Books written about and by the Sussexes Part 3.

Started by TLLK, January 08, 2023, 02:19:44 AM

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Princess Cassandra

I agree with you, but it is doing more than making them money. It is making them more and more famous, which is ultimately important to Meghan. It is also exposing him - how out of touch with reality he is, as well as the state of his emotions, which I find very sad. I think it has been a long time since anyone in the family trusted either of them.


@wannable-Is this the Islamic Republic's "justification" for the recent execution of a UK-Iran dual citizen?   :no:

Alireza Akbari: Iran executes dual British-Iranian citizen | CNN


I believe so. They want 24 more, by reading some translated media or they are 'justifying' (Google translate may have context issues) 1 (they call it spy/traitor) and Harry 25.

The Middle Eastern media is more rough and crude in their reporting (in the horror section) (east in this case calls the man a spy/traitor, west human rights advocate, east call harry a terrorist, west calls harry a fool or anything synonym to having a lesser brain)  I started reading east media, because there is a professor I follow in twitter who compares and contrast 'same' news but different cultural/social/political/religious ''view'' of reporting. There will always be innocents involved east and west.

I wish Harry hadn't mentioned this Taliban account (refer to Sandhurst article about the danger of seeing the good and bad people) as I said IMO the gravest part of his book (including now the exact location of several rooms in castles and palaces, military style with how many steps, right/left location, etc)


I'd like to say, it's making them both famous, not just Meghan.

I wish we could get past blaming Meghan for feelings Harry clearly has had before she entered the picture.

Meghan, was fine, living her life, not getting death threats and the BBC making fun of her Americanness and race before meeting Harry. She was able to go home without her neighbors putting cameras facing her back-guard, she didn't have HATE groups dedicated to her, she didn't have Tom Bower going on tv and calling her mother a drug dealer. Meghan has suffered just as much as she gained by being with Harry and I'd be nice in 2023, if we stopped putting the actions of the man on his wife, especially when this man has openly spoken about his distain before. I also give no weight to people and governments who want to call Harry a war criminals when they need to look in their own backyard of what they're doing people. Epically, when he wasn't in said country that chosen to speak up. No one knows if being famous is important to Meghan, because we don't know her but let's not ignore her actual words and to suit how we feel about her.

There is a different between "this is what's important to Meghan" and "I feel like this is what's important to Meghan."

Because it seems to Meghan -And Harry- what's important is that when she's facing abuse, the family she married into would stand by her and support her and it's clear they didn't. Well, I don't believe they did so she owes them as much loyalty as they've actually shown, which is not much. the MP's of the UK have done a better job.

And weight needs to be given to the British tabs who would like to endanger people's lives by putting a spin on it and saying he was boastful, that caused more of a fuss than his actual words.

ALL of that to say

"So, exceptional sales of 20,584 hardback copies of Spare by Prince Harry in Ireland last week. It is the largest ever one-week sale of any non-fiction book since Nielsen started recording numbers. Well done to bookshops for their tremendous job bringing the book to readers."

"Prince Harry's Spare storms into the UK Official Top 50 number one spot, selling 467,183 print copies to become the fastest-selling non-fiction book of all time.
@TransworldBooks says the memoir has sold 750,000 copies across all formats."

The Bookseller - Login  <- you need an account to log in


They both made themselves 'infamous' (well known for their bad deeds) rather than 'famous'

Whilst she is married to Harry, legally (universally, as I said twice in different threads) they are 'bound' to each other with 'all' society uniforms.

Everything else Harry and Meghan 'claim' has been and still is shady. From Racism to Domestic Violence, throwing an entire shade with no details of nothing with the who/when/what, hence the reality of Harry book being halved, lawyers.

In reference to Harry and Meghan comments about the realm of the Commonwealth and Harry's Taliban, there is factually situations going on with official reports. It is a 'big ask' to stop putting actions into the couple.  The 'couple' would need to stop putting before 'everyone' else to stop.

Of course the book is #1, I'm glad Penguin has corrected themselves from the fastest sale in 1 day to the corrected since the book 'was' on sale. It's not like Google is our friend and has been on Sale, half price, for free, for whatever promo since Mid-December 2022, hence the new Penguin PR.



Quote from: Curryong on January 17, 2023, 08:54:34 PM
That?s excellent. And it looks as if Harry has a runaway best seller on his hands.


Prince Harry?s Spare is fastest-selling nonfiction book since UK records began | Books | The Guardian

Yep! And I made a mistake, it was 85,000 sold in the first 5 days. His total in France is 210,000 copies sold with 130,000 additional copies that needed to be printed.

You covered the UK.

