Books written about and by the Sussexes Part 4.

Started by TLLK, February 10, 2023, 11:28:05 PM

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When he made the announcement, I envisioned him living in a far off estate away from the public eye. But that was based entirely on the erroneous information that he craved privacy and just wanted to raise his children away from the glare of the media. I was ignorant of how much he resented his family and his own perceived lack of privileges.

Only he knew what he really wanted to do with his life. He wants to be a star. He wants to follow in the footsteps of his mother and be a media darling who?s adored around the globe as a humanitarian icon.

This is all a part of that. Diana writes a tell all book. He writes a tell all book. Diana feared for her life because of paparazzi and saw conspiracies from the RF to undermine her. He sees and interprets the same thing. I think he sees himself as the 21st century Diana.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on March 01, 2023, 05:16:32 PM
When he made the announcement, I envisioned him living in a far off estate away from the public eye. But that was based entirely on the erroneous information that he craved privacy and just wanted to raise his children away from the glare of the media. I was ignorant of how much he resented his family and his own perceived lack of privileges.

Only he knew what he really wanted to do with his life. He wants to be a star. He wants to follow in the footsteps of his mother and be a media darling who?s adored around the globe as a humanitarian icon.

This is all a part of that. Diana writes a tell all book. He writes a tell all book. Diana feared for her life because of paparazzi and saw conspiracies from the RF to undermine her. He sees and interprets the same thing. I think he sees himself as the 21st century Diana.
Um I never did. I always thought the claim they wanted to get away and live a private life away from the clicking cameras was not true.. It was always about money IMO.. and also fame. Even so I agree I didnt realise, Im sure most people didnt, that he really had a big big grudge about being second son,
But I thought that he wanted to live in sunny California, mix with movie stars and make  money... not be the Prince who did boring jobs like opening a school or travelling to a poor part of Africa and not getting enough notice for it.
Perhaps the only way he could make the amount of money that he seems to need was by writing a tell all book, and he enjoyed doing it into the bargain.
Diana didn't  write a book, I think that a woman of her generation would not do such a thing but she did tear away the veil over her marriage and Royal life and opened things up too much.  And I think that she too wanted a more glamourous life than living in London, doing a few engagements in the UK and not having the same support for her work that she got as Princess of Wales, she too wanted to live abroad and travel to sunshiny places and be admired rather than tolerated as she was at KP.


I started to suspect* about their intentions June 2018, 15 days after marrying when Delaware registrations were posted in social media. I thought it was someone wanting to make a joke and taint the couple, but it's all theirs, from suspecting to realization. Red flag ⛳

If the media had taken hold of that rather than let it sit for Tom Bower with footnotes, date/time/who/what/where, I'm almost sure the public would have had an outcry with the Queen spending GBP30M for that wedding, and 18 months of troubles (and ongoing oversees).


^She collaborated with Andrew Morton in writing that book, to the point of having taped interviews, and revealed a lot of personal information about her life and marriage that caused a great deal of embarrassment to the RF.

I actually see a smidgen of comparison between her and Harry because I do think she loved glitz and glamour and loved being adored by the media?not so much when it was negative.

However, her book was met with more sympathy than Harry?s because she was treated quite poorly by Charles and I think people could commiserate with her about having zero training for her job and she did a great job with the public.

The same storyline was tried with Meghan (that nobody cared to prepare her for engagements, she had no idea how to do anything and the palace didn?t care because all they cared about was the heir). That has now proven to be false as palace staff did extensive research and work into compiling information for her and she had a supportive husband that had been a prince since birth, so presumably, if she had a question that wasn?t answered in her briefs, she could just ask him.

I?m looking at storylines that have been created and I see a lot of similarities between that of Harry and Meghan and Diana. I don?t know if it?s a marketing tactic they?re trying out for good PR or because Harry has Diana?s storyline imprinted on his mind and it?s just his frame of reference for anything and everything.


Diana didn't do that book for money, though.  She wanted to put out her story, but she didn't use the tale to earn more cash for herself.
And people were more sympathetic because she was in an unhappy marriage, though it wasn't all Charles' fault.. and she was only a girl when she entered the RF.  However a lot of Diana her TS wasnt all that truthful, and she did get a reasonable amount of help when she entered the RF... 
but Harry's grudges are foolish and I'd say most British poeple can see them as such, and Meghan's attempts to copy Diana's narrative, saying that she was a naive girl when she married H and didn't get any support when she married him are plainly false.


