The Duke and Duchess of Sussex interviews, TV and other media events Part 3

Started by TLLK, December 07, 2022, 01:25:02 AM

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What institution?  Baker mentioned newspaper editors. They aren?t an institution! Far from it!

And he wrote for tabloids as well as broadsheets but broadsheets don?t operate most of the time like a pack of feral wild dogs. The former do, because the entire print press has been fighting to stay alive for well over twenty years, and especially in the UK it?s become a case of sheer survival by any means necessary.


And by the way, Glover has written a column for the Fail regularly for many years, so he?s hardly unbiased.


But he is still Black. In this woke times, an opinion of a black is far more superior than a white. 

IOW, the loads of articles of Meghan visiting a University, with the ''there is too many white pale and stale''.  Steven isn't white, pale or stale, he is 100% black.


Quote from: Curryong on December 14, 2022, 09:57:19 PM
What institution?  Baker mentioned newspaper editors. They aren?t an institution! Far from it!

And he wrote for tabloids as well as broadsheets but broadsheets don?t operate most of the time like a pack of feral wild dogs. The former do, because the entire print press has been fighting to stay alive for well over twenty years, and especially in the UK it?s become a case of sheer survival by any means necessary.

Who are the Editors? same question, and still a blank statement.


Quote from: wannable on December 14, 2022, 09:22:23 PM

When the ridiculous moaning of the shallow Sussexes is long forgotten, the monarchy will still endure.
As for Spare, 'It is also possible that it won't be the most brilliant book ever published.'

Stephen Glover
Black Community
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

I don?t know what Black Community has to do with anything but the Stephen Glover that you have referred to above that made the remarks about the Shallow Sussexes etc is a 70 year old white journalist who has written a column for the Fail for years. He is certainly not black.

His full statement on the Sussexes below

STEPHEN GLOVER: Will Harry and Meghan kill off the monarchy? Lots of people think so. Others hope they will. I should be astonished if they do. That the couple will go on causing turbulence can't be doubted. Tomorrow will see the release of episodes four, five and six of their Netflix fantasy docu-series. Many think these will be more incendiary than last Thursday's three-part offering. Harry said in a trailer released earlier this week that people were 'happy to lie' to protect his brother, the Prince of Wales, but 'they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us'. That sounds like a nasty dig at courtiers and the Royal Family.


As someone said to me...*When you are dumb, young and foolish all the choices and decisions you make then will come back to haunt you when your older and wise* very true that is as that goes for all of us.....Boy is Harry and Meghan in for a very hard rude awakening someday.....


Any suggestion negative stories were 'fed' to the media by the Palace as part of a 'war' against Meghan is categorically untrue - in fact I ignored Harry's frankly rude and unprofessional behaviour towards the press, says Royal Editor REBECCA ENGLISH 

Claims negative stories were 'fed' to media as part of a 'war' against Meghan 'are untrue' | Daily Mail Online


Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on December 15, 2022, 12:51:11 AM
Any suggestion negative stories were 'fed' to the media by the Palace as part of a 'war' against Meghan is categorically untrue - in fact I ignored Harry's frankly rude and unprofessional behaviour towards the press, says Royal Editor REBECCA ENGLISH

Claims negative stories were 'fed' to media as part of a 'war' against Meghan 'are untrue' | Daily Mail Online

Yes we all know that the Palace staff were just filled to the brim with wondrous information about the delightful other royal Households including the Sussexes, and that the RRs are the saints who deliver 100% truthful stories in the (mostly tabloid) newspapers who employ them. No lie about anyone royal or anybody else has ever passed Rebecca English?s benign glance. Funny how I remember her having to withdraw some stories she filed in her past. Must be bad memory, lol!

And outstandingly funny is her assertion in the article that she never heard anything bad about Meghan until six months after the Sussex wedding. That gave me a good belly laugh. She obviously never reads the newspaper she is employed by.

Er, not six months after the wedding but in fact years before. Must have been missed by Rebecca, who was obviously looking for great things to say about Harry?s girlfriend at the time.
Just refreshing my memory of one of the Fail?s most notorious stories about the background of the girl Rebecca says was defended at all times.

Prince Harry's new girlfriend Meghan Markle's LA home | Daily Mail Online

Straight outa Compton, guys!