"#PrinceHarry?s #Spare is also the fastest-selling non-fiction book in Ireland & the 6th fastest overall. It ?sold 20,584 copies in its 1st week?surpassing the previous record set by Paul O?Connell, whose autobiography The Battle sold 17,800K copies.?"

Prince Harry autobiography Spare becomes Ireland?s fastest-selling non-fiction book ? The Irish Times


Not bad at all, from 0.5 to 1.2% (of population) wherever his Spare went #1.


^I'm not joking, to break the 1.0 barrier of sales vs population is very hard feat (in books in whatever version, hard, audio, etc)  :flower3: (especially if it's selling your famous family down the river) (Note: the promo isn't The Man whom I've become, it's Two young boys walking behind his mother's coffin...)


Harold's obsession on Willy  :happy20: :laugh10:

416 pages
It was ghostwritten by J. R. Moehringer and published by Penguin Random House. It is 416 pages long.

Image: Taz

Harold mentions Willy every 1.5 pages


Newsweek's Jack Royston who is typically very positive about the Sussexes asks what their final goal for Spare's publicity.. Is it to sell books? Yes, they've achieved that goal. To rehabilitate their reputation? Then the answer is no and they've managed to damage it even further.

Prince Harry's Book Publicity 'Worst I've Ever Seen' for Reputation?Expert

QuotePrince Harry's book and interviews have left him vulnerable to allegations of hypocrisy, a PR expert told Newsweek.

Spare became the fastest selling non-fiction book in history after shifting 1.4 million copies by the end of its first day, but the publicity campaign has been a "disaster" for his reputation, Edward Coram James said.

The chief executive of PR agency Go Up told Newsweek: "If the brief was just to sell books and get high viewership numbers then they've smashed it. They've done a terrific job. If the brief had a reputational component then that element of it has been a disaster.


Quote from: changemhysoul on January 17, 2023, 03:58:30 PM
I'd like to say, it's making them both famous, not just Meghan.

I wish we could get past blaming Meghan for feelings Harry clearly has had before she entered the picture.

Meghan, was fine, living her life, not getting death threats and the BBC making fun of her Americanness and race before meeting Harry. She was able to go home without her neighbors putting cameras facing her back-guard, she didn't have HATE groups dedicated to her, she didn't have Tom Bower going on tv and calling her mother a drug dealer. Meghan has suffered just as much as she gained by being with Harry and I'd be nice in 2023, if we stopped putting the actions of the man on his wife, especially when this man has openly spoken about his distain before. I also give no weight to people and governments who want to call Harry a war criminals when they need to look in their own backyard of what they're doing people. Epically, when he wasn't in said country that chosen to speak up. No one knows if being famous is important to Meghan, because we don't know her but let's not ignore her actual words and to suit how we feel about her.

There is a different between "this is what's important to Meghan" and "I feel like this is what's important to Meghan."

Because it seems to Meghan -And Harry- what's important is that when she's facing abuse, the family she married into would stand by her and support her and it's clear they didn't. Well, I don't believe they did so she owes them as much loyalty as they've actually shown, which is not much. the MP's of the UK have done a better job.

And weight needs to be given to the British tabs who would like to endanger people's lives by putting a spin on it and saying he was boastful, that caused more of a fuss than his actual words.

ALL of that to say

"So, exceptional sales of 20,584 hardback copies of Spare by Prince Harry in Ireland last week. It is the largest ever one-week sale of any non-fiction book since Nielsen started recording numbers. Well done to bookshops for their tremendous job bringing the book to readers."

"Prince Harry's Spare storms into the UK Official Top 50 number one spot, selling 467,183 print copies to become the fastest-selling non-fiction book of all time.
@TransworldBooks says the memoir has sold 750,000 copies across all formats."

The Bookseller - Login  <- you need an account to log in

Are you telling us that the BRF did not support Meghan?  Is that real?  First of all, Charles made darn sure her mother was taken care of before and during the wedding, then Charles walked Meghan half way up the aisle as we all have seen and Harry even said to his dad, *Thanks Pa* or something like that.  And the Queen even sent her own personal staff to help Meghan adjust and Meghan turned them all down as she could do it herself.........Tell me, How is that NOT support?  The British Royal family can not tell the media or the tabloids what to print or who to leave alone or go after, the media and tabloids will do as they please in making sure they get the clicks and dollars, it is after all about MONEY for all parties, more so for Harry and Meghan to support that lifestyle of their with a 14 bathroom house for 3 people......need a bathroom, go visit the Sussex's!


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on January 17, 2023, 04:19:16 AM
I agree with you, but it is doing more than making them mIt is making them more and more famous, which is ultimately important to Meghan.oney.  It is also exposing him - how out of touch with reality he is, as well as the state of his emotions, which I find very sad. I think it has been a long time since anyone in the family trusted either of them.

