King Charles III and the Queen Consort's offical overseas travel Part 2

Started by TLLK, October 01, 2021, 05:46:46 PM

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Quote from: sara8150 on September 17, 2022, 11:34:36 PM
Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla are planning a charm offensive tour of Australia, New Zealand  | Daily Mail Online
Wait for date from Buckingham Palace to announced

God, more tours here. BP must be really worried about the larger realms drifting off and becoming republics. It?s not going to make a ha?penth of difference to the future, guys. Your time is almost up!


I do not think the royals are worried. Perhaps the PM is going mad with the resounding majority poll want the monarchy so wants King and PPOWs there.

Australia is very large the PM can split cities for the tours.


Quote from: wannable on September 18, 2022, 12:23:56 AM
I do not think the royals are worried. Perhaps the PM is going mad with the resounding majority poll want the monarchy so wants King and PPOWs there.

Australia is very large the PM can split cities for the tours.

I?ve already posted what I believe are the reasons for the result of that polling, conducted btw by one of the less prominent polling companies here. And really, all these so-called charm tours do is at best give a little blip to the monarchy, and at worse leave a lot of Aussie and NZ citizens aghast and grumbling at the expense of them.

Any foreign observers who believe that visits by royalty do anything to change the feeling of citizens there about keeping the monarch as HOS are deluding themselves. Look at the Caribbean!


Perhaps the citizens should have a second talk with their local gov to then transfer the message to the PM.

He lunched Saturday 17th then an audience. The BRF do not invite themselves


Quote from: wannable on September 18, 2022, 12:48:15 AM
Perhaps the citizens should have a second talk with their local gov to then transfer the message to the PM.

He lunched Saturday 17th then an audience. The BRF do not invite themselves

These royal tours come and go, leaving little behind except a look at the expenses of them. The fact that Albanese (a republican from way back) got caught up in the moment means nothing. And actually, here in Victoria the Premier Daniel Andrews, is a fervent republican also. He is hardly likely to be jumping for joy so the citizens here wouldn?t be telling him anything he doesn?t know already, lol! And the media here aren?t monarchist in general either.


Please do not make personal comments about other posters.  We can disagree without attacking one another. I have removed several comments. 


Bit odd in my view that he would want to visit France before any of the realms or other monarchies. Charles has never struck me as being overly Francophile to be honest. He seems to have had more of a love for the Balkans if we are talking Europe. Was it the Govt I wonder who made the final decision in this case.

On another note, after some angst with the Morrison Govt here reneging on a deal to buy French submarines a year ago our new PM visited France with his girlfriend, and Macron and his wife were all over the visitors ?like a rash? as we say in Australia. They really bonded, it was a lovefest! So maybe it?s a habit of Macron?s to be all tactile and affectionate with new people!


Princess Cassandra

I've been waiting for this news! Just imagine the interesting photo's and wonderful activities we'll see, not to mention the clothes and jewels. I love it when they travel.  :hearts:


Olivier Beaumont
Le roi Charles III bient?t en visite Paris Elyse, un d?ner d??tat est pr?vu, salle des f?tes. Un programme est aussi en pr?paration entre Brigitte Macron et Camilla Parker Bowles.

⁩Translated from French by Twitter translate
King Charles III soon to visit Paris. At the Elyse, a state dinner is planned, village hall. A program is also in preparation between Brigitte Macron and Camilla Parker Bowles.

Le roi Charles III bient?t en visite ? Paris - Le Parisien


Now this is royal news that I enjoy, King Charles is getting on with the job and taking care of business....with his lovely wife besides him.  Putting the country and the monarchy first is what will help heal him of the grief of of hell that his son has caused.   


King ?chooses France for first state visit? | News | The Times

QuoteThe King has chosen France for his first state visit, with his arrival planned for March 27 on a trip expected to help restore ties frayed since Brexit, according to French media.
President Macron?s aides said he greatly appreciated Charles?s acceptance of his invitation to come to the country.
?It?s an extremely strong symbol because it will be the first official visit by Charles III,? an adviser to Macron told Le Parisien newspaper. ?The event will be happening when the King is not yet crowned, which shows that France is a priority for him.?The visit would ?show the age-old attachment of his country to ours, beyond Brexit, and to mark family continuity because Elizabeth II was a Francophile and a Francophone?, the official said.
Rishi Sunak is expected to travel to Paris earlier in March for an ice-breaking summit before the royal visit, Le Parisien said.
The British embassy in Paris did not respond to the report but Charles had been expected to choose Paris for a visit because of the historic links between the countries and the importance of restoring relations after a fraught period that culminated in friction between Boris Johnson and Macron.
The UK and France have been at loggerheads over migrant boats crossing the Channel, fishing rights and the Northern Ireland protocol in the post-Brexit agreement with the EU. Macron regards Brexit as a disastrous error by Britain and was reported to have called Johnson a ?clown?. In August, when Liz Truss was foreign secretary and weeks before she became prime minister, she annoyed Paris by saying she did not know whether France was a friend or foe. Sunak has said he wants to mend fences.

Princess Cassandra

This is indeed something to look forward to.  I have heard that the Queen Consort is not a fan of travelling, but she knows it comes with the territory. And, she seems to relate well to those she visits. The King, I'm pretty sure, considers them to be valuable and looks to be enjoying them as well.  I love the photographs we see when they travel and (I confess) the clothes, the formal and official poses, and the jewelry.


Day 1 Paris, France seems to be 27th March according to Le Parisien.


So March 27th on my calendar for King Charles and Queen Camilla in Paris.....Thanks ladies for that info.  Jewels, tiaras, gowns and smiles and handshakes and a happy dance that royals are back to work and we have lots to talk about... :yesss:


The King will be traveling to Hamburg and Berlin Germany in late March 2023 after the State Visit to France. (It doesn't seem that the QC will accompany him to Germany.)

K?nig Charles III. besucht im M?rz Hamburg und Berlin |

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Nightowl on January 11, 2023, 03:32:28 AM
So March 27th on my calendar for King Charles and Queen Camilla in Paris.....Thanks ladies for that info.  Jewels, tiaras, gowns and smiles and handshakes and a happy dance that royals are back to work and we have lots to talk about... :yesss:
Yes!!! I hope she does wear a tiara, but unless visiting a government represented by a royal family, I'm guessing she won't. But we will have the rest of it to see - always look forward to the fashion and jewels!


Quote from: TLLK on January 11, 2023, 02:06:15 PM
The King will be traveling to Hamburg and Berlin Germany in late March 2023 after the State Visit to France. (It doesn't seem that the QC will accompany him to Germany.)

K?nig Charles III. besucht im M?rz Hamburg und Berlin |

Well if Queen Camilla can't go to Germany with him, I am available as I have nothing planned for that time period, will bring my own gown and he can lend me a tiara (maybe)......LOL 


Quote from: TLLK on January 11, 2023, 02:06:15 PM
The King will be traveling to Hamburg and Berlin Germany in late March 2023 after the State Visit to France. (It doesn't seem that the QC will accompany him to Germany.)

K?nig Charles III. besucht im M?rz Hamburg und Berlin |

I?d be a very bad, bad royal if I visited somewhere I hadn?t been for a long time. I?d want to see castles afterwards that I haven?t been to in Germany, maybe a mini tour of Bavaria, lol! My schedule would be destroyed!