Princess Anne in Newfoundland, Canada...

Started by Kate, April 25, 2010, 12:49:13 AM

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Princess Anne in the province of Newfoundland, doing the work that helps support her Majesty...

ooops... Internet now turned off due to default, whatever that means.. let me try anothe link


Mods.. or anyone... this is a very good bit of work that Princess Anne has done and I don't know why I can't get the proper WWW addressses. I copied them correctedly but they did not come about.
Can you please help here and produce the proper coverage for Princess Anne. I've NOT seen anything about her visit on the British Media scene..Why don't they give her credit where credit is due..


Thank you very much Nova...
I think that Princess Anne should get more coverage and credit...


Darn - I didn't see this in time... my sister lives in Newfoundland... I could have sent her out to get some :pics:
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


Quote from: Kate on April 25, 2010, 11:57:14 AM
Thank you very much Nova...
I think that Princess Anne should get more coverage and credit...
I agree. 

It's a pity she won't be the next Queen.     


We agree on that point for sure, Ursula... She would make a wonderful figure head and role model, with all the work she has done, quietly and without the fanfare she , IMO, deserves!!


Have to agree ladies, Anne would make a wonderful Queen.  She works tirelessly, in my view.  She really is a fantastic role model.