The Duke and Duchess of Sussex interviews, TV and other media events Part 3

Started by TLLK, December 07, 2022, 01:25:02 AM

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Well with Harry's new, today's interview with the Telegraph is beyond belief now. He is tackling the upbringing of the Wales children and says he is trying to *save* the royal family from themselves and that he has concerns about *spares* like Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis...William must be a raging bull at this point...for once he told William that his children are his business not his brother's. Harry is showing he is in desperate need of an intervention asap and where is Meghan in all this....home with the kids no less,  Well there is her mother and or nanny to watch the babies, so go help your husband as he needs it.


The viewing figures are out for the Anderson Cooper/Prince Harry 60 Minutes interview. 11.2 million turned in (and of course that doesn?t count those who watched it on YouTube etc.

Prince Harry?s interview with Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes saw 11.2 million viewers tune in to the Sunday broadcast according to CBS, citing Nielsen figures, marking the show?s largest audience of the season for the controversial interview during which Harry accused his royal relatives of betraying him and his wife, Meghan Markle.


Yes, lots of people watched the interview all because they wanted to hear all the dirt that Harry has said about his family...yet that does not mean that all those watching *agreed with Harry* does it?  He is clearly headed for a breakdown at this point and those that can't see that are in denial of his actions and decisions right now. I would rather want people to help him then deny he is in need of help.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 14, 2023, 03:07:49 AM
Well with Harry's new, today's interview with the Telegraph is beyond belief now. He is tackling the upbringing of the Wales children and says he is trying to *save* the royal family from themselves and that he has concerns about *spares* like Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis...William must be a raging bull at this point...for once he told William that his children are his business not his brother's. Harry is showing he is in desperate need of an intervention asap and where is Meghan in all this....home with the kids no less,  Well there is her mother and or nanny to watch the babies, so go help your husband as he needs it.

Where is Meghan?  It?s doubtful that any of the family are at home in Montecito at the moment. There have been terrible floods, trees down, mudslides, people being evacuated, rescued, over the last four days. I doubt the Sussex family is at home, probably in LA.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 14, 2023, 03:24:21 AM
Yes, lots of people watched the interview all because they wanted to hear all the dirt that Harry has said about his family...yet that does not mean that all those watching *agreed with Harry* does it?  He is clearly headed for a breakdown at this point and those that can't see that are in denial of his actions and decisions right now. I would rather want people to help him then deny he is in need of help.
Headed for a breakdown?  I think he is in the throes of one for ages now and its just getting worse. I think very poorly of him but its obvious that he really isnt in command of himself at all


I wonder how much of this is to goad the royal family to respond and how much of it is just how he now feels is an appropriate way to behave; probably a bit of both. I think he?s gotten some positive messages from his therapy, like being honest about your feelings, but seems misguided on the difference between honesty and verbal diarrhea. I think it?s great to be honest with those around you, but that?s different than spilling out every thought that runs through your mind. Not every comment needs to be said out loud because you might live to regret having said it.

I never really cared much for William (or Harry for that matter), but I gotta say, he?s actually risen in my estimation after reading excerpts from Harry?s book and interviews. He encouraged his brother to seek out therapy, wanted to talk to Harry about Diana when they were children (even though Harry shut that down because he wasn?t ready), seems to have healthy boundaries surrounding his children, defended his wife from what he felt was a mean-spirited comment, and has managed to be silent while Harry reveals some of the most private personal moments.


The interview with Bryony was this week during the tornado/flooding in California.  Bryony flew in and out same day.  She details in her article the ''setting'' which is right in the middle of the tornado/flooding, got to see Meghan at the end of the interview.

Meghan supports her husband.  Her husband said he takes the psychedelic drug and all the new therapies he does thanks to Meghan.

Everyone should read it again, even if it is SAD. 

