Harry & Megan - Part 2

Started by SophieChloe, March 17, 2017, 06:54:43 PM

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^ Well, if Meghan believes all that and thinks all that (and she has said not a word about her views on the BRF) then it's truly remarkable that she is in a serious relationship of almost a year with a British prince, especially a senior Royal who must have talked to her about his family and his relatives and duties. He issued an unprecedented statement on her behalf last year.

Meghan has stayed with Harry at KP and has not been put off by the security measures etc. You would think that not knowing anything about the BRF after all that she must be blind, deaf and dumb. In your mid 30s you don't usually form a relationship with a single male for nearly a year, just for kicks and she hasn't run screaming for the hills yet!

However, you are determined to believe that she knows nothing of Britain, nothing of the BRF and the two aren't serious. If they become engaged in the next few months I shall be interested in your reactions to this event.


I will be mildly annoyed that I was wrong, but I wont care very much...

Lady Deb

Quote from: Tiddles88 on April 15, 2017, 07:29:47 AM
^^ Article accompanying the pics said the car dropped Harry off, so parking has nothing to do with it. And if he's going to be pictured either way... there no need for discretion. He shouldn't treat her like a dirty secret. If security was the issue, they should have been whisked away now that has been revealed that he's in her house, to a safe and lovely place, 5* hotel maybe, to enjoy each other's company. But lo and behold, Meghan's out and about, going to yoga and looking glum.

I don't believe the narrative that we have been presented, that they're besotted with each other, that they're planning to wed. I believe that they are in a relationship (I don't buy the photoshop theories), but I do think the shine is off. Meghan may be having second thoughts, royal life is not a fairytale after all, and Harry maybe not all he's cracked up to be, once you get past the prince bit.

I did not read the article. I saw the report on local Toronto television and people in the neighbourhood said security vehicles were parked at her house.

You see Meghan as looking glum going to yoga, I see her as just not smiling for the photographer. I don't know what Harry's or Meghan's thoughts are. I believe that they are in relationship, whether they are planning to get engaged or wed, I guess we'll all find out sometime in the future.


^^ I remember back last year  there were pics of her smiling and some used to say she enjoys the attention,shes so smug etc and now that she doesn't smile,those people are now saying   there trouble in paradise,her and Harry have broken up etc... :notamused: she can't win


I do remember how happy she looked when Harry came to see her in November. She was practically glowing. She hasn't looked that happy for a long time now.

And why is she going to yoga alone when the man in her life is in her house? The man that she hasn't seen in weeks. They should be snuggled up watching films, chatting, cooking together, being happy... instead here's Meghan, off to yoga.

I'm wondering, you ladies who support the view that they're super happy together and heading to the alter at 96 miles/hour, if the situation was reversed. If there was a whole host of photos of Meghan looking happy, and the photos from the Jamaica wedding showed Harry, smiling and attentive to his lovely lady... Would you have laughed if someone said they were unhappy with each other? Or would you have agreed that "a photo is a moment in time, it shows us nothing about their relationship"? "He was probably laughing at a joke the waiter made"? Or does it only count if the evidence shows what you would like to see?


Quote from: Tiddles88 on April 15, 2017, 03:49:07 PM
I do remember how happy she looked when Harry came to see her in November. She was practically glowing. She hasn't looked that happy for a long time now.

And why is she going to yoga alone when the man in her life is in her house? The man that she hasn't seen in weeks. They should be snuggled up watching films, chatting, cooking together, being happy... instead here's Meghan, off to yoga.

I'm wondering, you ladies who support the view that they're super happy together and heading to the alter at 96 miles/hour, if the situation was reversed. If there was a whole host of photos of Meghan looking happy, and the photos from the Jamaica wedding showed Harry, smiling and attentive to his lovely lady... Would you have laughed if someone said they were unhappy with each other? Or would you have agreed that "a photo is a moment in time, it shows us nothing about their relationship"? "He was probably laughing at a joke the waiter made"? Or does it only count if the evidence shows what you would like to see?

Evidence? He invited her at his friend's wedding last month. He came to Toronto to spend Easter with her. It's the only evidence we have. And it's the only evidence we need.

Lady Deb

@Tiddles88 I interpret life and things differently from you. Some see a glass half empty, I see a glass half full.  Personally, sometimes when I'm happy, I have a huge grin, beaming ear to ear, most of the time I'm happy and content in life, but no huge grin, I'm still happy, that's just me.  Back to Meghan, I've seen pictures of her smiling and laughing recently.