That could be part of it, and also the fact that his mother actually did a lot of work for the RF before she helped Morton write that book, whereas they started complaining from the get go.

And maybe times have changed, who knows? I can only speak personally, but a lot just doesn?t ring true to me (on top of the obvious things that have been proven to be false). It?s a lot harder to believe that such an intelligent woman that?s worked in Hollywood, has had multiple relationships, has traveled around the world and was pushing 40 was that naive. I just didn?t buy it.

But narratives can be so easily constructed and people can fall for them pretty easily. It?s what makes the RF so popular. Even I stand amazed at the narrative that they managed to build for Harry prior to marriage. I never bought into it because I don?t really care for the ?bad boy? with the heart of gold storyline, but even I didn?t think he was such an angry person.

It?s also a lesson in how little we actually know about these people, and I think they like that just fine. Royalty was always meant to be a mirage, finding out what?s behind the curtain is always going to be a disappointment.


Harry never said that he was stepping back as a public figure and they never asked for privacy when leaving.

All Harry wanted was help from his family, for them to at least say something knowing his wife and him were getting death threats, threats equal to that of the Queen. As the former of head of the counter terrorism stated. Instead, his family chose to go to the media about his private information or allowed their staff to do it and didn't stop the staff or welcome them back. Like, Camilla re-hiring her staff member who leaked the meeting with William or Charles letting Dan Wotton of The Sun find out about Harry's plans to leave.

And as he detailed in the book, when they were suppose to be under a one year review but security was pulled early, a clear a message to Harry that we don't care about you nor do we care about the lives of your family.  The book reminded me that the family puts something like "waity katie." or rude names for Camilla on the same level of racism, abuse and xenophobia. A family that will deny rumors of botox and hair extensions. A family that from the head to the second most important to the third most important will say nothing when a so called "much loved" member is portrayed not just in a funny way a la the tv the Windsor's but a dark skinned black woman wielding a knife. They also care about how it looks, say, there have been 0 reports saying William didn't put his hands on Harry. Just reports that they're more upset that Harry told that his brother actually put hands on him or they're trying to frame it as fight between two brothers, when it's anything but.

It's so striking when reading Spare that, from a boy to a teen to a young man to adult man, Harry has been pleading for his family to show him he cared. But no, they'd rather sit back and let a climate of hate fester or actively work with those contributing to it.

So, no, he wasn't seeking celebrity. What he was seeking was a family that when he's getting death threats for being a race traitor, that they'd understand this was a little bit bigger than their egos. His father was willing to take the hit when it came to making sure he married his mistress, to talk about how awful his mother was, to wade into politics and etc but he was never willing to take the hit for his son. When it came to things that mattered like life and death.

I did have some understanding feelings towards Charles after but with the recent thing (protecting pedo loving brother over his own son) I realize that only a son, Harry, could give that man any type of grace.

Also, Spare reaches it's 7th week at the top of the New York bestsellers list. I'm sure current events will spike another boost in the sells.

For a family that become and complain about the Sussex's, how much attention they get, and how much their palace aids, palace sources and friends of the family say that they wish the Sussex's or Sussex related stuff would just blow over and calm down. When they need to cover something, they're always quick to give the media stories about the Sussex's.

If Spare manages to stay at the top of the list for the whole of March, I expect a Grammy nom. I don't think he'll get it but at the very least, a nomination.

In happier news, it's world book day and little kids dressed as harry:


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on March 02, 2023, 12:18:11 PM
That could be part of it, and also the fact that his mother actually did a lot of work for the RF before she helped Morton write that book, whereas they started complaining from the get go.

And maybe times have changed, who knows? I can only speak personally, but a lot just doesn?t ring true to me (on top of the obvious things that have been proven to be false). It?s a lot harder to believe that such an intelligent woman that?s worked in Hollywood, has had multiple relationships, has traveled around the world and was pushing 40 was that naive. I just didn?t buy it.

But narratives can be so easily constructed and people can fall for them pretty easily. It?s what makes the RF so popular. Even I stand amazed at the narrative that they managed to build for Harry prior to marriage. I never bought into it because I don?t really care for the ?bad boy? with the heart of gold storyline, but even I didn?t think he was such an angry person.

