Books written about and by the Sussexes Part 3.

Started by TLLK, January 08, 2023, 02:19:44 AM

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There is hope for Harry and Meghan

I don't particularly blame Camilla herself. To borrow the immortal words of Mariah Carey, I don't know her. But what I do know is that her status as "one of the good ones" is a triumph of marketing which doesn't stand up to any kind of scrutiny.


Quote from: wannable on January 24, 2023, 03:19:54 PM
There is hope for Harry and Meghan

I truly believe that there is hope for the couple to repair their damaged credibility and respect if they follow the sound suggestions discussed in the Newsweek article.


Well if Camilla who has worked for 17 years to repair her reputation is not one of the good ones, what hope is there for teh 2 of them?  If they start being nicer now, IMO its only going to look like they got a shock when they got so many criticisms and they are just fake apologising.


The couple would need to exercise consistency in being goody two shoes and that goes with a truck load of patience = 17 years.

And yes the couple have shown time and again to be nice today, nasty for the next entire month, 1 foot forward, 30 steps back.

And then some people really can't help themselves with advisers et all.  Since Megxit they are surrounded by Yes and Vultures.
Source: Tom Bower and Valentine Low, if you said No you were markled or fired, if something planned and executed by her - and him too went south, pointing of the finger, everyone's fault but not me, you get the picture. Then the biggies PR firm like Sunshine Sach and 'any' law firm really, the big dollars.  They spend their money like water running a broken faucet until the basin that supplies the water runs dry.  Sunshine is out, they're doing their own PR, and there is so many people to sue but no moneys to actually do it (lately). 

I always have a little window of hope for lost causes, perhaps they are happy beings, look some  terrible people enjoy being mean with the host of bad things that are tied to it.

The ink is dry, I find there is a lot of terrible tales, i.e. the Taliban, he started well the first paragraph related ,for those who said at the time that context matters, it sure does, because then it ended worse, based on the conclusion, H does not give a hoot what he did. It's quite mad too, when in a span of two paragraphs he went with like two personalities; introduction was going towards being compassionate (there is everything wrong with this war) to the other Harold, the climax/conclusion of 'I don't give a shooting hoot about this kill (bad people). It is no wonder Sandhurst colleagues and bosses had to put out a statement/article ASAP.


^I will concede to not be so harsh with what he wrote in reference to the Taliban, after reading the Sanhurst counter reply, Harry is Academically challenged.


"Prince Harry's Spare (@TransworldBooks) reigns at the top of the UK Official Top 50 for a second week, selling 82,538 copies for its first full week on the shelves."


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 24, 2023, 06:47:04 PM

"Prince Harry's Spare (@TransworldBooks) reigns at the top of the UK Official Top 50 for a second week, selling 82,538 copies for its first full week on the shelves."

That?s terrific news. Thanks for keeping us up to date on this. Harry?s book is continuing to sell at unprecedented levels.


Quote from: Curryong on January 24, 2023, 07:55:30 PM
That?s terrific news. Thanks for keeping us up to date on this. Harry?s book is continuing to sell at unprecedented levels.

Np, it looks like he's moving along.

After breaking the Guinness world record, it looks as if Harry is moving closer to the 1 million copies sold & an entry into the Nielsen Book 21st Century Platinum Hall of Fame.

I'll also have to link it later but it seems like the conversation after Phillips passing that's detailed in Spare had already been leaked by someone in the royal fold to Robert Lacey that was put into the Battle of Brothers and he talked about it while promoting the book. Spare isn't really new information but a clarification of things.


Quote from: TLLK on January 24, 2023, 03:25:07 PM
I truly believe that there is hope for the couple to repair their damaged credibility and respect if they follow the sound suggestions discussed in the Newsweek article.

I agree with you, but I think that would take a great deal of grace and security in their own identities as people. Based on their own words and actions, it doesn?t seem to be the case for either of them. Rising above things (whether imagined or true) isn?t really in the cards for two people who make a living off of privilege and victimhood.


I agree.   I don?t see either of them being capable of the serenity and insight to realize how privileged  they are and how bad this whining comes across.   People can?t heat their homes and they are complaining about luxuries that only few of us will ever experience. 


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 24, 2023, 06:47:04 PM

"Prince Harry's Spare (@TransworldBooks) reigns at the top of the UK Official Top 50 for a second week, selling 82,538 copies for its first full week on the shelves."

And so more books are sold and Harry makes more money with his LIES and as usual the silly people that don't follow royals or know anything about them will buy the book.

Yet what does that prove about Harry's self worth and reputation?  Some are so money hungry for that proves Harry's worth......yet a person's worth is not based on MONEY, a person's character is based on HONESTY, KINDNESS, COMPASSION, INTEGRITY, you know those good things our parents teach us as children...Harry has NONE of those characters in his heart and soul.  Making fun of a disabled woman is how Harry shows himself to the world.......right?


