~*~ Marriage And Harry ~*~

Started by ~Sophia~, June 24, 2005, 04:36:12 AM

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I honestly don't think Harry was trying to be rascist - not to be mean or anything, but Harry's pretty...dim. Let me clarify, I find him really sweet and genuine - but yeah, I'd be lying if I thought he was in any way intelligent or worldly. Yes, yes, he's travelled - I know. But, I don't really imagine him visiting the Louvre, seeing a foreign film, etc.
I mean, we're talking about the boy who wore a Nazi costume (and yeah, everyone's always like "let it go, he's young"). Well, I'm younger than he is, and I would never even think of pulling a gimmick like that  :notamused:- and I'm not stalked by paps photographing  :pics: my every move.
As far as girls of other races & ethnic groups go...sadly, I doubt it will happen, as cute as it would be.
I mean, just take a quick look at the people the princes surround themselves with...try and spot one friend who isn't white.
And, I doubt a nonwhite royal bride would be recieved very warmly by the Royal Family - and I don't think it's about racism, more like many white people, who are always surrounded by white people, might feel uncomfortable around someone of another race.


Mimi-chan, I think Harry is brighter than people give him credit for.  He did not do well in school because he has a learning disability.  The types of disabilities not only make it hard for a person read and take in information but, even if they know the material, it is hard for them get the information out onto a test they have trouble reading.  It is a vicious cycle for them.  So often, people base intelligence solely on the grade level of a person or the degree they have earned.  I have worked with many engineers in several different cities.  Yes, they have degrees but most of them have the social skills of a stick.  Not all, but most.  Sometimes degrees mean a person has a lot of knowledge in one area and one area only. 

This next part has nothing to do with intelligence but IMO Harry way outdid William when they spoke at the Diana concert.  Also, he did a beautiful job speaking at the memorial.  Harry co-founded Sentabale a year ago.    Again, IMO history will prove that Harry contributed more to the betterment of the world than William, even though he has a degree in geography.  Harry is lucky to be born to role where he can make those contributions without a higher education.

BOT Harry will be a good husband - see, I'm on topic



I didn't say anything about his grades or scores in school  :hmm:
I am already aware that "book smarts" can often be misleading as far as the true intelligence of a person. And I have no doubt Harry's disability might have impacted his scores at Eton.
However, the reasons I feel Harry's a bit dim is because of his apparent lack of common sense and good judgment.
How many times has the world been witness to Harry's mess-ups? Of course, I don't think anyone willingly embarrasses themselves, especially when they know their humiliation will be slapped onto the newspaper the next day.
So, that leads me to think that perhaps Harry isn't very bright. And common sense and such shouldn't be affected by his learning disability.
Anyway, I agree with you that Harry, bright or not, has a lot to offer the world and genuinely wants to offer it  :notamused:. William strikes me as the type to just do charity because it's his duty, not because he wants to.



Quote from: pwillyhothot on October 20, 2007, 01:24:00 AM

But didn't Harry reportedly say, when introducing Chelsy, "don't worry, she isn't black or anything?"

So the tabs say...I wouldn't mind betting it's another one of those "close sources" made up..again..

Harry isn't book smart..he's getting his know-how on the job :devil:

He won't marry Chelsy :halloween4:


 I'm not really sure where this royal couple's headed. Why don't you think he'll marry Chelsy?


I just she is the opposite of Kate. Chelsy seems to be less willing to hide the real Chelsy away and be something she's not.


I wonder who On the sex and drug tapes somebody been trying to Black mail the British royal family for,Its been all over the news this morning.......From Nazi uniform to snorting vodka I will not be surprise. :halloween8:


i thought it could be harry to!

Lila the Flirt

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


I see there already have a thread for this subject I was not sure were to post my thought on it....okay Lila you right but he is the bad boy of the family  :hug:


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