The role of the British Monarchy, Popularity and Future discussion

Started by TLLK, May 14, 2018, 12:15:39 PM

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King Charles expands Counsellors of State list to spare Harry and Andrew | Royal | News |
Articles says Dukes of York and Sussex remain as counselor of state when King Charles and Queen Camilla was in oversea Prince William is in charge

QuotePrincess Anne, Prince Edward, the Princess of Wales ? so no one will be removed.

The Counsellors of State list includes a host of high-profile royals who can act in the sovereign's place if they cannot carry out their duties.

At present, there are three existing Counsellors serving under King Charles.

They include William, the Prince of Wales, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

Charles also once served as a Counsellor of State under the late Queen Elizabeth II, meaning the list is one royal shorter.

Princess Anne, Prince Edward, and Kate, the Princess of Wales, will bring the list up to five new members.

Counsellors carry out "most of the official duties of the Sovereign", the Royal Family website clarifies.

Duties can include attending Privy Council meetings, document signings and "receiving the credentials of new ambassadors to the United Kingdom".

The site adds that they cannot carry out some select actions, including:

1.Handling Commonwealth matters
2.Dissolving Parliament (unless expressly directed by the sovereign)
3.Creating peers
4.Appointing a new Prime Minister

The news follows advice from royal commentator Angela Levin to sideline Princes Andrew and Harry.

Posting on Twitter, she said the King should keep the two royals out of the limelight for different reasons.

Ms Levin said Prince Harry has now departed the inner working ranks.

And Prince Andrew remains unpopular following news of his association with Jeffrey Epstein.

She wrote: "It makes total sense to sideline Princes Andrew and Harry. Harry is no longer a working royal."

"Nor could he pop over at the last minute to stand in for his father.

"While citizens would not want Andrew standing in due to his relationship with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein."

King Charles 'following through' with constitutional reform already approved by Queen | Royal | News |

Princess Anne and Prince Edward tipped as 'obvious candidates' to become counsellors | Royal | News |


IMVHO expanding the number of royals who are potential members to be Counsellors of State is a very diplomatic solution. While Catherine is not in the line of succession, like Camilla she's expected to play a role as a CoS in the future.


Adding Catherine makes perfect sense imo. William and Kate can work together and act as the 'regent couple' if called upon.


Yes, reading more about the Regent Act proposal (today, and very well explained), it's quicker, simpler and easier to add on rather than take away and state how and why/succession. 

I also agree adding Kate is a great idea. There will always be two the King can count on in UK soil when travelling or unwell.  Apparently this will be the second time in Regent Act history where there will be 5 or more Counsellors. 


Recent polling on King Charles III in the second month of his reign. I do wish that the Queen Consort had been included however I cannot find the original poll document.

More than a quarter of Britons say their opinion of Charles has improved since he became King | Daily Mail Online

QuoteA new poll found almost two thirds of Brits (58 per cent) think Charles III will be a good King, almost two months into his reign

Most, 59 per cent, have not changed their opinion of him since he came to the throne, but 24 per cent said they now like him more

Overall, 48 per cent of people in the country have a positive view of him

William and Catherine are hugely popular with the British public, with approval ratings of 70 and 72 per cent, respectively

Source: Redfield and Wilton Strategies


Those headlines at the top of the article are wrong for Harry as he is NOT under 40%. In fact he?s above Charles.  I too would love to know if this poll say anything about Camilla?s popularity (isn?t she mentioned, which would be a bit strange?) And what about the rest of the royals, the Wessexes for example. Redfield and Wilton aren?t exactly household names by the way.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: sara8150 on October 27, 2022, 03:10:29 AM
King Charles steps in to save Princes Andrew and Harry from being sacked from major job - Mirror Online

It is a magnanimous gesture from the King and with the added councilors Andrew and Harry will most likely never be called upon. Still, both Princes Andrew and Harry have shown poor judgement, and Harry left his royal role and lives outside the UK. IMO the case could certainly be made to exclude them.


 Considering this might have an impact on the wider BRF, I believe this is the appropriate place for the discussion.

The Prince of Wales wants to re-imagine and revamp some of the ways in which the BRf undertakes its engagements.  I have to agree that much of the media coverage during their engagements is focused primarily on the ladies fashion, facial expressions, body language and lip reading along with a repeat of the family's scandals ie: The Duke of York. Hard to say if it will work or not. Afterall, "walkabouts" and Diana's manner of engaging with the public were new at one point in time and now are a regular feature practiced by all generations of the BRF.