It?s also a lesson in how little we actually know about these people, and I think they like that just fine. Royalty was always meant to be a mirage, finding out what?s behind the curtain is always going to be a disappointment.

IMHO the Sussexes have shown themselves to be their own worst enemies. Their contradicting statements during the Oprah interview over the alleged remarks regarding Archie. Late Meghan's interview with The Cut, and then a very different one with Variety. Finally  Harry's revelations in Spare have really shown how much time and effort his palace team ie Edward Lane Fox dedicated into creating the image of a cheerful and fun/cheeky man. Harry's lifted the curtain on that and honestly it's rather unpleasant to read his words.

Harry has shared that it was his family members in particular William who encouraged him to seek treatment for his mental health. Unfortunately for Harry, I'm still not convinced that he's successfully found peace of mind yet. I hope that he does one day.


^ Oh, not in the least. As long as the focus remains on, ?What I *don?t* have,? as opposed to being grateful for the many, many wonderful things that he has on his life, he?ll never find peace.

Slightly tangential but kind of on topic, I was listening to an interview with Pamela Anderson because she?s got a new memoir out. I gotta admit, never really did follow her career because it wasn?t my cup of tea, but like everyone, I knew of her. And wow. Talk about someone who was trashed up and down by the media. Holy cow. She is nothing at all like she was always portrayed.

Now, you might expect her to talk about how unfair her life is and how awful everything is because even though she made quite a lot of money for everyone else, she didn?t make much of it herself. Her most private moments were used to demean, mock, and belittle her as a person.

With the current culture, I thought, ?Here we go; another pity party.? But no. She tells her story exactly as she saw it, but is not bitter in the least. She is understanding of those who failed her as a child, even when she was sexually assaulted. She is grateful for everything she experienced and the family she currently has. After watching that interview, I thought, ?Now, that is someone who has found peace with who they are and knows exactly who she is and isn?t.?

I found it so admirable. It?s what I aspire to be. It?s hard work. I can see why the other path is taken though. Wanting people to feel sorry for you comes out of desiring attention. I think Harry has been starved for attention since he was a child. I think his mother dying is probably the tipping point in that. It?s a sort of arrested development. Staying at the level of a child who wants to be seen and heard at all times. Envious when others receive the attention he feels he deserves.

I would have thought that gaining a family might have tampered down that need, but it seems to have expanded to include slights (real or imagined) to his entire family.

All this rambling to say, it?s really important to know who you are and aren?t in life. It?s important to know whose opinion you truly value. That doesn?t mean that it won?t hurt to hear others say negative things about you, but don?t give them more credence than they?re worth. The Obamas are also good at that. So classy. Imagine if they spent their entire days on Twitter looking at what user2452847 posted about them yesterday. Phew. What a way to waste your life. They?ve managed to take all that hate and use it as fuel to remind themselves that their projects matter, as there?s still a lot of work to be done.


Quote from: TLLK on March 02, 2023, 02:36:31 PM
I Lane Fox dedicated into creating the image of a cheerful and fun/cheeky man. Harry's lifted the curtain on that and honestly it's rather unpleasant to read his words.

Harry has shared that it was his family members in particular William who encouraged him to seek treatment for his mental health. Unfortunately for Harry, I'm still not convinced that he's successfully found peace of mind yet. I hope that he does one day.
Im sure that the RF who knew Harry well were wary of his exploding some day, but even so I think that the actual explosion when it took place was much more dramatic and unpleasant and explosive thatn they had expected.  Harry clearly needed therapy, but therapy doesn't always do much good, and I think that Harry's always resisted really trying to chnage, to get off the drugs and booze etc.
Im sure that it was William who initally persuaded H to get counselling, but I suspect it took years, and that it didn't really do a lot of good.  AND I gather that Harry later gave the creidt for getting him to have therapy to Meghan....


The photos Change has posted of the little kids all dressed up as Prince Harry for World Book Day are some of the cutest I?ve ever seen. Thanks for posting them. They were a highlight for me this morning. I hope Harry does manage to get a Grammy nom. It will be a bit of a boost for him in a sea of negativity, though the huge  success of Spare is assured anyway.

