Madonna Directs W.E - Duke & Duchess of Windsor

Started by wannable, May 17, 2010, 11:28:16 PM

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QuoteMadonna's hopes of enlisting the Queen's support for a film that she is making about the Edward VIII abdication crisis are unlikely to be helped by inflammatory claims she has made about Wallis Simpson.

"People have accused Wallis of all kinds of things," she says of her fellow American. "They've said that she put a spell on Edward. They've said that she was a hermaphrodite and that he was gay. They've said they were Nazi sympathisers.
"It's just the usual lynch mob mentality that descends upon somebody who has something that lots of other people don't have."


Quote"It's just the usual lynch mob mentality that descends upon somebody who has something that lots of other people don't have."

Granted she's seeking publicity, but she's not too far off the mark. 



because of course Madonna is such a genius.. Mind you I am not surprised that she's a fan of the Duchess....There are similarities


Quote from: LairdOfLochaber on August 10, 2010, 02:45:31 AM
"Don't cry for me, Windsor Castle . . ."

:lmao: :lmao2: :lmao:

Judging by Madonna's remarks I take it the film shan't be an accurate portrayal.  Just the usual Barbara Cartland fluff.

missing diana

Although the Windsor's interest me, I don't want to see a Hollywood version of their story.

Wallis was American and twice divorced...the rules were the rules IMO.  Maybe the "lynch mob" was necessary in order to avoid competing "courts".  Frankly, I also give credence to the stories that Edward VII/David was negotiating with the Nazi's to be placed back on the throne once the Nazi's won.

Can't have that, can you.


I feel sorry for Wallis and do think she gets a bad wrap. I just don't think a woman can be all that bad and though she wasn't the nicest person; she also wasn't a demon that some people wish to believe. I read in one book by her that Edward's neices and nephews liked to visit them. It seems like people in England and perhaps in America as well, want to blame the woman rather than blaming the man for the problems they cause.


I like Madoanna,but  she is trying to  push a movie  ,her business venture, on a subject  she doesn't  know  or  won't look  at both sides.
FACTS- Wallis  was  who  she  was and  David (Edward)  was who   he  was.
He  had  to marry a certain  someone.Period.  As does  William and  Henry.

Yes,love  is imporatant.  and  Bertie  found that "certain" someone  and loved  her very   much and  that  certain someone  was  100%  + approved , Lady  Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon of Strathmore or  something  or  the  other.

Edward  could have  married  Wallis  and  did. That  was  NOT the real issue. It  was  he  could  not  marry  HER  and  become  King  Edward and  she  Queen  Wallis.
It  was  either  or. Ohgasp, who  here  doesn't have  or has  not  faced an  either  or  situation. It  is  called not   haivng   your cake  and  eat  it  too   as  the saying goes.

FACT- Wallis and  Edward  went  to,by whaqtever, whomever accepted  them,gave  them somejewels ormoney  and  they went onthe  Nazi's  side.  Ummm, wasn't Britian  bombed a few  times  or  did  I just imagine  that?  LOL!!!

(yeahyeah, we all know the name of Lady Elizabeth, ..about queen  consort title and GB  getting bombed...rhetorical comments  here,k. no need for corrections.)


No they didn't go "on the Nazis side".  They did visit Nazi Germany in the 30s as did many people.  They were less than stalwart in their support for Britian during the war, and Its possible that Edw considered becoming a puppet king for the Nazis. but not proven.
Edward it appears did speak of wishing that the Germans had won, even after the war was over, which suggests right wing views... but does not make him a card carryning Nazi.


Quote from: LairdOfLochaber on August 10, 2010, 02:45:31 AM
"Don't cry for me, Windsor Castle . . ."

Hahahah!!! :happy20: :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10:


QuoteFor her feature-length directorial debut, W.E., Madonna has drilled into the obsessively stylish saga of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, whose romance rocked the British Empire and shocked the world. Naturally, as Krista Smith reports—and photographer Tom Munro confirms—the costumes had to be couture-perfect.   

Beautiful costumes.


Thanks, wannabe.  The costumes really are beautiful!

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Wallis was once one of the best dressed women in the world.


Absolutely gorgeous costumes. The dresses are beautiful. Thanks for the links, wannabe.


Is this film really coming out??? Oh Dear I was hoping it woud die off as an idea.  Madonna's ideas on hte WIndsors are to say the least misguided.. I think


Good gawd who is playing Wallis? I didn't think anyone could get any more beautiful than Joely Richardson in the part. But Wallis in those pictures look breathtaking. I am fearful that Madonna is directing this movie, I would prefer a more experienced person behind the wheel; especially considering her friend wrote the film. Seems more like a hobby than a movie that should be taken seriously. I hope they do justice to the story. 


Seems like this duo wanted their cake and eat it too no sympathy from me ...if he worked with the Nazies against his own country not to mention his own brother and niece (family) that had no fault that he WILLINGLY gave up the throne he is no loss anyways things worked out for the best  :happy15:.


Apparently the movie is getting some good reviews and some bad reviews. I've heard one who said it is getting Oscar buzz.
The movie looks like it will be interesting, despite the stupid two tiered period jumping aspect. It will speak to the people who sympathize more with Wallis and Edward, or perhaps just sympathize with Wallis.


Quote from: Harryforlife25 on September 03, 2011, 08:51:02 PM
Seems like this duo wanted their cake and eat it too no sympathy from me ...if he worked with the Nazis against his own country not to mention his own brother and niece (family) that had no fault that he WILLINGLY gave up the throne he is no loss anyways things worked out for the best  :happy15:.