Prince William breaks the monotony of royal visits - but won?t wave away the past completely

QuoteNot since Queen Elizabeth II invented the walkabout in 1970 has there been a major change to the way royal visits are conducted.
The format of official engagements has become so staid that reports of them often focus on fashion, gossip or the body language of the principals involved. The Prince of Wales, like other members of his family, is often frustrated at the coverage they get.
Having seen the way his mother Diana, Princess of Wales could generate worldwide publicity about Aids, landmines or leprosy simply through her presence, the Prince knows better than most just how much a visit from a member of the Royal family can be a force for good.
Though he lacks the sheer star power of his mother, the Prince has for years been determined to shift the dial on royal visits. His new idea of ?community impact days aims? to turn the concept on its head.
Instead of visiting deprived communities, giving them a day in the sun and then hoping money will be raised as a result, the Prince and Princess of Wales want to reverse the process by using the build-up to a visit to generate money, which they can then announce and disburse when they get there.It is something of a gamble because it will, in effect, put a cash sum on the value of royal visits. It is a gamble he is more than happy to take.

Royal aides say the two words the Prince has kept repeating as he has formulated his new idea are ?impact? and ?legacy?, reflecting the undeniable fact that he felt the traditional way of doing things was generating neither.
The pilot of the scheme in Scarborough on Thursday had been in the pipeline before Queen Elizabeth died, but the Prince?s elevation to heir to the throne has markedly increased his ability to put his own stamp on the royal way of doing things.
He has the blessing of the King, who shares his son?s desire to modernise. Both men know that they must pull off a delicate balancing act between maintaining traditions and moving with the times - something successive generations of the Royal family have agonised about since the end of the age of deference.

While the late Queen earned the public?s respect through her devotion to duty over 70 years on the throne, the King and the Prince are aware that neither of them will be on the throne for anything like as long as that - meaning they may need to prove their worth in other ways.

If the pilot is a success, we can expect impact days to become a regular fixture in the Prince and Princess?s diary.
Royal aides have spoken in the past of the Prince?s desire to focus on ?big bets?, rather than endless charity visits. But the Prince has had to readjust his sights in the aftermath of Megxit, which ruined his plans to use the Wales-Sussex ?fab four? to tackle the world?s ills.
Friends have said Megxit left him having to ?start from scratch? - and his impact days are one of the ideas to emerge from the ruins of his previous plans.
The Palace is anxious to make clear that impact days will not replace traditional visits, for two reasons.
The first is that they take months to organise, because teams from the Prince?s charity - the Royal Foundation - have to work with local organisations to raise money and plan how it will be spent.
The second is that the Prince recognises that simply being seen is a major part of his job if the monarchy is to retain its popularity.


It might work. However it all depends on maintaining the enthusiasm of local charities in these regions to raise their portion of moneys, though there will be no difficulty spending it! And what if The Royal Foundation disagrees with any decisions on spending by these local charities and can?t come to an agreement? Plus, count me cynical but I cannot imagine British tabloids not concentrating any more on royal hairstyles, clothing, photo ops simply because the fundraising focus has changed.


Yes I am curious to see how this will unfold. For the time being, I believe it will only impact the engagements involved with the Royal Foundation, but I'd be curious to see if in the future if KCIII, QC, PssR and the Wessexes adopt this plan as well.

Off topic but has there been any announcement about the Prince's Trust's future?


I haven?t read anything about the future of the Prince?s Trust, but Charles withdrew from much of the regular more hands on stuff after Prince Philip retired, due to multiple calls on his time. The Trust appears to have been run by the already functioning various committees since then and is generally semi-autonomous.


A wise decision to cancel the proposed replacement for Britannia in my opinion. Reportdly the BRF had not requested a replacement.

BREAKING: Plans for the new ?200m Royal Yacht are scrapped ? Royal Central

QuotePrime Minister Rishi Sunak has scrapped controversial plans to commission a new Royal Yacht at an estimated cost of ?200,000,000.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced in May 2021 that a successor to the Royal Yacht Britannia would be built in memory of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

However, speaking in the House of Commons, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the plans are to be axed ?with immediate effect.?

Mr Wallace said: ?In the face of the Russian illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and Putin?s reckless disregard of international arrangements designed to keep world order, it is right that we prioritise delivering capabilities which safeguard our national infrastructure.?

Reacting to the news, Queen Elizabeth?s former press secretary Dickie Arbiter tweeted: ?From the Royal Family?s perspective, it was a non-starter anyway. They never wanted or even asked for a replacement.?