It's interesting how different people are shaped and their character strengthened or weakened.

A bit of a compare and contrast, side note, Venus and Serena Williams are proud of stating (and repeating) the fact they are from Compton. The two sisters use the attitude of 'these are the positives to take away from Compton (other than their recounting of life in Compton to be told at interviews, magazines, documentaries made them loads of money other than tennis). Basically, the ladies have said it made them strong and tough. Comptons community center is the Williams sisters contribution.


Netflix last 3 episodes much of the same thing whinging fest and trashing the family and the right price to show the children.


Harry got his wish, he has completely destroyed any future relationship with his brother, He tossed his dad and brother under the bus and there is no going back from that ever.  Good Luck Harry for you are going to need it sooner than later.


Quote from: wannable on December 15, 2022, 12:11:34 PM
It's interesting how different people are shaped and their character strengthened or weakened.

A bit of a compare and contrast, side note, Venus and Serena Williams are proud of stating (and repeating) the fact they are from Compton. The two sisters use the attitude of 'these are the positives to take away from Compton (other than their recounting of life in Compton to be told at interviews, magazines, documentaries made them loads of money other than tennis). Basically, the ladies have said it made them strong and tough. Comptons community center is the Williams sisters contribution.

But neither Meghan nor Doria lived in Compton, so what the Fail stated was a lie. And with descriptions about being gang ridden and run down the journalist was hardly being complimentary about the place or the people who lived there. It is perfectly obvious what that journo was doing. And the Fail got pulled to pieces by other news people for that article anyway.


Same gang ridden descriptions the Williams sister gave of their neighborhood. The DM Word for word copied from a Williams documentary, interview about that neighborhood. Richard can be proud of using the positive rather than the negative.

As I said, people's experience can shape them differently.

Meghan is a professional victim. I noted her mom uses racism too for every alleged problem. They both are not conciliatory, on the contrary.


Quote from: wannable on December 15, 2022, 12:40:39 PM
Same gang ridden descriptions the William's sister gave of their neighborhood. As I said, people's experience can shape them differently.

Meghan is a professional victim.

But neither Meghan nor Doria ever lived in Compton. They lived in a nearby suburb. So the reporter was ranting about a place that had nothing to do with Harry?s girlfriend.


If they didn't live there, I don't see a reason to go full blown hysterical about it. Two 100% black women speak about and still do about their pride of being raised until their teens in Compton...

Did H, M or D or O go hysterical or did they send a note of their neighborhood address? They've gone ''racist'' to I said Meghan (and Harry since meeting Meghan) are negative, so relfect negative, do negative, professional victims.


Quote from: wannable on December 15, 2022, 12:47:51 PM
If they didn't live there, I don't see a reason to go full blown hysterical about it. Two 100% black women speak about and still do about their pride of being raised until their teens in Compton...

Did H, M or D or O go hysterical or did they send a note of their neighborhood address?

No, none of them spoke about it in 2016 or until this doco. Other journalists and newspapers went berserk about it at the time. It was regarded as a notorious piece of nasty tabloid journalism and still continues to be pointed to.

Doris?s home is featured here.

Where does Meghan Markle's mother live?
Doria Ragland lives in a house in the View Park-Windsor Hills neighbourhood of Los Angeles. It is located between Culver City and Inglewood, just east of Los Angeles International Airport.

Meghan Markle's mother Doria Ragland's tropical home she didn't have to buy | HELLO!


I knowing would prefer the William family upbringing.

They have positive messages for life experience.

The Meghan reality back to this thread is playing war games via victimhood


Quote from: wannable on December 15, 2022, 01:00:11 PM
I knowing would prefer the William family upbringing

I wouldn?t. I certainly wouldn?t want to live in any neighbourhood that harbours gangs.


Quote from: Nightowl on December 15, 2022, 12:38:54 AM
As someone said to me...*When you are dumb, young and foolish all the choices and decisions you make then will come back to haunt you when your older and wise* very true that is as that goes for all of us.....Boy is Harry and Meghan in for a very hard rude awakening someday.....

Megan, no. She will be better than doing just fine. One day, a richer man. A real man too.

