Prince Harry - Random Chat & Pictures : Part 8

Started by SophieChloe, January 15, 2013, 09:09:22 PM

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Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ Still waiting for Prince Harry to propose    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


A post-deployment holiday (maybe skiing) could be delaying Prince Harry's return. It could be another week before he's in the UK. Stay tuned   :lol: :computer:

Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


Harry has changed so much :vday2: He has gotten more and more handsome with age.
Harryite #0009


I agree Chavi. Harry has gotten more handsome and sadly the opposite has happened to William.


I never really found William attractive, but yeah, sadly aging hasn't done him any good.
Harryite #0009


no offence to the willites but even with hair  as a teeni didnt find him attractive no one did william at 17 was not as playboy famous as harry at 17 which isnt good but if ya  get what i'm saying .
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


We can't go as far as saying that no one found him attractive, I'm sure lots of girls did :wink:
Harryite #0009


yeah he is after all HRH PRINCE william but not at the scale as harry was is or will be  :paparazzi: :paparazzi:
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


Actually, there was a time when William was quite the teen idol ... more so than Harry at the time.  I think William is still good-looking, though he's not my type at all.  But then, neither is Harry.  Different tastes for everyone, and thank God for that. :thumbsup:

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


 :wellduh: william was 17  harry just turned 14 15  its 17 -18 when they were teen idols and william  not so much as when his brother was the same age  :computer:
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


I don't think Willy has ever been a "teen idol" he just had a lot of attention for looking like Di but that lasted a hot minute  :lol: both Will and Harry are a great mix of their parents but Harry seems to have taken the better of the two both looks wise and personality wise  :nod: and it helps he has a lot of Phil in him again both looks wise and in his personality  :clap:.


How old was Justin Bieber when he became a teen idol?  Oh, right ... he was 14. :thumbsup:  I just question why there is a need to compare the two brothers so often.  They're both nice-looking guys, and they both have their own fans.  They both have been teen idols.  I don't see the reason to constantly compare them in order to make Harry look better, and William look bad.  :shrug:

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


When William was a teen and on tour in Canada he was a huge HUGE teen idol.  The media coverage and crowds of young girls was ridiculous.

I remember a photo of him coming out of the water after playing water polo that went viral here in Canada.  I felt like a dirty old woman looking at it even though I was only in my early 30's at the time.  The boy looked good, really good.

PW has had his time in the sun as a pinup boy, just as much as Harry.
GNU Terry Pratchett


First Willy has fans?  :lol: God knows I don't know anyone on this Planet who is a fan in the pure sense of the word  :lol: ...

@ Macrobug That is the hot minute I was talking about it didn't last beyond that...Harry is not a "teen idol" he has a female following beyond 14  :wink: and being a man's man he has a huge male following and as Perez ,Michael K and that gay comedian admitting he dirty danced for him on a night out with Beckham proof he has a gay following as well  :coy:...Willy never had and never will have those followings FACT it is not about making Harry out to be "better" those are facts.


But Eri, you don't know everybody on the planet. :hug:  Both William and Harry have followers ... nothing wrong with that, and good for them.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


I willy defense  :eyes:
I use to find him gorgeous every girl did least from my old time (im 28 almost) as some mentioned he was quite the teen idol...maybe not an idol but yeah he was prince william..everryone knew him...every girl at the same age wanted to date prince william..or leo dicaprio i guess.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
He was amazing and lovelly prince william...the diana son...lovelly and blonde...harry was the funny one guess  :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:
I was a wills that time even collected some magazines i remember  :girlblush: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I also was a kate fervorous fan  :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
Until they broke up in 2007 and she became another person showed a side of her that honetslly i didnt aproved... :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Thats why i said opinions always can change   :blank:

Than i lost interest in both and fell in love with harry...never changed and never regrested ever since  :snob: :lol: :lol:
I think after william started to fate kate and once he left uni all the interest has passed to harry on this i have to agree...harry is the man and im not saying it coz hes my fav but coz its true..people who say william is this and thats..king of popularity are people who base themslves into lists like times and people...old as stone...
the reality is diferent i honetslly dont know  a women who prefers william over harry...
Harry is hot honetslly william has aged badlly..not 1% of the adorable blonde he was..but he still nice me thinks in his own way...bold but ok..i guess...hes tall, blonde...but i agree the whole things aroung him comes with his title these days...
I think wills was pretty until he finished uni than he became less and less atractive i agree...
As for harry he have changed a lot as well i do think he looked better before coz i preferd him skinnier  :lol: :lol:
Dont kill me pls  :lol: :lol: :lol:
But hes amazing...aging well...i think the reason why most womens likes him these days is exactlly coz he gained mucles  :wacko: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I prefer guys with baby faces so no muscled ones are not my type with exception from arthur landon not my type at all :P :lol:
I think william was pretty until here
Prince William Attends The Wedding Of Ed Van Cutsem And? News Photo | Getty Images | 51690854
Than he became more and more older and with mans face..i dont like him now but there are many who find him atractive anyway  :shrug:


Quote from: cinrit on January 16, 2013, 08:51:10 PM
But Eri, you don't know everybody on the planet. :hug:

Nor do you Cinrit. 
Quote from: WOW on January 16, 2013, 03:08:46 PM
I agree Chavi. Harry has gotten more handsome and sadly the opposite has happened to William.
He was good looking for a couple of weeks, then he started to look more horsey by the day- in my opinion of course. 
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


"Following" and  being a "fan" are two different things I do "follow" Willy but God as my witness I am not a fan  :wink:...

@ sophiechloe Willy has never been "attractive" to me Brad Pitt he ain't never was...


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


Maybe there are other women that find Wills attractive. I never did, but there must be those who did and still do.

Thank God Harry grew into his nose and ears :lol: That's what changed I think. His face became manlier and bigger, and much more handsome :love2: I thought he was beautiful back then when he was 18 and on, I was 13 or 14. Now that he is older I still find him very very handsome, but when I look back at the old pictures I can't help but laugh a little because he looked very strange back then I just never noticed :lol:
Harryite #0009


Quote from: sophiechloe on January 16, 2013, 09:37:57 PM
Quote from: cinrit on January 16, 2013, 08:51:10 PM
But Eri, you don't know everybody on the planet. :hug:

Nor do you Cinrit.

No, I don't ... I didn't say I do.  Just pointing out that there are people on the planet who are fans of William in response to an indication that there may not be. :flower:

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Quote from: cinrit on January 16, 2013, 05:32:50 PM
I think William is still good-looking, though he's not my type at all.  But then, neither is Harry.  Different tastes for everyone, and thank God for that. :thumbsup:

Definitely, thank goodness :)


I find it interesting the "blue blood" types avoided Willy at any cost but Harry seems to be a hit with them ...what is up with that?


Maybe because being Harry's wife isn't as 'stressful' in the sense that you get all the perks but you won't be a future Queen consort  :shrug:


^ But they will bash Harry's wife like no body's business especially if she is an Aristo type the knifes will be out  :wellduh:...they worship Kate like their lives depend on it...