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on January 24, 2023, 10:54:46 PM
I agree with you, but I think that would take a great deal of grace and security in their own identities as people. Based on their own words and actions, it doesn?t seem to be the case for either of them. Rising above things (whether imagined or true) isn?t really in the cards for two people who make a living off of privilege and victimhood.

Just how can anyone on this earth believe a word out of their mouths when all they do is tell LIES, one after another.  And they betray the very people that have given them their start in life with millions of dollars.....there is NOTHING in their character to show me they even understand what they did, I am very much under the impression this is all about MONEY since the bank of dad shut down.......Harry has NO skills at all, I have more employment details then he does to go get a job, he flew a helicopter, so what, what will that earn him to support himself, all Harry had was his family time, his stories, his life as a royal prince to tell and that is it period.  So he is making money and that is all he has going for him, who in their right mind would hire him for anything, please tell me?  If things did not go his way, wham, a new interview with whining how things did go his way.  Harry and Meghan BETRAY people, that is a proven fact here....look at how Meghan has betrayed her own family, friends before she got married all of sudden dropped, she is known for being a BULLY, that report is locked away by HM and heaven forbid if it was shown to the world, Both of them are totally UNSTABLE and can never be trusted again, Thank goodness for William I say......he is very emotionally strong and more like his aunt Anne I would like to think....boy to be a fly on the walls when she roars about the hell Harry and Meghan keep creating..


Quote from: Macrobug67 on January 25, 2023, 12:37:59 AM
I agree.   I don?t see either of them being capable of the serenity and insight to realize how privileged  they are and how bad this whining comes across.   People can?t heat their homes and they are complaining about luxuries that only few of us will ever experience.

I totally agree with you, they have NO idea how darn hard it is for the ordinary citizens of this world right now......NONE. This book and any other book or TV show is all about ME,me and more me. Tell me how much time and money have they spent on helping those that need it while living in Ca?  The BRF just keeps on working and doing the job and keeps helping those that need it, as King Charles 3rd did recently in donating all that money to help his country...I shake my head at a 14 bathroom home for that is all about their EGO and ME and ME again.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 25, 2023, 03:21:47 AM
I totally agree with you, they have NO idea how darn hard it is for the ordinary citizens of this world right now......NONE. This book and any other book or TV show is all about ME,me and more me. Tell me how much time and money have they spent on helping those that need it while living in Ca?  The BRF just keeps on working and doing the job and keeps helping those that need it, as King Charles 3rd did recently in donating all that money to help his country...I shake my head at a 14 bathroom home for that is all about their EGO and ME and ME again.

How the RF make their money and some of the unethical ways they?ve maintained and increased it.

King Charles made the royal family richer as England struggles

And some detail about the seemingly oh so generous wind farms donation King Charles announced the other day.

On the surface, this is a positive step ? but some people have approached it with scrutiny.
1. Would the King even have a say over this percentage?
The prime minister, the chancellor and the keeper of the privy purse are all the royal trustees of the sovereign grant, so they decide how much the royals receive from the crown estate, rather than the monarch.
Graham Smith, leader of the anti-monarchy campaign group Republic, suggested that this was ?constitutional theatre?.
According to Sky News, he said: ?He didn?t wish to do anything, he made a statement that reflected an arrangement he had no power to change. And he doesn?t retain anything, because it?s not his to retain and 100% of the profits go to the government.?
2. Is it PR?
Smith also suggested that the wind farm announcement was ?cynical PR to pre-empt a government decision to reduce the percentage?.

These are NOT selfless individuals dedicated to making British citizens lives better.

And the front of Harry?s book details the charities who will benefit from Spare, including a million dollar donation from the profits. 


Just as I expected ...........oh well!   :windsor1:  :orchid:    And Harry still tells LIES, one after another again.....just as I expect him to do as that is all he knows how to do in life, LIE and LIE!   Oh I can't wait for all those LIES to come back to him and bit him in the butttttttt.... :lol:


Quote from: Nightowl on January 25, 2023, 05:23:29 AM
Just as I expected ...........oh well!   :windsor1:  :orchid:    And Harry still tells LIES, one after another again.....just as I expect him to do as that is all he knows how to do in life, LIE and LIE!   Oh I can't wait for all those LIES to come back to him and bit him in the butttttttt.... :lol:

The RF tells lies, only they use Palace PR and financial techniques involving Treasury to do it. Charles hasn?t donated anything ?to help his country?, as was shown in the links I provided below. 