Yes, I think the plans for a new royal yacht surprised everyone, including the royals! It was a bit of a mad idea, I think we agreed at the time.


The King has written to the House of Lords requesting that the Princess Royal and the Earl of Wessex and Forfar be considered for the roles of Counsellor of State. IMHO this is the correct action to take so that the King has working members of the BRF to join with the Queen Consort and the Prince of Wales. Also it is IMO a more diplomatic solution than removing the DoY and DoS.

QuoteBreaking: The King has written to House of Lords saying he?d be "most content" if number of Counsellors of State "be increased to include my brother and sister, the Princess Royal, and Earl of Wessex"

Statement was read out in the House of Lords this afternoon ⬇️


More information on this topic can be found in this article. Also I was reminded that the PssR and the EoW had previously served as Counsellors of State.

QuoteThe current counsellors are Camilla, the Queen Consort; Prince William, the Prince of Wales; Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex; Prince Andrew, Duke of York and his daughter, Princess Beatrice.

Both Princess Anne and Prince Edward have previously been counsellors of state, before being overtaken in the order of succession.

Counsellors can carry out official duties which could include the state opening of Parliament, signing documents, receiving ambassadors or attending Privy Council meetings, if the monarch is temporarily ill or abroad.

It is expected that the King and Queen and the Prince and Princess of Wales could be undertaking overseas visits next year, so counsellors could be a necessity when they are away.

Last month the issue was raised in the House of Lords, with Labour peer Viscount Stansgate challenging how Prince Andrew and Prince Harry could be two of the five replacements when one had "left public life" and the other had "left the country".


King Charles' snub will make Harry 'furious' as Anne and Edward to now deputise for monarch | Daily Mail Online

King Charles III requests major change involving Princess Anne and Prince Edward | HELLO!

King Charles asks parliament to appoint new deputies in place of Andrew and Harry | UK News | Sky News
King Charles get rid of his son the Duke of Sussex and his brother the Duke of York as counselor of state due no longer work royals but only senior royal work what best change new faces of royals from past to present of King and Queen not since 1937 for 85 years back to King George VI


Quote from: sara8150 on November 14, 2022, 10:20:27 PM
King Charles asks parliament to appoint new deputies in place of Andrew and Harry | UK News | Sky News
King Charles get rid of his son the Duke of Sussex and his brother the Duke of York as counselor of state due no longer work royals but

Sara, Your comment that the King has ?gotten rid? of Harry and Andrew as Counsellors of State because they are not working royals is completely incorrect. Charles request to the House of Lords that Anne and Edward be permitted to be added as Counsellors never mentioned Harry or Andrew, let alone said that he wanted them removed. The newspapers have all printed Charles?s formal request so it is possible to read the text. Where does it say that Harry and Andrew have been removed? Nowhere!

And the Mirror?s allegation that Harry would be ?furious?  at the news is just a piece of speculation by one of their journalists. Harry would have been informed of the ADDITION (and that?s all it is)  of Anne and Edward as would Andrew and Beatrice, some time ago, not left to read it in the newspapers. Ridiculous!


Furious is total exaggeration. Harry not Andrew would like to be in charge during absence of the King.

But adding Anne and Edward IMO is clearly preferring and securing them if both King and POW are absent or incapacitated. 


Quote from: wannable on November 14, 2022, 11:54:03 PM
Furious is total exaggeration. Harry not Andrew would like to be in charge during absence of the King.

But adding Anne and Edward IMO is clearly preferring and securing them if both King and POW are absent or incapacitated.

Why would Harry like to be in charge if his father or brother were incapacitated? I would say that would be the last thing he?d be happy about.

And the last time such a situation as you?ve described occurred was more than a generation ago (before modern communications like computers and mobile phones when the Queen and Duke were halfway across the world) so I wouldn?t be holding my breath. Nowadays Privy Councils in the case of a national crisis can be Skyped at a couple of hours notice


Hence my comment. Harry nor Andrew would like. My iPhone keyboard sucks.

Fixed not for nor.


I think it is *Brilliant game work* of Charles to now make sure that there are more than enough counselors to be in charge if and when both he and William with their wives are out of the country at the same time......including Anne and Edward makes darn sure that neither Andrew or Harry will ever have the chance to be that...they don't have to kick them out or create drama by asking Parliament to let them go, just add more intelligent, hard working and very *loyal members* of the royal family as neither Andrew or Harry are that as they have shown by their actions and decisions while being working members of the royal family.