Yes your right about that, being famous, yet just how good is it to be famous with what they are doing to the royal family, how can anyone feel good about being famous and looking at themselves in history books and on the internet as being famous for telling lies, backstabbing the royal family that gave them millions and  a place in history for helping people that need it. I would be ashamed of myself if that was me. Hurting other people is not something to be proud of in book form or in interviews or reality shows,it is mean and hateful to be that kind of person.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 18, 2023, 12:44:37 AM

Are you telling us that the BRF did not support Meghan?  Is that real?  First of all, Charles made darn sure her mother was taken care of before and during the wedding, then Charles walked Meghan half way up the aisle as we all have seen and Harry even said to his dad, *Thanks Pa* or something like that.  And the Queen even sent her own personal staff to help Meghan adjust and Meghan turned them all down as she could do it herself.........Tell me, How is that NOT support?  The British Royal family can not tell the media or the tabloids what to print or who to leave alone or go after, the media and tabloids will do as they please in making sure they get the clicks and dollars, it is after all about MONEY for all parties, more so for Harry and Meghan to support that lifestyle of their with a 14 bathroom house for 3 people......need a bathroom, go visit the Sussex's!

You feel how you feel, I feel how I feel.

If you feel like the family did enough against the mountain of hate Meghan especially was getting and before the Oprah interview. Way beyond a few funny nicknames or some snarky comments here and there, then you feel that way I don't.

If you believe the family don't work closely with the media and don't have back-handed dealings, you can feel that way. I don't.

I don't know how they're the amount of bathroom's they have got into the mix when they pay for it themselves. I don't care about how many bathroom's they have in their home, just as I don't care about how many bathroom's are in the homes of those who live across the street. And I really don't care about 14 bathrooms, when other people have four or five homes. If they'd like to move into a home with 40 bathrooms for four people, good on them.

If you liked to know more about why I don't feel like they supported her or at best, just didn't care, feel free to message me. I don't mind having the talk but for the forums, it ends at, I don't believe in the image put out and I'm not going to pretend they don't work closely with the media or have 0 pull in anything.

As to the Jack article, to answer Edward Coram James, they wanted to sell, which it did.

Harry wanted to put out his life story himself, which he did. It's pretty obvious imo.


You did not answer my question, all that I said that the family did to support Meghan was real, it is out there and if walking her down the aisle as Charles did is not support then I don't know what is.  Giving her help by HM is not support then tell me what is? There is NO proof that anyone leaked to the media, I have yet to see a paper trail of whomever, William, HM, Charles of anyone else that leaked info to the media nor have I seen that from the Sussex's themselves either.  Oh, Ghosts did it, angles from above leaked stories, or the devil did it.  We can go on and on around a circle on this yet I want FACTS, PROOF and EVIDENCE  of who did what.

And I could care less about interviews as people always LIE to begin with nor do I care about gossip or rumors either or lies. Here is the thing, in telling LIES to always comes back to you tenfold and it is easy to remember the truth for that is out there and can be fact checked all the time as it has been I said here before.....*TRUST* is the most important word in the English language for without Trust you can not love someone or yourself in all honesty. There is totally NO trust in Harry or Meghan now, they are being made fools of by everyone that they interview with as we are seeing......oh the JimmyK book on Harry and his Penis...and his mother....that is really really sad to have someone do that to another person yet Harry brought that all on himself.....not BP nor William nor his dad, HARRY only.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 18, 2023, 01:07:14 AM
You did not answer my question, all that I said that the family did to support Meghan was real, it is out there and if walking her down the aisle as Charles did is not support then I don't know what is.  Giving her help by HM is not support then tell me what is? There is NO proof that anyone leaked to the media, I have yet to see a paper trail of whomever, William, HM, Charles of anyone else that leaked info to the media nor have I seen that from the Sussex's themselves either.  Oh, Ghosts did it, angles from above leaked stories, or the devil did it.  We can go on and on around a circle on this yet I want FACTS, PROOF and EVIDENCE  of who did what.

The facts and proof of Charles?s good friend Camilla leaking erm ?discussing? Charles and Diana?s early married life with Stuart Higgins, the Sun editor, did not happen until he himself mentioned it years later, (and he treated it as an enormous joke actually) in a couple of remarks.
The stuff about Mark Bolland planting stories about how wonderful Charles and Camilla were in comparison to other royals, and other members of the royal family objecting because it made them, and his own sons look bad, similarly wasn?t disclosed until he himself wrote about Camilla?s rehabilitation campaign before and just after the couple?s engagement and into the marriage and its consequences.