And it is completely true. Neither of the Sussexes have ever stated that they were leaving the UK to escape Britain or the British, or to live a completely private life. The British tabloids and elements of SM are responsible for promoting and maintaining that particular lie.


His lawyers have said he doesn?t feel safe bringing his children to the UK, which is why he requested police protection while there. He doesn?t feel safe going, so I?m not sure why he would need a home there. The claim isn?t just about paparazzi, it?s about feeling unsafe in the country in general. Idk what that says about the British people, but that?s what he said. He didn?t expand that to include other nations of the commonwealth.

Regardless of what he means, it?s how things are interpreted that ends up making the most impact. He left for California and now says he feels unsafe coming. That?s all perfectly justified, but I can see why people in the UK would take a bit of offense. Especially considering that you can get shot walking into a supermarket or a doctor?s office in the US. 


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on March 02, 2023, 11:15:45 PM
His lawyers have said he doesn?t feel safe bringing his children to the UK, which is why he requested police protection while there. He doesn?t feel safe going, so I?m not sure why he would need a home there. The claim isn?t just about paparazzi, it?s about feeling unsafe in the country in general. Idk what that says about the British people, but that?s what he said. He didn?t expand that to include other nations of the commonwealth.

Regardless of what he means, it?s how things are interpreted that ends up making the most impact. He left for California and now says he feels unsafe coming. That?s all perfectly justified, but I can see why people in the UK would take a bit of offense. Especially considering that you can get shot walking into a supermarket or a doctor?s office in the US.

The feeling unsafe in bringing his family to Britain is part of the legal argument Harry is making in his case against the Home Office which is ongoing. I believe it also has to do with the vile nature of some threats Meghan received online as soon as she went to live in Britain and continued until she left. However, Harry has never spoken of disliking Britain or the British people as a whole. Meghan has never said anything bad about them either. Harry in fact spent ten years in HM Forces in fact defending the place as an officer in the Guards.

There are unhinged people who have actively promoted harm against the family however. White powder was posted to KP in an envelope addressed to the Sussexes. There have been court cases in which harm was threatened against Archie and against Harry on podcasts etc. Harry was accused of being ?a race traitor? and two men were imprisoned for urging actions to harm the couple.

I don?t know if you have read this?

The Duchess of Sussex received "disgusting and very real" threats while a working royal, the outgoing Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner has said.
Neil Basu said he would understand if Meghan had felt "under threat all the time".
People have been prosecuted over the threats, he told Channel 4 News.
Prince Harry, who moved to California with Meghan in 2020, said last year he did not feel safe when visiting the UK.
The couple have often spoken about the abuse they received before they left and how it affected their mental health. As early as 2016, after the couple went public with their relationship, Prince Harry issued a statement attacking social media trolls for targeting Meghan.
Neil Basu - the former head of counter-terrorism policing in England - was speaking to Channel 4 News in his final interview as assistant commissioner.
"If you'd seen the stuff that was written and you were receiving it, the kind of rhetoric that's online, if you don't know what I know, you would feel under threat all of the time," he said.
When asked if there had been genuine threats to Meghan from the far-right, he added: "Absolutely.
"We had teams investigating it. People have been prosecuted for those threats."
He said he had previously spoken publicly about the threat of "extreme right-wing terrorism", saying it was the "fastest growing" threat that he dealt with.
"When I started in counter-terrorism in 2015, it was about 6% of our total workload. When I left 15, 16 months ago, it was over 20% of our workload."


I am very well aware that there are psychotic racists in the UK. As a minority myself, I?m also aware that they exist everywhere. That was my point with the comment about the US and other parts of the world. In the US you don?t even have to be famous to be in mortal danger. Without going too far into it, the threat of far-right terrorists is absolutely massive in the US. That?s part of why I was confused to why they moved to the California of all places (referring to my earlier comment about moving far far away and living privately). I?d choose a huge estate in the middle of nowhere or that place in Canada where they first stayed.

It sounds a little odd to say you?re scared of racist threats saying they?ll cause violence toward you so you leave the UK for the US. And I say this as an American. This place is terrifying. I barely go out anymore and every time I do, I create an immediate exit plan in case someone decides to open fire.


Meghan was born and brought up in California and both she and Harry like the California weather and lifestyle. They live a nice, quiet life in Montecito (a beautiful place that is hardly crime-ridden) and the couple are hardly on the red carpet every five minutes. Harry is seen riding a bike occasionally, they dine out every so often and that?s it. All this talk about them loving being with celebrities 24/7 is just media talk.