Why can't a woman go to yoga even if her boyfriend is in town? Perhaps Harry was tired and having a snooze, so M kept her yoga time? Perhaps H had a conference call or meeting with one of his charities and she went and did her own thing? Why can't  a person be happy and still do their own thing for a couple of hours, if that? I guess that's my personal, glass half full, cup runneth over view on life. There's 24 hours in a day, a few minutes at yoga to me doesn't determine whether someone is happy or not, or whether someone is snuggling, chatting and being happy for the remaining 22-23 hours in a day. Meghan has been in England and Harry still kept his public appearances. Perhaps they are just that comfortable with each other and with life.

Just as @California_dream said if M was smiling some would and have criticized her for being smug, now she's not smiling, she must be glum. I say, a picture captured M walking on Wednesday with her yoga mat. End of story for that moment in time.


The narrative, which we have been told ad nauseum, since they went public is: Harry and Meghan are besotted with each other. They are the hottest couple this side of hell. They have decided to marry and are planning to announce this to the world soon.

Is there any evidence of any of these things?

They are a couple.  They do spend time together. I do not dispute that. What I am arguing against is that sugar sweet narrative. Honestly, I see nothing to indicate that these two people are even in love, let alone are planning to marry.


I doubt they would stay together if they were not in love.


^ Well, Tiddles, what about the statement Harry released last November from Kensington Palace, as proof that Harry feels that Meghan is special?

I have followed Harry from his teens and therefore through the Chelsy and Cressida B years. Harry was in love with Chelsy for a long time and she was pursued by paps and sometimes attacked in the press. Harry, who was very young, issued no statement on her behalf.

The attacks on Cressida were not so much by the media as by the fandom on Tumblrs and Twitter and forums and it was pretty rough. No statement by KP/Harry though.

Indeed, it is very very rare for the Royals to issue any kind of statement which refers to their private lives especially their love lives. William and Kate dated for practically nine years with short off breaks. Those were Pre Leveson Inquiry days and Kate had to sometimes face dozens of paps a day when she ventured out of the London flat she lived in, and that went on for years. No statement.

No other Royal has done this, not even Charles, when his fiancée Diana was being photographed night and day. I'd say that makes Meghan and the relationship special in Harry's eyes.

What do you expect them to do to prove their love. Come out wearing hearts and flowers and wreathed with smiles every time they're in public? Harry to give long interviews about his love for Meghan?

When did William and Kate ever do that and they've now been married six years with two children? Have you ever seen the Queen and Prince Philip (nearly 70 years married) kissing and cuddling and talking about their love? Or Charles and Camilla? Thats not something royals do.

This is a long distance relationship between two people in their 30s. Harry has said for years he wants to settle down, and Harry and Meghan make the effort to see each other whenever they can. So long as they know what their feelings are for each other then it really doesn't matter about anyone else.


What are they going to say next when there is a wedding, that it didn't happen? Oh! I know! "It wasn't Meghan he married."  You all are just being ridiculous!! Curryoung and others, why do you bother? Seriously!!??



Quote from: Curryong on April 16, 2017, 12:27:51 AM
Meghan has ended her association with Reitman's clothing stores.

Meghan Markle quits her Reitmans ambassador role | Daily Mail Online

I think they are already engaged! They just have not announced it yet and they won't until after she finishes filming "Suits'" season 7.  First her blog now this and they offered a lucrative contract to renew I understand.  Wow! Something is going on!!


Quote from: Curryong on April 15, 2017, 09:49:52 PM
^ Well, Tiddles, what about the statement Harry released last November from Kensington Palace, as proof that Harry feels that Meghan is special?

I have followed Harry from his teens and therefore through the Chelsy and Cressida B years. Harry was in love with Chelsy for a long time and she was pursued by paps and sometimes attacked in the press. Harry, who was very young, issued no statement on her behalf.

The attacks on Cressida were not so much by the media as by the fandom on Tumblrs and Twitter and forums and it was pretty rough. No statement by KP/Harry though.

Indeed, it is very very rare for the Royals to issue any kind of statement which refers to their private lives especially their love lives. William and Kate dated for practically nine years with short off breaks. Those were Pre Leveson Inquiry days and Kate had to sometimes face dozens of paps a day when she ventured out of the London flat she lived in, and that went on for years. No statement.

No other Royal has done this, not even Charles, when his fiancée Diana was being photographed night and day. I'd say that makes Meghan and the relationship special in Harry's eyes.

What do you expect them to do to prove their love. Come out wearing hearts and flowers and wreathed with smiles every time they're in public? Harry to give long interviews about his love for Meghan?

When did William and Kate ever do that and they've now been married six years with two children? Have you ever seen the Queen and Prince Philip (nearly 70 years married) kissing and cuddling and talking about their love? Or Charles and Camilla? Thats not something royals do.

