Harry: Random chatter and photos Part 9 (Wow...that's a lot of chatter)

Started by Macrobug, August 06, 2013, 09:31:40 PM

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GNU Terry Pratchett


Quote^ I don't like Di ... so no I would never want her to be Di 2 God forbid  :ahhh: ...
lucky for you eri we dont like cressida much so doesn't matter :hehe: some people with jobs career plans are nasty pieces of work >(.

Quote... :sneeze: and some celebrate everytime they are seen together and faun over her like she is Di no 2, although we 'hardly'' see her. So i guess we all react like we want and should not be judged or attacked here over it. this is not a positive opinions only blog the last time i checked.
i still dont understand like liking someone is ok and not been as nice some we dont know her enough on her to hate :hmm: how do you know she as great as people say we only read that says she holidayed four times saw harry pictures read she dating him read she didn't care (from place she work experience no less another journo work) and nothing on work just another course.

you hate Kate for a lot less.

p.s Iceland holiday looks so dull hope he going someone.
And acted dance sing
need funny sig but it'll have to wait


Just to explain my comment about he fooling us allwasnt inetnded to hurt anyones feeling actually..no cressida fans so sorry..oh no theyre jot fans..no seriouslly..no need to mention names as usual...coz i guess by now is pretty ridiculous...

But anyway yeah we all have the right to express views..and im glag were moving forward about this whenever it comes ot this  :censored: cressida...coz its becoming really ridiculous honetslly... :orchid:
I made a comment to say that he really fooled us ALLL..i also thouhg he would be with her by now...is natural and norma as theyre dating...so i dont think me or anyone would be celebrating over he not being wiht her now..coz well that dont mean at they have broke up..seriouslly..how chilshy is this...the day thye break shes seen with her ex or whathever hes seen with anyone else...well celebrate..i have a feeling anywya it will take someti-me...Evene deliking cressida for harys gf i am realistic and unfortunatelly that reality as far as i see..dont make it right but its real...Some are able to see beyong theyre expactations  :Jen:
Unlike others who say since last year she wouldnt last a few months and keep saying pretending they trul believe whnever someone makes a reasonanble point abouit cressida wanting Harry for tiara, marriage purposes..oh shes just na affair she will be gne in a few months... :Lothwen:
But whenever someone mentions something about a break up...wow...close the topic :lol: :lol: :lol:
And then i overreact and keep on saying we all get atacked..maybe coz thats what happens all the time...it took quite some time anyway...days to be honets i thouhg we have reached a point of maturity here...  :P :teehee: :teehee:
As usual never believe in fairytales anyway...whathever....

Just wanted to explain that i do think they are dating and will reunite soon he probablly doing somehtin he has to in iceland if hes there actually coz somoene saying he was there dont prove a thing and a pic on somwhere dont prove it either..seriouslly...Me thinks he will be with cressida is his gf...and yeah he fooled us all so far base don all rumours coz if hes in iceland for sure or was there...he wasnt with her and wasnt in ibiza or necker island or africa as we wqere thinking..so yeah guess what he fooled us all...
Thats what i said...taken out of proportons and dramatized as usual....
Coz btw obviouslly we cant celebrate Harry not being with cressida if we deslike her but we can celebrate if theyre boozing and high at some festival anytime theyre seen together miles apart and say theyre madlly in love we can als celebrate cressida vacatuons with Harry...besides so far we havent seen any...only rumours...Yeah as usual funny... :wacko: :wacko:
I wish i was definatelly mroe controled and just let people ridiculize themslves alone..but i just cant  :doh: :random39:
Fool me  :notamused:


Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


^ Is the blonde Cressida? Cute picture anyways thanks !!!  :vday2:


honestly i doubt it - she was probably around - but not in that pic. She was wearing a different outfit. And besides, no one claims it's her really. the comment there says they were enjoying themselves, but not that she was the one in the pic. my opp at least.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching!


^ The caption pretty much says she is the one in the picture just saying ... not that it matters anyway they were together at the Festival ...


She wore different outfit that day he only went one day she wore outfit twice once he wasn't there and harry left sat didn't see Mumford and sons remember why change outfit on last day (sun) and when harry not there so............. guess one her or his friends as dont know who they are.

