Re: On This Day in Royal History

Started by LouisFerdinand, April 16, 2018, 06:48:45 PM

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On April 15, 1581 Cortes van Thomar accepted Philip II of Spain as King of Portugal.   
On April 15, 1697 Charles XII succeeded Charles XI as King of Sweden.


On May 4, 1814 Napoleon Bonaparte disembarked at Portoferraio on the island of Elba in the Mediterranean.


On December 7, 1545, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley was born. He was the second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots.   
:windsor1: :windsor1: :windsor1: :windsor1:


On June 23, 1763 Birth of Empress Josephine, wife of Emperor Napoleon I of France, on Martinique in the West Indies


On June 30, 1470 Birth of King Charles VIII of France at the Chateau d'Amboise in Amboise, France


On July 2, 1903 Birth of King Olav V of Norway (Originally he was Prince Alexander of Denmark.)


On July 9, 1746 Demise of King Philip V of Spain, the first Bourbon King of Spain


On July 13, 1798 Birth of Charlotte of Prussia, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia, wife of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia


On July 20, 1572 The Wedding of King Frederik II of Denmark and Sophia of Mecklenburg-Gustrow in Copenhagen, Denmark


On July 26, 1865 Birth of Marie of Baden, Duchess of Anhalt, wife of Duke Friedrich II of Anhalt, in Baden-Baden, Grand Duchy of Baden


On August 6, 1777 Birth of Louis Antoine, Duke of Angouleme (King Louis XIX of France), son of King Charles X of France, at the Palace of Versailles


On August 12, 1904 Birth of Tsarevich Alexis of Russia, son of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, at Peterhof Palace


Quote from: LouisFerdinand on August 12, 2021, 11:00:02 PM
On August 12, 1904 Birth of Tsarevich Alexis of Russia, son of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, at Peterhof Palace

Yes, to the great joy of his parents and the Court. However, within six weeks the haemophilia made itself known, with bleeding from the baby?s navel.


One of his sisters was also a carrier. When the bodies were tested in 2009 it was found one of the girls was a carrier. The Russians thought Anastasia.

It seems more likely Maria as the Americans judged. There was some talk that Maria was a symptomatic carrier, from bleeding from a tonsilectomy.

About 20% of carriers have been symptomatic to varying degrees.

Nine of Victoria's descendants suffered from it including her son Leopold (Victoria seems to be the start as there was no family history before her).Alexei is the only one whose death as not linked to the bleeding disorder.


Yes, Maria had a tonsillectomy at the age of about eight or nine. She bled so profusely that the doctors attending became panicky. The Tsarina, who was waiting nearby, went into the room where the surgery was taking place and calmed them, asking that the operation proceed which it did. I tend to think that the skeletal remains found near Alexei that were tested and found to be likely a carrier for haemophilia were of Marie not Anastasia. The other sisters? remains were tested and apparently not found to be carriers.


Grand Duchess Maria's sisters thus could have married foreign royalty and thus no sons born would have had haemophilia. However, at that time this would not have been known.


On August 19, 1890 Birth of Augusta-Victoria of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, wife of King Manuel II of Portugal, in Potsdam, Kingdom of Prussia


On August 23, 1836 Birth of Queen Marie Henriette of Belgium, wife of King Leopold II of Belgium. Originally she was Archduchess Marie Henriette of Austria.


On August 28, 1853 Birth of Prince Franz I of Liechtenstein at Schloss Liechtenstein near Vienna, Austria


On September 1, 1711 Birth of Willem IV, Prince of Orange born in Leewarden, Friesland, Dutch Republic


On September 7, 1817 Birth of Louise of Hesse-Kassel, Queen of Denmark, wife of King Christian IX of Denmark, in Kassel, Electorate of Hesse-Kassel


On September 12, 1494 Birth of King Francis I of France at the Chateau de Cognac in Cognac, France


On September 19, 1551 Birth of King Henry III of France at the Chateau de Fontainebleau  :french: :french: :french:


On September 22, 1601 Birth of Anne of Austria, Queen of France, wife of King Louis XIII of France at Benavente Palace in Valladolid, Spain


On this day September 26, 1870 Birth of King Christian X of Denmark at Charlottenlund Palace