Harry likes warmth. Always has. Canada was rather cold and rainy when they were there. And Meghan is California born and bred, as I?ve said.

And some British people took it as a personal insult that a bi-racial, older, divorced American should have grabbed ?their Prince?, and therefore had it in for Meghan from the beginning. They felt if they made her life hell then she would leave Harry and he would get over it and stay. Instead he stuck by his wife and left with her.


I agree with that. That?s why I said perception is sometimes more important than the truth, perhaps most of the time. That?s what I?m saying. Their concerns may be valid, but a number of people have taken it as an insult. Especially considering the danger of the US. Trust me, sadly, there?s been many of those nice, upper crust communities that have had their innocence shattered by home grown terrorists.

I?d say you shouldn?t visit anywhere you feel unsafe. That wouldn?t make for a very fun trip. Part of why I never thought they?d accept the invitation to the coronation. He doesn?t want to visit there with his family because he feels unsafe. He?s said it himself. I was pointing out the irony of that statement whilst living in a country where it?s dangerous to walk out of your front door for fear that some psycho is going to shoot you.

And oh dear, I sure hope they send their children to private school. I?m sure they would have regardless of where they lived, but especially here. I don?t know how parents don?t have an emotional breakdown every time they send their kids off to school here.


I think they will send their children to private school. Meghan went to private school herself. And they have a security team in Montecito so I don?t think they are naive about possible dangers.

I?m British born and bred (in Norfolk) though I emigrated to Australia many years ago and love it, I?ve been back to Britain many times since for months at a time. I?ve visited quite a bit of the world, including the US several times, and I have to say that the only time I ever felt in any danger was in Manchester England one Saturday night, and in London once, again at night, while waiting for a taxi in a darkened street. So I guess danger can be everywhere.


For sure. Things have definitely gotten worse here in the US. I think our politicians and infotainment channels have been stoking anger in people for many years now and it?s just gotten progressively worse. Plus our gun laws are pretty lackadaisical.

I don?t watch television news anymore. A conscious choice after the last few years. But every couple of days, sometimes day after day, there?s some story about a shooting at a school, theater, restaurant, church, or pretty much anywhere to be honest. I don?t remember that being the case when I was younger. I?m always on the lookout now.

They?ve managed to slip in and out of some places without much fuss in the past though. Maybe once things calm down they can buy an estate in the UK or continental Europe and visit. I don?t know whether they?ll win the right to pay for their own police. I can see a little conflict there; a little element of privatizing the police force. But I have no clue how the system works in the UK. I wonder how other famous people there do it. Like if there?s a huge charity event, would police be there to secure the event whether it was Prince Harry or any other famous person? They would here in the US due to crowd control if the event was big enough.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on March 03, 2023, 12:04:12 AM
I agree with that. That?s why I said perception is sometimes more important than the truth, perhaps most of the time. That?s what I?m saying. Their concerns may be valid, but a number of people have taken it as an insult. Especially considering the danger of the US. Trust me, sadly, there?s been many of those nice, upper crust communities that have had their innocence shattered by home grown terrorists.

I?d say you shouldn?t visit anywhere you feel unsafe. That wouldn?t make for a very fun trip. Part of why I never thought they?d accept the invitation to the coronation. He doesn?t want to visit there with his family because he feels unsafe. He?s said it himself. I was pointing out the irony of that statement whilst living in a country where it?s dangerous to walk out of your front door for fear that some psycho is going to shoot you.

And oh dear, I sure hope they send their children to private school. I?m sure they would have regardless of where they lived, but especially here. I don?t know how parents don?t have an emotional breakdown every time they send their kids off to school here.

They'll very likely send them to private school because it's nearly impossible to send a child with his/her own armed bodyguard to an American public school. Noe that not  a single POTUS and FLOTUS since the Carters who have school aged children-Clintons, Obamas, Trumps have opted for public school while in office. It's just not practical.  (Sadly quite a few of the students are likely armed at some of the public schools and probably some of the private ones as well.)

Now to be honest, IMHO there's slim pickings in the way of private schools in Montecito and Santa Barbara simply because the area has a small population. Most of them are religious though the Sussexes might ultimately be okay with that option. However, the schools might not be open to armed guards on the school grounds. They might opt to head south towards Los Angeles Co. during the next few years.