Cheap way making money. never see celebs :( <_<.
need funny sig but it'll have to wait


They did not stay to see the Mumford Brothers at Glastonbury Festival saw the Rolling Stones Picture is from Womad festival which Harry might have went on Thursday night after Sentebale Ex  or perhaps Friday but it was more I believe than one day Think the Mumford brothers was a a concert night that Cress sister Pandora went to with them . Glastonbury was only 1 day .

Double post auto-merged: August 08, 2013, 01:29:26 AM

I should say Harry did not stay to see the Mumford brothers because they went he said he was "gutted he did not see them So maybe Cress saw them since she was at aGlastonbury longer sorry for mixing that up

Double post auto-merged: August 08, 2013, 01:33:10 AM

They went to see the MBrothers when they were at Olympic Park


But not in that dress so only last day glasto she could've wore it but harry wasn't there.
need funny sig but it'll have to wait


i didn´t want to get in this, because it´s too ridiculous to even talk about, as every single picture leads into another discussion.
1. It was WOMAD festival NOT Glastonbury.
2. On the previous pics from WOMAD (-> http://31.media.tumblr.com/23226dcbfa7c9099710fb5577c952342/tumblr_mqp8wkEsJ41swd44ko1_1280.jpg ) we don´t really see what Cressida is wearing. At least I don´t, but maybe some of you can see through other people. Congrats to that.
3. We also see that Harry is wearing a white shirt in the "old" pics, while he´s wearing his new favourite, the green one, on the new pic.
4. And OMG that one picture was taken during the day, while the others were taken at night, when it rained on Saturday.
5. We don´t know how long Harry´s been at WOMAD, but I guess he could have stayed there more than one day (different to Glastonbury f.ex.), as the festival is on his friends estate and I´m sure they (the group of friends) were staying at his friends house, like they did before.

-> Conclusion: It could be Cressida, but as we don´t see her face, we´ll probably never know for sure.

Sorry.  :orchid:



Clarice, in the photo you posted she is wearing a jacket/coat of many colors, one of them, the same blue as her cap.
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


i knew i should have written: "we don´t know what she´s wearing under her jacket".  :wink:

but that was not my point anyway.


Clarice  wish I had written my post as clearly as yours . Thanks


Quote from: clarice on August 08, 2013, 08:05:50 AM
i didn´t want to get in this, because it´s too ridiculous to even talk about, as every single picture leads into another discussion.
1. It was WOMAD festival NOT Glastonbury.
2. On the previous pics from WOMAD (-> http://31.media.tumblr.com/23226dcbfa7c9099710fb5577c952342/tumblr_mqp8wkEsJ41swd44ko1_1280.jpg ) we don´t really see what Cressida is wearing. At least I don´t, but maybe some of you can see through other people. Congrats to that.
3. We also see that Harry is wearing a white shirt in the "old" pics, while he´s wearing his new favourite, the green one, on the new pic.
4. And OMG that one picture was taken during the day, while the others were taken at night, when it rained on Saturday.
5. We don´t know how long Harry´s been at WOMAD, but I guess he could have stayed there more than one day (different to Glastonbury f.ex.), as the festival is on his friends estate and I´m sure they (the group of friends) were staying at his friends house, like they did before.

-> Conclusion: It could be Cressida, but as we don´t see her face, we´ll probably never know for sure.

Sorry.  :orchid:

Harryite #0009


I just cant see the pic so i dont know whats being dicussed here...but as far as i understood as usual could be many things and in the end with or wothout the pics we wont know... :lol: :lol:


Harryite #0009


Harry´s back in London. He was spotted at Boots and Marks&Spencer on Kensington High Street.

A possible Prince Harry sighting in London today suggests he could be back in the UK in time for Bea's party. Sounds like it will be a blast

Quote@Daily Mail Femail
‏SPOTTED by eagle-eyed @Femail team: Prince Harry in @marksandspencer Kensington High St, wearing a cap... and carrying his own bags!

So, I guess there will be pictures.