He was fired by Charles because other members of the RF objected so much and then a little time later quietly rehired by Charles and Camilla, to work as a ?consultant?. And it?s now accepted throughout the media and royal watchers that things were manipulated and occurred exactly as he said it did.

You may not wish to believe that stuff like Royal Households planting stories with the Press to make other members of the family look bad happen, but the fact is that they do, they have, certainly for the over fifty years of royal-watching that I have done.

All anyone has to do who is naive enough to think that everything in Royal Households is always honourable and above board, is wait, wait until employees leave that particular royal?s Household, or editors and others speak out. And that sometimes takes years. So instant proof of everything that happened with other royals and the Sussexes is not available yet, but just wait and it will be. It sometimes has to brew for a while. It?s no good demanding anything. It takes time.


Quote from: wannable on January 17, 2023, 01:43:53 PM

And Iran, with its myriad human rights abuses under the aegis of its regime for forty years plus, has no leg to stand on when it comes to accusing any other country or individual of anything!


Quote from: TLLK on January 18, 2023, 12:05:38 AM
Newsweek's Jack Royston who is typically very positive about the Sussexes asks what their final goal for Spare's publicity.. Is it to sell books? Yes, they've achieved that goal. To rehabilitate their reputation? Then the answer is no and they've managed to damage it even further.

Prince Harry's Book Publicity 'Worst I've Ever Seen' for Reputation?Expert

Ufff Newsweek

The British media allegedly has a lot of Sussex dirt that has been stopped by the firm.


Quote from: Curryong on January 18, 2023, 01:41:47 AM
And Iran, with its myriad human rights abuses under the aegis of its regime for forty years plus, has no leg to stand on when it comes to accusing any other country or individual of anything!

It is a Cold War of words.


Quote from: wannable on January 18, 2023, 01:48:19 AM
Ufff Newsweek

The British media allegedly has a lot of Sussex dirt that has been stopped by the firm.

Oh yes? Alleged being the prime word! And Newsweek knows it all, lol! A bit like Neil Sean, are they?

Well, the Sussexes have a lot of dirt on the royal family that the Palace?s  oh so expert lawyers apparently weren?t able to stop. Where are the hundreds of libel suits that commentators like yourself stated were going to rain down on Harry after the book was published?

Couldn?t be can it, that much of what Harry wrote was the truth? Either those hawk eyed Palace lawyers are falling down on the job or???



Prince Harry is dubbed 'stupid' by growing number of top brass for revealing his Taliban kill count after Iran used it to justify hanging Brit citizen amid growing row over the 'maniacal' regime's bid to excuse their 'politically motivated' execution


Quote from: Curryong on January 18, 2023, 01:25:11 AM
The facts and proof of Charles?s good friend Camilla leaking erm ?discussing? Charles and Diana?s early married life with Stuart Higgins, the Sun editor, did not happen until he himself mentioned it years later, (and he treated it as an enormous joke actually) in a couple of remarks.
The stuff about Mark Bolland planting stories about how wonderful Charles and Camilla were in comparison to other royals, and other members of the royal family objecting because it made them, and his own sons look bad, similarly wasn?t disclosed until he himself wrote about Camilla?s rehabilitation campaign before and just after the couple?s engagement and into the marriage and its consequences.

He was fired by Charles because other members of the RF objected so much and then a little time later quietly rehired by Charles and Camilla, to work as a ?consultant?. And it?s now accepted throughout the media and royal watchers that things were manipulated and occurred exactly as he said it did.

You may not wish to believe that stuff like Royal Households planting stories with the Press to make other members of the family look bad happen, but the fact is that they do, they have, certainly for the over fifty years of royal-watching that I have done.

All anyone has to do who is naive enough to think that everything in Royal Households is always honourable and above board, is wait, wait until employees leave that particular royal?s Household, or editors and others speak out. And that sometimes takes years. So instant proof of everything that happened with other royals and the Sussexes is not available yet, but just wait and it will be. It sometimes has to brew for a while. It?s no good demanding anything. It takes time.

Why is it that I can't get a straight answer to my question?  In not acknowledging my question leaves me to think that the fans of the Sussex's somehow can't put a spin on my questions.  So here goes again.......Charles walked Meghan half way down the aisle during her wedding to Harry and Harry even said to dad...*Thanks Pa* or something of that nature.  Then HM sent over her own personal staff to help Meghan in learning about the royal family and the monarchy which all the staff left or got fired by Meghan.......tell me is this *SUPPORT* for Meghan or not? There was lots of support for Meghan yet the thing is, Meghan wanted to do things her way or else and that else was the highway for anyone who did not agree with her holiness.  I am tired of people always blaming the royal family for Meghan and Harry's problems and issues, They do things without thinking all the time as we have seen.    Okay put a spin on it and blame the royal family again......