New Chelsy Pics ~ Part Three

Started by MapleLeaf, December 17, 2007, 10:59:36 PM

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Please post new photos of Chelsy only!

~Thank You

:yipee: More Chelsy pics please!

Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.
~Aldous Huxley


QuoteShe's been smoking for so long, I think it's more than an act of rebellion now. It's an addiction to nicotine.
She looks like an addict in this photo.


IMO ................. UK Press ......................racist
Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me all the days of my life & i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me all the days of my life & i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


I think that's how I'd look walking around my back deck in a bikini smoking. In fact I'm pretty sure I look worse than that usually when I'm in my backyard with friends smoking. I think she looks fine, just like someone trying to relax and get some color back on their skin after a long semester of apparently crappy weather.
Harryite #0094   


Chelsy looks absolutely horrible, IMO. Her skin is gray, her expression is crabby, and the cigarette looks trashy. If she needs a tan that bad, she should try spray-on.
I do feel sorry for her, though.


Her coloring is off because she had a very deep tan before she got to England and then it faded over the semester. I looked pretty rough when I came back from the sunny south of France and my beautiful tan faded. I don't really think she looks especially crabby...she looks like someone out on her deck tanning. If anything it's probably because she became aware of the paps. I can't say anything about her smoking, since I do. It doesn't look that trashy to me.
Harryite #0094   


^No offense, but smoking is a really disgusting habit...for me, it's like when you see someone doing drugs or being drunk - no one looks dignified or respectable doing it. You very well could be the Queen of England, and you'd still look trashy while doing it. It's never going to be fashionable or dignified no matter what.


It is a bad habit on every angle you look at it. 

I always say that of all the things that can happen to you and all the horrible illnesses that you can get in your life, why make things worse by giving yourself a higher chance to get cancer?  If you can be proactive why not do it?  Hopefully she will see the light, so to speak, and quite soon!


^^I think I'd rather see someone smoking a cig than see them injecting heroin or smoking crack.

Yeah, it's a bad habit. But still not the worst. If your worst vice is smoking I think you're doing alright.

She'll probably quit soon enough, though. She's already curbed the drinking. Maybe she'll quit smoking when she graduates. Or if Harry's actually trying to quit, they might do it together. But I think a lot of people smoke in college, but quit afterwards.
Harryite #0094   


Maybe she is quitting. She could be smoking a lot less. We only saw one picture so there really isn't a way to tell.

Either way, I hope she does quit.

And I don't think she ever drank all that much. What is their evidence? A few nights out with Harry and some Facebook photos? I remember reading an article in the newspaper about how Facebook is misleading. The only pics on the profile (or a large portion of them) might show a person drinking and partying. But that could also be the only party they've gone to in a long time. I know Chelsy HAS parties with her friends, but I don't see her out clubbing all that often, which is good. :)




Well wasn't it with her set that Harry was spotted snorting alcohol? IMO they don't look like the 'good clean fun' sort. I'm sure she does a lot worse things when not in public view.


Quote from: pwillyhothot on December 25, 2007, 06:27:03 PM
Well wasn't it with her set that Harry was spotted snorting alcohol? IMO they don't look like the 'good clean fun' sort. I'm sure she does a lot worse things when not in public view.
Quote from: CdnMumWhoLuvsthePrinces on December 26, 2007, 08:33:58 PM
I'm sure too.

If that was true than why wasn't there pictures of Chelsy doing that? Only pictures of Harry. So why is there an assumption that Chelsy was the one who participated... if we should not assume all the bad things that William does are because of Kate, than why are people doing exactly that for Chelsy? :notamused:
SO I DID HAVE SIGNATURE UP HERE... but evidently it would probably have been removed so I removed it first. But bummer about the possible censorship!
Almost everything is speculation mixed with opinions... get over it!
Diana-ite #3 Chelsy-ite #8


The reports were the video was shot on a 4 day canoe trip in Namibia.  About 20 friends were present along with PH and CD.  I don't think there are any pictures of her in the group at the time.  But some of these people were probably her friends, it has made me wonder if there was someone trying to cause trouble between them as in "he" may have wanted CD for himself.  After this was seen, that seems to be the time their relationship hit a rocky spot. If the person that sold the video was a true friend those pictures would never have been seen.  Can't make her guilty by association.


please take this discussion to the Chelsy Free For All thread. This thread is only to post new pics of her and comment them. All further off topic posts will be removed. thank you.


The pics from Newscom that I said I would post like a month ago. Better late than never I guess...



thanx.....I like her SA summer dress.....some of these pics it looks like a phone pic.....creepy how people can be taking your picture and you don't even know it.
Thanx Crystalrayn :flowery:


Seeing as people are all 'are they aren't they getting married' with W & K, i figured i'd throw in my 10 cents worth with H & C that a engagement ring on her hand?


link didn't work. She usually has a ring on her third finger left hand, does it look like an engagment ring?  :)
are those her bridesmaids on vacation with her? :)

Lolly :)

Some people flip images before they go to press.
It's very common.