I have two theories: Bryony was  a ex drug substance addict and food addict, it's a one day at a time to count anniversaries to be 'clean' so she is totally in agreement with H's admissions in the interview considering her years ago recount of her rock bottom situation OR Bryony is 'sketch writing' the interview exactly how it went through, with one little message (psycho bit) with the 'praising' of his family as a 'alert'.   The second methodology is to keep the subject in frlendly terms, but sending the 'help' coded message.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Amabel2 on January 14, 2023, 08:52:12 AM
Headed for a breakdown?  I think he is in the throes of one for ages now and its just getting worse. I think very poorly of him but its obvious that he really isnt in command of himself at all
Totally agree. If you've attacked your family in a very public way and you think, instead, that others have done wrong to you, then you are indeed out of touch and out of control. That his wife, advisors, editors and others would let him expose himself in the way he has is very, very wrong and oh, so sad.


well having said that he is in a breakdown, it is also obvious that he has been angry and feeling vicious towards most of his family for a long time, and wanted to attack them, esp, it seems his brother, whom he clearly holds a long running grudge against. so he isnt just out of control, he is also on another level nurturing some very unkind  and nasty feelings towards his brother, who has done nothig but be two years older


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on January 17, 2023, 04:46:36 AM
Totally agree. If you've attacked your family in a very public way and you think, instead, that others have done wrong to you, then you are indeed out of touch and out of control. That his wife, advisors, editors and others would let him expose himself in the way he has is very, very wrong and oh, so sad.

Isn't it sad that even his wife, advisors and editors and friends and whomever are not doing anything to help him, he is a very depressed and angry man, he is totally unstable and a threat to anyone and maybe himself even if he does not crash soon. He has to hit bottom now, and I honestly think he is still  using some type of drugs because of his behavior. These people are *using* Harry to make millions off his anger and we are watching that.

I also think he is very jealous of William, Harry wants to be first in line and isn't and that is driving his anger.  Attacking William's children I think is the very last straw that broke the fragile relationship between them as William is fiercely protective of his family and the monarchy as he has learnt that at the knee of his grandmother.  If only Harry realized that he is in a better position then William even for Harry has more freedoms to come and go then his brother and to do things or say things also.


I think it is possible he's using some kind of drugs, or drinking heavily...  but even when one makes some excuses, i feel that the whole image of friendly funny good natured Harry simply is miles away from the truth..
I feel rather annoyed with myself that it took me a while to see through it... Even when I had uneasy feelings about him, a few years ago, I did not imagine that he was so different to his public image


That is so interesting that you felt uneasy about Harry a few years ago, I also felt very uneasy when I saw their engagement pictures, I remember telling my sister that and she just boohooed me one thinking I was nuts. Then that picture of HM at their wedding said it all to me,and sure enough things started going down hill real fast and this is what we have today.  I just pray that Charles is keeping good care of himself as this stress can cause heart attacks big time as I well know from my heart doc. He is not a young man anymore. And I honestly believe that all this drama caused by Harry and Meghan really hastened the death of Queen Elizabeth as she was 96 and should of had a more peaceful time yet how could she with Harry causing hell all the time.  Sometimes love for a family member does not work in helping them as they can not see or hear anything because of what is going on inside their head.  Just seeing Harry' actions and listening to him speak I am of the firm belief that he is still using whatever and it will destroy him in the end.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Amabel2 on January 17, 2023, 11:33:52 AM
I think it is possible he's using some kind of drugs, or drinking heavily...  but even when one makes some excuses, i feel that the whole image of friendly funny good natured Harry simply is miles away from the truth..
I feel rather annoyed with myself that it took me a while to see through it... Even when I had uneasy feelings about him, a few years ago, I did not imagine that he was so different to his public image
Much is hidden, and we can only suspect. And much is private and not told to the public. I suspect there have been issues all along as he matured, and yet there is no doubt that he relates well to people, has such a connection with children, and has charisma.  Who does that remind you of?


By his own account, he still does psychedelic drugs and wishes William to join him in that drug trip. Source: Bryony article/The Telegraph

Elon Musk
Sounds like his Ayahuasca trip hasn't fully worn off

96 Quote

^Most comments are about the Sussex 'children', despite Harry threatening William in the article about the Waleses children. Both tweets are associated with the name of that drug and the Sussexes children.