He didn't exactly work with them, but he did apparently hope for a German victory (treason since he was on the Allied side and in the Allied army) and he may have been willing to listen to talk about his being a puppet king.  SOME of that may have been down to his dislike of the idea of another war, but undoubtedly some of it was due to the desire to fight Bolshevik Russia Rather than right wing Germany... and some of it was due to his desire to see Wallis and himself as some kind of king and queen...


Quote from: amabel on September 04, 2011, 07:23:17 AM
Quote from: Harryforlife25 on September 03, 2011, 08:51:02 PM
Seems like this duo wanted their cake and eat it too no sympathy from me ...if he worked with the Nazis against his own country not to mention his own brother and niece (family) that had no fault that he WILLINGLY gave up the throne he is no loss anyways things worked out for the best  :happy15:.

He didn't exactly work with them, but he did apparently hope for a German victory (treason since he was on the Allied side and in the Allied army) and he may have been willing to listen to talk about his being a puppet king.  SOME of that may have been down to his dislike of the idea of another war, but undoubtedly some of it was due to the desire to fight Bolshevik Russia Rather than right wing Germany... and some of it was due to his desire to see Wallis and himself as some kind of king and queen...
In other words he was a huge ass ...

His brother was a good King and no coward like this guy :

After war broke out in September 1939, George VI and his wife resolved to stay in London, despite German bombing raids. They officially stayed in Buckingham Palace throughout the war, although they usually spent nights at Windsor Castle.[48] The first German raid on London, on 7 September 1940, killed about one thousand civilians, mostly in the East End.[49] On 13 September, the King and Queen narrowly avoided death when two German bombs exploded in a courtyard at Buckingham Palace while they were there.[50] In defiance, the Queen famously declared: "I am glad we have been bombed. We can now look the East End in the face".[51] The royal family were portrayed as sharing the same dangers and deprivations as the rest of the country.
It's strange two brother can be so different...thank God things worked out like they did  :).


David was certainly a fool and very selfish and weak but I don't see that he was a coward.  he tried hard to get to do active service in WWI.. and to take the risk of being killed.  but he did I think prefer the German POV in WWII, because they were anti Communist and because he was a rich not very intelligent man.  Possibly he might have chosen to be a puppet king for the Nazis if they invaded Britain... but as with most things I think his motives were mixed.  I think that after abdicating, he DID find that "not being king" was not os much fun as he'd hoped and that he and Wallis were condemned to a life of pointless exile... and he also probably wanted an end ot the war.. fro humanitarian reasons.. or felt that Britan shoudl fight iwth Germany agaisnt Soviet Russia, not with Russia agaisnt Germany...


Quote from: Harryforlife25 on September 04, 2011, 09:16:08 AM
After war broke out in September 1939, George VI and his wife resolved to stay in London, despite German bombing raids. They officially stayed in Buckingham Palace throughout the war, although they usually spent nights at Windsor Castle.[48] The first German raid on London, on 7 September 1940, killed about one thousand civilians, mostly in the East End.[49] On 13 September, the King and Queen narrowly avoided death when two German bombs exploded in a courtyard at Buckingham Palace while they were there.[50] In defiance, the Queen famously declared: "I am glad we have been bombed. We can now look the East End in the face".[51] The royal family were portrayed as sharing the same dangers and deprivations as the rest of the country. 

Thanks for the above, Harryforlife25.  It is copied from Wikipedia, so let's give them credit:

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Quote from: amabel on September 04, 2011, 09:31:17 AM
David was certainly a fool and very selfish and weak but I don't see that he was a coward.  he tried hard to get to do active service in WWI.. and to take the risk of being killed.  but he did I think prefer the German POV in WWII, because they were anti Communist and because he was a rich not very intelligent man.  Possibly he might have chosen to be a puppet king for the Nazis if they invaded Britain... but as with most things I think his motives were mixed.  I think that after abdicating, he DID find that "not being king" was not os much fun as he'd hoped and that he and Wallis were condemned to a life of pointless exile... and he also probably wanted an end ot the war.. fro humanitarian reasons.. or felt that Britan shoudl fight iwth Germany agaisnt Soviet Russia, not with Russia agaisnt Germany...
Excuse me are you making excuses for him? This a true HERO :
[52] In August 1942, the King's brother, Prince George, Duke of Kent, was killed on active service.
His baby brother was KILLED by the Nazies the other one stayed to fight them while this one was all over the place LIVING IT UP with his HO:

.[84] When the Germans invaded the north of France and bombed Britain in May 1940, the Duchess told an American journalist, "I can't say I feel sorry for them."[85] As the German troops advanced, the Duke and Duchess fled south from their Paris home, first to Biarritz, then in June to Spain. There, she told the United States ambassador, Alexander W. Weddell, that France had lost because it was "internally diseased".[86] In July, the pair moved to Lisbon, Portugal, where they stayed at the home of Ricardo de Espirito Santo e Silva, a banker who was suspected of being a German agent.[87] In August, the Duke and Duchess travelled by commercial liner to the Bahamas, where the Duke was installed as Governor.[88]

The man MET with the guy KILLING  his people not to mention his family with a HUGE FREAKING SMILE on his face yeah King material for sure...


No I'm not making excuses for him and I certainly didn't say he was "king material" as he obviously wasn't'.  However, he did serve in WWI,  he did try to get to the Front and to do active service then.  he said that it idnd't matter if he was killed, as he had brothers.  but as the eldest son h e was not permitted ot be in a danger zone.  in WWII, his behaviour was very bad but I don't see that it sprang from physical cowardice.  it sprang from selfishness and dissociation from his own country.