance minister was named leader of the ruling Conservative Party on Monday after Boris Johnson dropped his bid for a comeback.

@Curryong, @Amabel2, @PrincessOfPeace, and @Macrobug67 have any of you ever seen such a swift turnover in a ruling party leadership in the nations  with a parliamentary form of government that you have lived and voted in  during your lifetimes?


Quote from: TLLK on October 24, 2022, 02:00:05 PM
And it appears that the next PM will be Rishi Sunak.

Rishi Sunak will be British prime minister after Liz Truss' resignation

@Curryong, @Amabel2, @PrincessOfPeace, and @Macrobug67 have any of you ever seen such a swift turnover in a ruling party leadership in the nations  with a parliamentary form of government that you have lived and voted in  during your lifetimes?

No I have not! The only other British PM I remember having a short term of office was Alec Douglas-Home, a Scottish aristocrat who was PM and Conservative Leader from October 1963 to October 1964.

In Australia there was Labor?s  Kevin Rudd whose second term of office as PM was very short, from June to September 2013. He lost the subsequent election. There was political turmoil in both leading parties in Australia for several years and Julie Bishop of the Liberals served as acting PM during 2018 before being defeated in a leadership spill.


Another first is that Rishi Sunak will be Britain?s first non-Christian PM. He is a practising Hindu. Britain is largely a secular society anyway and a multi-cultural one, but it is quite significant that a new King who once wanted to be known as Defender of Faiths at his Coronation will be receiving a new non -Christian PM on Monday who will at some point in the future be ?advising? the monarch on the appointment of new Anglican Bishops, a traditional role!


@Curryong-Thank you for your reply to my earlier question. I do appreciate hearing from those of you who live in nations with a parliamentary form of government.
Yes this is exciting to realize that the UK has its youngest PM in two centuries, the first PM of color and who is a practicing Hindu. Thank you for the information as I had not known that the PM also advises the monarch on the appointment of the Anglican bishops.

I don't envy him or anyone else this monumental task that lies ahead.  :( Deep spending cuts are going to be necessary but extremely unpopular. With the UK being the second largest donor of aid to Ukraine, this might be where the spending may need to be scaled back.

Here's the new Prime Minister meeting KCIII.

Rishi Sunak becomes British prime minister after meeting with King Charles III

QuoteLONDON ? Rishi Sunak took office as British prime minister Tuesday, acknowledging the mistakes of his Conservative Party predecessors and warning of difficult decisions ahead for a country mired in political and economic trouble.

The former finance minister is now the United Kingdom's third leader in seven weeks, following the collapse of Boris Johnson's scandal-plagued government and the light-speed implosion of Liz Truss.

Sunak, the first British Asian to assume the role and a multimillionaire former banker, paid passing tribute to those predecessors in his first speech as leader Tuesday. But he also acknowledged ?mistakes were made? under Truss, and promised to lead with ?integrity, professionalism and accountability? ? three qualities Johnson is widely perceived as lacking.

?Our country is facing a profound economic crisis,? Sunak said in his first speech as prime minister outside No. 10 Downing St. ?I will unite our country not with words but with action.?