Thomas, Samantha and Tom Jr Markle Family Chat Part 2

Started by Curryong, August 03, 2019, 04:48:49 PM

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This stay in Australia may very well be more than a temporary contract for the show. The country is much more stable in all senses down under.


Quote from: wannable on August 12, 2021, 07:19:35 PM
This stay in Australia may very well be more than a temporary contract for the show. The country is much more stable in all senses down under.

If those remarks mean that in your opinion Markle jnr intends to try and settle in Australia for good, this country might well have something different to say about that. Our immigration laws are extremely strict and we aren?t taking anyone in at the moment. Thomas is a window fitter. We have plenty here. He has no trade or profession this country wants or needs. If he was a health or senior educational professional/scientist etc it might be different but it isn?t. And his old domestic violence and gun convictions and noted heavy drinking would certainly rule him out as an immigrant.

As an occasional visitor spruiking negative things about his sister, things don?t look bright either. Our showbiz scene is moribund at the moment and Aussie TV channels have few morning talk shows and no late night ones anyway. Once he?s done the rounds of them and the radio stations in our major cities, what?s he got to offer?  He hasn?t seen his half sister since 2012 at least, something that is known here very well. (And even then their meetings were restricted to a couple of times a year, if that.) Write a book? Samantha?s offering hasn?t exactly set the world on fire!  That contract will be for this show alone. Just go home after that, Tom.


I'm no expert, but with the signing of the contract with Max, Markle Jr. acquired a Subclass Visa 408, valid for work in the entertainment industry in Australia for up-to 2 years  (and renewable).  A instagram like by the Max the man himself from a comment under his post by an official user in the industry says it all. Google search also confirms it, with the pandemic, the Entertainment industry in Australia will give Visas out.


I never said that he wouldn?t be able to get a temp visa to go on some show or other in the future. However, my paragraph referring to the viability of saying the same thing over and over again to audiences here in Australia was covered in the last paragraph of my previous post.

Again, there are few shows, apart from breakfast ones watched by people as they go out the door to work, and no afternoon or late evening talk ones. RRs from London cover royal stories at breakfast here. There are limited venues on radio outside our major cities. Once Thomas has milked that particular shallow well dry, what is he going to do? Sing and dance?

There are people who have been in show biz here for decades who haven?t worked for months. And our population isn?t large enough to look kindly on a man who hasn?t seen someone for over a decade going full on with criticising her again and again. There is very little patience for that here.


I'm just mentioning what I read under the Max Instagram post.  :flower3: Whatever they pay Markle Jr. his Visa is good for 2 years.



Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on August 12, 2021, 10:19:30 PM
Thomas Markle is giving an interview to GB News.

Of course he is. And interviewed by the disgusting Wootton I see. Because his estranged son is on this BB show. And the British media love to knock Meghan any chance they can get. That doesn?t mean that a man (Thomas jnr) who is regarded as a novelty by some now will be a go-to correspondent for ever about a woman he himself admits he hasn?t seen or spoken to for almost  a decade as of 2021. As for Wootton he milks the Sussexes for all he can get the entire time.


It seems to run in the family, trashing each other, and Harry got infected too.  :happycry:


Quote from: wannable on August 12, 2021, 10:47:54 PM
It seems to run in the family, trashing each other, and Harry got infected too.  :happycry:

What public trashing has Meghan (or Harry) done with regard to her half sister, half brother or father? Neither has mentioned any member of the Markle family negatively to any reporter. One can?t say the same about any of the three Markles.


Meghan did speak about her father in the Oprah interview. Obviously the trash about the BRF is huge versus Thomas.


Meghan did not trash her father in that Oprah interview. By contrast Samantha scarcely closed her trap between 2016 and 2021 saying negative things about a woman she had not seen for years. And she and Thomas snr received large sums of money on several occasions for doing just that, Samantha especially so. And wrote a book.


My point is the Markles love to trash for money, clicks, I can't exclude Meghan (and Harry).


Quote from: wannable on August 13, 2021, 12:31:30 AM
My point is the Markles love to trash for money, clicks, I can't exclude Meghan (and Harry).

Meghan (nor Harry) weren?t paid one cent for the Oprah interview, which was the only time Thomas was mentioned. Meghan was not involved in the ?The Me You Can?t See? mental health programme which Harry made, nor in his appearance in his friend?s show shortly before it (bar one momentary appearance.) And the idea that she would give interviews to journalists  for clickbait trashing anyone for money in the way the Markles do is risible considering what she went through with the British media while in the UK.


Meghan's estranged father told Channel 7's Sunrise in Australia that Lilibet and Archie were being 'deprived' of time with their older relatives.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ?depriving? Lilibet and Archie from seeing family, says Thomas Markle - Mail+


I don?t know why these programmes keep interviewing this old man who just keeps repeating himself over and over again. Did he get paid for this latest exercise? As do the other losers in his family, like his estranged son. What happened to Thomas?s threats to take Meghan and Harry to Court to get access to his grandchildren? Find out he had no chance whatsoever of doing so, did he?


IF he cared at all about his daughter and her family he?d button his lip, but it seems he?s incapable of doing so, and has nothing new to say about the situation anyway.



?Her team?? ?And I?ll huff and I?ll puff and?.? I doubt very much that Samantha Markle has any money to sue anyone over anything, let alone in suits in two countries. And she was certainly using the name Samantha Grant on Twitter in Oct 2016 as what she was saying about Meghan was all over Twitter at the time and I remember reading it. She changed to Markle on her Twitter page soon afterwards.


As I said the other day, I'm not surprised Meghan wrote a long email to Jason to convey to Omid trashing a bulletpoint list about her sister. Meghan (and Harry) are doing the same as the Markle clan, trashing each other in public.  MM is interested in her sister because in the email there are things she writes about Sam that are not 20 years ago but recent. MM said she hasn't seen her sister since 20 years ago and Sam wouldn't know anything about her....MM contradicts herself with the trashing email.

Realistically pro bono exists worldwide, lawyers are sharks, IF and WHEN they see a opportunity to do pro bono because a case can be WON, they will be the first ones in line to offer their service for free (and in blueprint, IF they win they get a percentage of payout).  Sam states there is no government legal document of the taking away of her children as MM had written to J to convey to O, but because of her Multiple Sclerosis. 


Meghan talks about Samantha?s losing custody of her children. They are all adults so it didn?t happen in the last five years. And Meghan remained in contact with her father until her wedding, who may have conveyed family gossip and info to her. I hear extended family stuff in the same way, through another relative. It doesn?t mean I?m interested in that person.

Samantha has been divorced at least twice and her children haven?t lived with her for many years. One lived with her grandmother, one with her (the child?s) father. And as for trashing, Samantha has done nothing but trash Meghan since at least 2016, and in the media not in private emails.

Plus, how many times has Samantha threatened to do this, do that and nothing?s happened. There would be plenty to come out about her, including the fact that for years she claimed various masters degrees on her Twitter Page, after she changed her surname to Markle, without ever mentioning the universities where she is supposed to have studied. We know she has one Bachelor?s degree. What about the rest?.