^ You love the Sussex's and as T said at one time, he could commit murder on 5th Avenue and get away with it, the same with the Sussex's right?  I don't like them and the first impression of them was negative on Meghan's part.....that engagement picture of them together as she was sticking out her boobs with a twist of her head and typical of a Hollywood Starlet walking the red carpet which I have seen many times....just that attitude turned me off and made me leery of them both. Then *Oh nobody ask if I was okay* while in a country were people can't get clean water or food or medical care and Meghan worries that no one is asking about her....give me a *** break Meghan.  Meghan has to be the center of attention at all times when she was a royal....and I am ending Meghan here now for me. 

I don't know everything or even all the tiny details of the royal family and most of them it is not my business to know and I won't claim to know either. I just know that NOBODY is perfect and I am not going to go back 1 year, 10 years or a 100 years pointing out who did what to make it seem like it was OK or bad in today's times.  They the royal family is not perfect at all yet I do believe they care about the country and the people....that is a given for me.  Yes they got rich and richer in time and still do in some ways as all rich people do...there is and will be always rich vs the poor till the end of time, that is what history has shown me, and that will continue forever till there is no more earth left because of climate change which I strongly agree with as I have seen it where I live.   Anyone can produce negative articles about HM or Charles taking from the poor or not giving their fair share......I hope they still pay taxes at least, not like Trump the idiot here.   I don't excuse Charles at all, he was born to be king, hell he had no choice when he was born as none of us do as we can't choice our parents or anything about us as we are created...believe me, I want to be 6 ft tall and am 5 ft tall, he lives and makes his life the best he can and he has in many ways, the Duchy of Cornwall!   

Harry had choices and those were HIS choices to make so he OWNS all of them, that is his RESPONSIBILITY, not his dad's or brother's.  I am of the firm belief that *Respect is NOT a given because a person has money, power, position or title, it is given by how a person treats others in life* and believe me I live that to this day.....and every day when I walk out my door into the public world.  That was grilled into me by my grandmother and I am a firm believer in grandparents, sure I made mistakes in life like everyone else, yet I learned from those mistakes and know that what I put out to the world will come back to me 10 fold big time.....Boy is Harry and Meghan in for a very rude awakening someday and it won't be pretty either. 

And most of all....MONEY is not my God, I was married to one GOD at one time and so I know all about how rich people think of MONEY.....Harry and Meghan worship MONEY as so many other do.  I have learned to actually hate MONEY as I have seen the evil it creates big time....and still does.


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?Prince Harry's '#Spare' sold more than 195,000 [print] copies in its second week on sale, helping to lift print book sales 1.2% last week over 2022.? (Publisher?s Weekly - US)

Spare also sits on top of the New York best seller list for a second week.


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 27, 2023, 07:54:34 PM
?Prince Harry's '#Spare' sold more than 195,000 [print] copies in its second week on sale, helping to lift print book sales 1.2% last week over 2022.? (Publisher?s Weekly - US)

Spare also sits on top of the New York best seller list for a second week.

At nearly 550K print copies sold in the 1.5 weeks since publication, #Spare is the front runner to become the UK?s bestselling title of the year. It?s fewer than 150K copies away from the volume posted last year by 2022?s bestseller, ?It Ends with Us.?


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 27, 2023, 09:57:53 PM
At nearly 550K print copies sold in the 1.5 weeks since publication, #Spare is the front runner to become the UK?s bestselling title of the year. It?s fewer than 150K copies away from the volume posted last year by 2022?s bestseller, ?It Ends with Us.?

What an achievement. Harry should be so proud of himself that he made all these money by selling off his family and invading their privacy :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 27, 2023, 09:57:53 PM
At nearly 550K print copies sold in the 1.5 weeks since publication, #Spare is the front runner to become the UK?s bestselling title of the year. It?s fewer than 150K copies away from the volume posted last year by 2022?s bestseller, ?It Ends with Us.?

That?s great. People were predicting low sales especially in the UK. One newspaper published a ?poll? in which their readers stated they weren?t interested. Well, on those numbers there are plenty of British people who are!


Well that shows what is the most important thing in the world for anyone.......MONEY.  At least now Harry and Meghan won't be complaining about dad shutting him off of the Bank of Dad anymore.  They have tons of their own money by telling *lies* about the royal family, great way to earn a living right....Not!  Oh well, for some that is a good way to make money and earn a living and for others it is not...


Quote from: Curryong on January 27, 2023, 10:18:35 PM
That?s great. People were predicting low sales especially in the UK. One newspaper published a ?poll? in which their readers stated they weren?t interested. Well, on those numbers there are plenty of British people who are!

Yep! It's doing great sales wise, which will be a help to WellChild and Sentebale and most importantly, future security cost. The polls though, I laugh little because they never turn out as expected.


Certainly Harry's security costs are of more importance than any charities he might support