Both the link to kate blog...i see some pics of the polo thing with william is that  :hmm:
The  one from instagram i cant see... :shrug:

i think Harry will definatelly be at beas bday with cressida...i dont know and cant tell how the repercussion of this bday will be..but  jdging by the yorks normally showing off a lot i bet well have some pics..maybe many..as well with the guest list it will be something to look out for..anyway...i think that unless some pap enters and take a pic from the madlly n love couple without them knowijg who knows...while kissing or something who knows  :eyes: :lol:
Or some of the guests post some pics wich will happen seriouslly..but im not sure if from cressida and Harry not togeuther..probablly separate if they will keep playing this hide and seek game thats what i believe will happen...but yeah im  betting media will make this out to be a circus if they allow it..and judging by the yorks normal behaviour i dont think there will be mich resistence to keeping things as much private as they can ...but lets see anyway..who knows


Thanx chavita  :blowkiss: :happy:
Hum honetslly i dont think is her..thats not her style by what weve seen so far..too femineine for her..would be surpised and happy if it was her dressed like a girl and not like a tomboy..trash..grunge..whathever..it may be since she has a 100 diferente styles but herself me thinks...but personally i dont think is her...the only thing that keeps me in doubt is the hair besides i cant see any flowers...but u know what i mean... :lol: :lol: :lol:

But as said it could be...well never know unless another pic from another angle comes out..and even though dont serve to prove anyhting i guess..hes as usual looking to the horizon..not inetested in the girl whoever she is...By the way it was being dicussed i thouhg finally there were a pic showing them toguether as a proper couple... :orchid:

I agree she could have changed anyway and he may have used the same clothes more than once...who knows...
but judging by what shes wearing i personally dont think is her...


Anita you always say what im thinking ....... the clothes a little too good for cress is what came to my mind immediately lol its like a bit to put together and has some  style rather than her 'homeless' look but I think the hair like eveeyone said shows its her ...    from #Harrywaleswatch  possible Prince Harry sighting in London today suggests he could be back in the UK in time for Bea's party. Sounds like it will be a blast  . :D from her account .

Double post auto-merged: August 08, 2013, 03:33:40 PM

"SPOTTED by eagle-eyed @Femail team: Prince Harry in @marksandspencer Kensington High St, wearing a cap... and carrying his own bags!"— Daily Mail Femailwow, what a man. carrying his own bags. imagine. (via mygrarrythings).
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


cressida is still at necker island, so sorry to burst people's bubbles, but apparently no cressida at ther party just harry.
hmm.....strange for a 'couple' that is 'madly in love' as some say.but anyways, nothing is set in stone, who knows what he will do later.
unless of course she has discovered teleporting  :lol:
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching!


I dont want to be the ones ot start silly dicussions...not that i havtn before anyway who cares  :lol: :lol: :snob:

But now seriouslly i dont see any reason for her to not attend beas bday...honetslly..were obviouslly talking about nothing...only specualtions..so impossible to even know if something makes sense or not..but as usual we can gossip...
Baed on all infos me thinks that the only posisbility of she not attending beas bday and Harry do is coz theyre no longer togeuther..sorry but thats what makes sense to me...
Unless he also dont attend it..then well spcualte forever

I dont see why he would be acting weird..travel to iceland when he was suppose to be with her at someplace and then attend beas bday wihtout her while she spends the day at necker island. without him..and mising one of her bffs bday..yeah weird...
If all turns out to be as it seems ( wich is never excatlly how it seems just think about Harry in iceland but anyway) if all is as its seems..i think theyre over...dont see why he would tunr to this bday and she dont...maybe he will go to necker island. after who knows...but i dont see any sense in her loosing beas bday if theyre toguether..if she dont and he does..somehting happened...
My views anyway....just gossiping obviouslly...its really like the pre missys wedding..she attending Wimbledon and making things without him...then the rumours about a break up ans fights na then they aperead toguether..but me thinks something happened they did broke uo and rekindled...
Ill think the same if she dont attend this bday...she has ot be there me thinks anyway...otehriwse its too weird...especially if he attends and she dont..just na indication of a possible break me thinks anyway...lets see...