Elon isn't the only one who tweeted this, but the most famous one with millions of views.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 17, 2023, 01:00:13 PM
That is so interesting that you felt uneasy about Harry a few years ago,
Im not sure when it was, but possibly it was wehn he was secretly pursuing his relationship with Meghan.. I had a feeling that he was just bouncing around, trying too hard to be noticed and admired.  But then in the past 2 years he has said that he didn't like the work he had to do, and felt that he was doing too much and was tired out and far from happy iwth his royal duties. I began to find him irritating, and perhaps i picked up on falsehood, that he was trying to show off how hard he was wroking because he really didn't want to be there.


Forced to tour 'Nepal' when he didn't want to go, forced to work, forced to enter the military. 

Then 'some' (entire chapters taken out contradicting what he said above Apple TV Oprah for example) of the book was taken out because that would add hugely (allegedly an entire chapter of his ''love'' for Nepal when he went for a ''tour'') to the inconsistencies in Harry's Spare book, there is a big difference of catching a inconsistent phrase, sentence or even a paragraph compared to an entire chapter.  I know this to be a fact, other than more 'claims' about his dad and brother, which Penguin lawyers asked him, show us the proof so we can publish it.

His resentment is so deep and profound, unconsciously or consciously he lays it bare in the book, including his wife's thoughts (about Kate), yes! From being envious to the dislike they both have for the PPOWs.


There a big difference with Omid reporting 40something pages were taken out by Penguin lawyers to Harry's own admission that 400 (he added a zero) were taken out; one can take this with the above inconsistencies OR he is bluffing and using the bluff as a blackmail to his dad and father in reference to apologize to me and my wife because 'i know what you did, you know that I know', but will not specify, let it go by like he did with the racism for two years and up the game and switched it up for domestic violence (Tyler Perry in the couple's Netflix) stating the BRF committed DV to Meghan and Harry.

They both belong in a halfway house

Harry ''Thank you to Megs who pointed it out to me'' (several different ways of thought, now woker than any woke, his mental state, etc. in every interview, in the book...) So saying stop blaming Megs, Harry is blaming Megs. Event the use of psychedelic drugs under the couple's roof, with ''responsible people'', hello!


Netflix will be pleased with these numbers.

Harry and Meghan's Netflix show becomes the streaming giant's second-highest ranked docu-series | Daily Mail Online

QuoteNetflix has announced the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's explosive recent series is its second-highest ranked documentary ever.

Harry & Meghan began its release on December 8, in the lead-up to the publication of the duke's controversial memoir Spare, and saw damaging claims levelled at the royal family throughout six episodes.

Netflix reported its fourth quarter earnings on Thursday and disclosed a gain of 7.7 million subscribers during the October-December period, a stretch that included the debut of an ad-supported option for seven dollars (?5.65) per month.


Somehow I missed this part from Prince Harry's interview with Stephen Colbert. Now like many couples who go on to have children together, there's  typically speculation about your future child's physical appearance. Speaking as the parent of two children, IMO that was part of the fun during pregnancy. However after reading that Prince Harry himself was wondering about the hair color (physical appearance) of his future children with Meghan, was part of what Meghan was referring to in her remark during Oprah about there being "several conversations" about appearance in particular skin color? Were Meghan and Harry perhaps the "family members" who were having these conversations? In the nearly two years since the Oprah interview, neither has shared the identity of anyone involved nor the context of the remarks. As far as I know these are Prince Harry's first remarks on his children's physical appearance, since the Oprah interview. Another question, was it possibly a Spencer family member who made a remark about Archie's future appearance? It's implied that it was a member of the BRF, but as far as I can recall that was not clarified.

For what it is worth, I'm not surprised that Archie and Lilibet inherited the red hair genes as we know that the Spencer family has a number of family members with varying shades of red hair and I've noticed that the Markles seem to have reddish hair color as well.
Prince Harry cheers 'Go Gingers' as he describes his red-head kids

QuotePrince Harry is opening up about his children's striking resemblance to Princess Diana.

Speaking to Stephen Colbert in a recent interview, the Duke of Sussex reveals how he sees his mother in both of his children.

