Fergie shopped while New York burnt during 9/11

Started by ~Sophia~, December 04, 2004, 02:03:58 PM

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I guess she didn't know terrorists were attacking America.I was also shopping on 9/11 and I didn't find out what happened until I saw all the commotion in the mall.


Well i knew and i just carried on with what i was doing in school, because i wasnt in america and noone i new was so it didn't affect me.


I watch it all life form my T.V..........I was in the same time zone as America.
I saw the first plane hit the building when a Spanish News crew whee filming life the Sky line of New York :(


You know i really cant remember that much, just soemone at school talking about it and that blue were in new york at the time, it wasnt long after theyed been to my school as i recall.


I remember everything and its so horrible :waaaah:  


I think it was b/c i was so young, i remember we had to write about it in school-i copied me mates


QuoteI think it was b/c i was so young, i remember we had to write about it in school-i copied me mates
Yes that's probably why

Quotei copied me mates

:lol: :lol:  

sunshine lily

I was in the U.S. and my aunt was flying in from overseas and she was due to arrive in Newyork at time of attacks so I thought that my aunt was on the plane and that she was dead *horrible hah* :angry: but then when they were near America they made the plane turn back and go to were it came from . My aunt told me that she was sure that she was going to die that day , if not fromthe attacks but from the airplane running out of fuel but somehow with god's will they made back safe without having to re fuel . Its kind of a miracle ! ;) but its also hilarious  :happytears: yah but I vividly remmember everything that day  :(  :(  
I came , I saw , I conquered -Juluis Ceaser

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny


Lets all hope such tragedy does not happen again to any country in the World


I doubt that this will never ever happen again, and with the people we have running this country it will probibly be here.


The United Kingdom must reform its security methods as quickly as possible, if not as you said GEMS I also fear an attack here :(  


How can we protect ourselves when we can't even run a country propeerly?


Why do you say we can't run our country properly?


Well i dont know if i should say this b/c its not the right topic, but i think that asylum sekers in this country are causing great problems to a society that isn't ready for all this strain on our resources. I know this is harsh but i think we shouldnt let any more of them in untill we are sorted, and then only so many, after they have had a test like the one in america, i saw on the news the other day a woman who had been burgled and for the police to help her they had to have an interpriter and all sorts, when they cant even cope with our own victims. I'm not saying we shoudn't help them but if we continue the way we are we will end up in a situation where we are unable to help anyone at all, including ourselves. We are also not strict enough with laws, if things like maxine carr happend in places like america they would do the whole time they were sentenced to and get a lot more too.


I strongly agree with you GEMS its a great problem that not only the United Kingdom is facing but also other European countries like Spain.....therefore I agree that this country should make this a priority and sort it out before it gets to late.

But this problem is a difficult one to solve as it has to be done from the core and the core is from the country they are coming such as North Africa and the Middle East, if the United Kingdom could solve the International Crisis in those areas of the World then it would be easier to cope you this problem.


QuoteI remember everything and its so horrible :waaaah:
I also remember everything.I remember I saw confused and anxious expressions on peoples' faces that day,and then a lady told me that planes crashed into the World Trade Centers,the Pentagon,and a field in Pennsylvania.I was 11 at the time,so at first I thought they were just tragic accidents until my mom told me terrorists attacked America.It was very sad when my mom had to explain to me everything about terrorism.I then saw the footage on TV,and everything was depressing.


But the worse bit is the numbers of people that died.......I just hope this doesn't happen again :(  


QuoteBut the worse bit is the numbers of people that died.......I just hope this doesn't happen again :(
Did you see a clip of a man jumping out a window of the WTC while it was burning?That was sad.


I think everyone saw that................ :waaaah:  


QuoteI strongly agree with you GEMS its a great problem that not only the United Kingdom is facing but also other European countries like Spain.....therefore I agree that this country should make this a priority and sort it out before it gets to late.

But this problem is a difficult one to solve as it has to be done from the core and the core is from the country they are coming such as North Africa and the Middle East, if the United Kingdom could solve the International Crisis in those areas of the World then it would be easier to cope you this problem.
I think we need to get rid of them all, everything will get better then (such as policing and the NHS), and then when we are sorted we will be in a far better position to help others.


I agree, this is our country therefore we should be the main priority, and when we are all done and polished then we can help others



QuoteIt sound horrible but its the truth
I though i sounded a bit selfish, but im not-i'm not just talking about the benafit of one person but millions, it isn't horrible or selfish to say you want to make their lives better.


Too late for what, Windsor? Why shouldn't people come to Britain for a better life? Britains have swarmed into other countries around the world and taken over in the past and made all the locals adapt to the British way of life, to the detriment of local customs.  

BTW many international problems arise from the legacy of colonial rule by Britain and other European powers.  The UK, USA and EU support corrupt regimes and follow trade policies that severely disadvantage weaker countries.  Assylum seekers are a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself, IMHO.    


Well i have said before all these people need to be sacked and we need a completly new goverment, one with working class people on it who know more about normal life insted of free holidays and boarding schools.