Henry, Dummy , Little Boy Sussex, Meggies whipping boy, lol, he will be left with nothing.
He does not have a country now. A born prince without a country.
The UK does not want him.
The USA is not his country. Here, he can only be a celebrity. Like a the people on reality tv shows. Real housewife, survivor, Love & Hip Hop.

Yes @Nightowl , that is a TRUE AND EXCELLENT quote. Add to it, some young mistakes are things are redouble, forgiven, not life changing.
HENRY, what he has done is awful, life changing for him, forever life changing.

Edited for language


Quote from: Curryong on December 15, 2022, 01:02:09 PM
I wouldn?t. I certainly wouldn?t want to live in any neighbourhood that harbours gangs.

Speaking as a lifelong resident of California, I'll  be honest that it's an unfortunate fact of life that  you would be very hard pressed to find a community in California that doesn't have gang members or "wannabe" ones. There are those gangs that typically don't make the news because they tend to prey upon their own ethnic/racial groups. The boundaries of the set territories do tend to shift as well. For example, Compton (initially settled by Dutch dairy farmers) is primarily Latino  and not African American. Latinos have been the dominate group for quite awhile. La "Eme" (Mexican Mafia) and other gangs  tend to target African Americans.

QuoteIs Compton a Hispanic city?
The largest Compton racial/ethnic groups are Hispanic (69.3%) followed by Black (27.0%) and Asian (1.0%).


Quote from: Nightowl on December 15, 2022, 12:21:36 PM
Harry got his wish, he has completely destroyed any future relationship with his brother, He tossed his dad and brother under the bus and there is no going back from that ever.  Good Luck Harry for you are going to need it sooner than later.

yes. I am really over discussing?he said that and she said this in their books and interviews.

I think it is great Megs interview in The Cut, Oprah, Netflix reality tv show, and Henrys book. WATCH OUT, WAIT, YOU AINT HEARD NOTHING YET, LOL.
Add their mouthpiece, friend, coauthor Omid posting anti BRF and proSussex and Omids new book on them next year?..gasoline on the fire.

BRF will continue. Badly bruised. Years, over 10 of unity, together, hard work, the support of THEIR PEOPLE IN THE UK , BRF will survive as it always has.

Karma is a bummer. How about this quote @Nightowl ?

Henry WILL RECIEVE his just karma. Meg is going to leave his dumb  one day and the children, they will have a new, richer  real man .

Edited for language


FanDianaFancy They will remain together forever. They've damaged themselves that only loser club types will accept a joint ''project/money making' or desperate new staffers to work for the couple. IF they separate, I doubt they will be able to ''prosper'' with positive features together with winners club type. I mean is there any winner club type that would like to? They might end up trashed, ghosted, ruined image, etc.

Sophisticated gang members in a social stratum A are hired ex police/security company with owners with guns too like any lowly gang from another hood, terrorizing or taking care of their hood.  When I listen to our neighborhood meetings, social stratum A it's very social stratum A of basically kicking out any vendors that come around trying to make a living, but then comes the discrimination that someone in the social stratum A who has a contact, investigated the poor vendor, vendor has criminal record family member or is an ex con trying to reinsert in society, everyone is scared. Reality of life.


Quote from: Curryong on December 15, 2022, 12:52:10 PM
No, none of them spoke about it in 2016 or until this doco. Other journalists and newspapers went berserk about it at the time. It was regarded as a notorious piece of nasty tabloid journalism and still continues to be pointed to.

Doris?s home is featured here.

Where does Meghan Markle's mother live?
Doria Ragland lives in a house in the View Park-Windsor Hills neighbourhood of Los Angeles. It is located between Culver City and Inglewood, just east of Los Angeles International Airport.

Meghan Markle's mother Doria Ragland's tropical home she didn't have to buy | HELLO!

Doria lives in what is locally referred to as the African American version of Beverly Hills.


The thread will be closed if there's continued use of unacceptable language to refer to any person.


On the contrary. I?ve now seen all six episodes and Harry and Meghan are very tactile and affectionate with each other. They adore their children, show their love to them and to each other. They appear to be excellent parents and a happy family.

They will be married five years next May, have been together for seven, and are obviously very happy together in their California home. I see no indication that Meghan wants another man. She is happy with her husband, and I think that people who predict their divorce are indulging in wishful thinking. Ain?t going to happen.