"Here's another lovely family photo. Your daughter, Lilibet, your son, Archie, of course your wife, Meghan. Your daughter Lilibet is named in her honor," Colbert said before asking: "Having children helps us remember those that we've lost. Do you see your mother or your grandparents in any of your children?"

"Definitely my mum. The ginger gene is a strong one!" Prince Harry joked as the studio audience laughed.

"The Spencer gene is very, very strong," Harry interjected, referencing his maternal side of the family. "I actually really, genuinely thought at the beginning of my relationship [with Meghan] that should this go the distance and we have kids that there's no way the ginger gene will stand up to my wife's genes, but I was wrong!"

"Go gingers," he added.


what is he on about?  Is he not so secretly upset that he is ginger haired?

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: TLLK on January 20, 2023, 02:05:39 PM
Somehow I missed this part from Prince Harry's interview with Stephen Colbert. Now like many couples who go on to have children together, there's  typically speculation about your future child's physical appearance. Speaking as the parent of two children, IMO that was part of the fun during pregnancy. However after reading that Prince Harry himself was wondering about the hair color (physical appearance) of his future children with Meghan, was part of what Meghan was referring to in her remark during Oprah about there being "several conversations" about appearance in particular skin color? Were Meghan and Harry perhaps the "family members" who were having these conversations? In the nearly two years since the Oprah interview, neither has shared the identity of anyone involved nor the context of the remarks. As far as I know these are Prince Harry's first remarks on his children's physical appearance, since the Oprah interview. Another question, was it possibly a Spencer family member who made a remark about Archie's future appearance? It's implied that it was a member of the BRF, but as far as I can recall that was not clarified.

For what it is worth, I'm not surprised that Archie and Lilibet inherited the red hair genes as we know that the Spencer family has a number of family members with varying shades of red hair and I've noticed that the Markles seem to have reddish hair color as well.
Prince Harry cheers 'Go Gingers' as he describes his red-head kids
The color "Ginger" or "red" is an interesting topic. You would think it's a recessive trait, but it often doesn't appear that way. I know a couple who both have dark brown, almost black, hair. she has a red-haired mother and he has a red-haired brother. They have three children, all with bright red hair!

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Amabel2 on January 20, 2023, 03:03:40 PM
what is he on about?  Is he not so secretly upset that he is ginger haired?
Apparently not 100% upset about it :D


Quote from: TLLK on January 20, 2023, 02:05:39 PM
However after reading that Prince Harry himself was wondering about the hair color (physical appearance) of his future children with Meghan, was part of what Meghan was referring to in her remark during Oprah about there being "several conversations" about appearance in particular skin color? Were Meghan and Harry perhaps the "family members" who were having these conversations? In the nearly two years since the Oprah interview, neither has shared the identity of anyone involved nor the context of the remarks. As far as I know these are Prince Harry's fi[/url]
So if Harry did not mean a royal made unkind racist remarks, who did? of course he meant 2 years ago to insinuate that it was his father or brother or someone in the RF who wondered about the coming baby's skin colour.  why did William get reporters questioning him about whether the family were racists and his angrily retorting that they were not?  Why did Harry exclude the queen and PHilip, if it wasn't the royal side of his family who were being slyly accused of racism? Why did Meg bring up the HRH thing, with the implication that Charles meant to refuse Archie an HRH because he was of mixed race?


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 20, 2023, 03:03:40 PM
what is he on about?  Is he not so secretly upset that he is ginger haired?

I don't believe that he's "upset" but rather surprised about both of them inheriting this recessive trait from his maternal family. However I have to wonder if Harry and Meghan were the "family members" that were actually having, according to Meghan, "several conversations" about their child's physical appearance specifically skin tone prior to their engagement, wedding and  Archie's birth?


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on January 20, 2023, 03:26:13 PM
Apparently not 100% upset about it :D
MMm I suspect he was teased about it at school and is annoyed, and carries a grudge about those ginger genes. probalby that's why he made a sneering remark about how Will didn't look as much like Diana when he began to lose his hair.