[quote author=HistoryGirl2 link=topic=95393.msg1517622#msg1517622 date=1677804852

They?ve managed to slip in and out of some places without much fuss in the past though. Maybe once things calm down they can buy an estate in the UK or continental Europe and visit. I don?t know whether they?ll win the right to pay for their own police. I can see a little conflict there; a little element of privatizing the police force. But I have no clue how the system works in the UK. I wonder how other famous people there do it. Like if there?s a huge charity event, would police be there to secure the event whether it was Prince Harry or any other famous person? They would here in the US due to crowd control if the event was big enough.

Uniformed police do attend things like big soccer matches in Britain where celebs and royals may well be present. That?s for crowd control purposes of course, and it would be the same for big charity events where royals would be present, with their presence decided by the local authorities and police forces.

If Harry returned for a wedding or funeral where other senior royals are present then he (and Meghan) would come under the same police protection as is there for other royals. Here is an article about it.

?All sorts of risk?: the expert unit keeping the royals safe before Queen?s funeral | Monarchy | The Guardian

It?s the possible private visits to charities, relatives, friends in the UK in the future that Harry is challenging the Home Office about, however.


Quote from: Curryong on March 03, 2023, 02:30:27 AM
Laguna Blanca co-Ed school in Santa Barbara looks great?

Laguna Blanca School | Home

It does, but Meghan and Harry come from backgrounds where there were far more choices available.  Also this is a very small town,  so if things don't work out there's very limited options. 

I am also going to point out that there is  a good chance that one of them might have inherited a learning disability.  I am not saying this to be unkind,  but it is something that they might need to consider when scouting for future schools.  Would the private school be able to offer additional support or specialized instruction as well as the general education curriculum?

Please note that the BRF are not the only royals who have a history of inherited learning disabilities.  The Swedish royal family has the current King, Crown Princess and Prince Carl Philip who are affected. This is also found in the Luxembourg and Belgian families.


Archie goes to kinder already doesn?t he? It may be that any learning difficulties regarding him have been picked up already, by the nursery school or his parents. By the time Lily is ready for fulltime school the Sussexes may be living elsewhere. I have to say Laguna looks fabulous and progressive. I?m sure that additional support would be available. If it isn?t then maybe the couple will think about moving.

We?ve discussed dyslexia before haven?t we and my theory that the Scandi royals and therefore the Belgians and Luxembourg royals got it through Queen Victoria?s family via CPrss Daisy of Sweden. I?ve long been convinced that Edward VII had ADD. Don?t know where Beatrice York got her dyslexia, neither Fergie nor Andrew seem to be sufferers.


LOL @Curryong.  I know we have discussed it in the past because it's just one of those topics that I find endlessly fascinating.  I have probably bored everyone to tears by now.
Now I need to give myself a good shaking and tell myself to get back on topic!


Quote from: Curryong on March 03, 2023, 02:52:16 AM
[quote author=HistoryGirl2 link=topic=95393.msg1517622#msg1517622 date=1677804852

They?ve managed to slip in and out of some places without much fuss in the past though. Maybe once things calm down they can buy an estate in the UK or continental Europe and visit. I don?t know whether they?ll win the right to pay for their own police. I can see a little conflict there; a little element of privatizing the police force. But I have no clue how the system works in the UK. I wonder how other famous people there do it. Like if there?s a huge charity event, would police be there to secure the event whether it was Prince Harry or any other famous person? They would here in the US due to crowd control if the event was big enough.

Uniformed police do attend things like big soccer matches in Britain where celebs and royals may well be present. That?s for crowd control purposes of course, and it would be the same for big charity events where royals would be present, with their presence decided by the local authorities and police forces.

If Harry returned for a wedding or funeral where other senior royals are present then he (and Meghan) would come under the same police protection as is there for other royals. Here is an article about it.

?All sorts of risk?: the expert unit keeping the royals safe before Queen?s funeral | Monarchy | The Guardian

It?s the possible private visits to charities, relatives, friends in the UK in the future that Harry is challenging the Home Office about, however.

Yeah, those look tough in the short term. Maybe there?s some agreement to be made that would satisfy both sides to an extent.