This is a long distance relationship between two people in their 30s. Harry has said for years he wants to settle down, and Harry and Meghan make the effort to see each other whenever they can. So long as they know what their feelings are for each other then it really doesn't matter about anyone else.
They should tattoo each other names on their foreheads.Perhaps Meghan should wear a 'I heart Harry' shirt and vice versa :lol:


Anyone that has been following Harry for even a bit can tell you that the media has speculated about Harry getting married to each of his girlfriends. Most recently with Cressida and they unexpectedly broke a short time later. So trying to assume that everything means that they are getting married, is futile because it has happened countless times before with other girlfriends. Both of which, seem to have walked away because they could not stand the speculation, lack of privacy. They were smart girls in my opinion.

I think that people that claim to be fans of the relationship are the most harmful for the relationship. Let it happen naturally, slowly and without expectations. I bet that's how Harry and Meghan are trying to do things considering having Meghan signup for a restrictive  royal life can not be taken lightly when she did not go up in it. Getting engaged less than a year into a relationship is quick for most relationships is fast, it is especially so to get married into the royal family. Princess Diana could attest to that, I am sure. I don't think Harry is stupid. He knows that he needs to be cautious of who he selects to marry. If it is meant to be, it will be, regardless of what people say is happening or not happening. None of us really know what is going on. It is simply speculation on here and with the media. Harry getting married sells more newspapers than Harry getting to know Meghan and taking their relationship slowly.


I just read, Harry took Meghan away somewhere this weekend for Easter!!

Lady Deb

Quote from: California_dream on April 16, 2017, 07:48:33 AM
They should tattoo each other names on their foreheads.Perhaps Meghan should wear a 'I heart Harry' shirt and vice versa :lol:

LOL, Then there would be chatter, is it a heart, or a circle or a big W? Then complaints, wearing a heart is childish, she's wearing a circle, she wants in Harry's circle. No she wants a round red ring. No, it's 'I W Harry', she's just smug, saying she Won Harry. She wore a $500 'I Won Harry' designer shirt, she should have bought material and thread and made her own shirt, cuz its not right to support charities if you wear expensive clothes. Or it really is a heart, but she wasn't smiling and didn't place her hand over her heart, no she doesn't really heart Harry, LOL!


well I don't enyvy her. the fans who championed Cressy or Chelsey will be up in arms..


Harry is with Meghan.   He loves her.   Who cares who's up in arms opposed to it? 

All of you against this and complaining act as if you a vested interest and a say in his relationship! And you don't! There is not a thing any of you can do about it!! 


@Maria5583 Talking about the possibility of an engagement isnt going to make it happen and i doubt Harry and Meghan care what we discuss about them


He acts so ashamed of her ... it's embarrassing for her that at 35 she is someone a man sneaks in their home for you know what and nothing else and won't act as a proper boyfriend in the Daylight ... it's embarrassing for him no real celeb wants him given that he seems so keen on them ...  even Mollie King tolled him where to go ...


Quote from: California_dream on April 16, 2017, 07:42:32 PM
@Maria5583 Talking about the possibility of an engagement isnt going to make it happen and i doubt Harry and Meghan care what we discuss about them
true talking about it wont make it happen..



On set, where the energy is unsurprisingly different this year, a source close to production informs that they're bending over backwards to keep "Meghan happy," but there is also a sense that she's dissolved into a world of herself. She worries that she has only "users," not real friends, and has been preoccupied to some extent with some of the inter-family strife — i.e. an older half-sister who has announced plans to write a not-so-agreeable tell-all!

(Regarding Harry's photos visiting Meghan) It also didn't escape my attention that the grainy images were released exclusively by E!, which is owned by NBC Universal, which also owns the USA Network, the network that runs the show Suits.


Quote from: Curryong on April 15, 2017, 09:11:45 AM
^ Well, if Meghan believes all that and thinks all that (and she has said not a word about her views on the BRF) then it's truly remarkable that she is in a serious relationship of almost a year with a British prince, especially a senior Royal who must have talked to her about his family and his relatives and duties. He issued an unprecedented statement on her behalf last year.

Meghan has stayed with Harry at KP and has not been put off by the security measures etc. You would think that not knowing anything about the BRF after all that she must be blind, deaf and dumb. In your mid 30s you don't usually form a relationship with a single male for nearly a year, just for kicks and she hasn't run screaming for the hills yet!
theres'a  lot of difference between payng a visit  and signing up for life.  and a lot of difference between knowing SOMETHING about a country and a lifestyle and actually  committing to that place..
Of course she hasn't said anyting about the BRF, she would be monumentally foolish to do so.