The Sussexes' relationship with the press, tabloids, and social media.

Started by Nightowl, January 25, 2023, 07:26:56 PM

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Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on January 30, 2023, 09:07:24 PM
Yeah, in truth, there?s likely no perfect answer to this. It?s just awkward. But the press they?ll receive will of course depend on how they feel about the couple already. The big thing is that he said he wanted an apology from the family to him and especially his wife. Charles might be okay apologizing, but I can?t see William doing it. Maybe he?ll spin it as the main guy apologized so it?s fine.

Idk. His press in the U.K. will be difficult to revive, but he seems keen on ?battling? with them, so?

Tell me why in the heck should Charles ever apologize to either one of them, least they forget that it was Charles who walked Meghan half way down the aisle on their wedding day when her father couldn't?  They both has very short memories of all the good things that was given to them don't they?   If anyone apologizes it should be Harry and Meghan to the royal family period.


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 31, 2023, 12:02:57 PM
No I've read the things that Harry has said about himself, and things he has said in promoting the book, where he continually lies and distorts, where he admits cheerfully to callousness amounting to cruelty and nastiness.  I had retained a little belief that while H was behaving very badly over the past few years, that he was essentially a good enough guy, but I've realised that quite simply he wasn't.  He was always unpleasant and unstable, and joining up with Meghan he has just shown his bad side more and more because he does not believe it is really wrong at all.

Extremely and very well said, in fact a fabulous spot on comment.  Thank you


Quote from: Nightowl on January 31, 2023, 10:48:02 PM
Tell me why in the heck should Charles ever apologize to either one of them, least they forget that it was Charles who walked Meghan half way down the aisle on their wedding day when her father couldn't?  They both has very short memories of all the good things that was given to them don't they?   If anyone apologizes it should be Harry and Meghan to the royal family period.

Should and will are two different things. In my opinion, Charles has always had a soft spot for his children. In some ways, he?s indulged them throughout their lives, especially after their mother died. I think he?s been waiting for this coronation for a long, long time and he does not want any distractions to deter from his moment in the spotlight.

Image matters to the royal family and especially the monarch. I think he saw enough during the Queen?s reign and learned enough from the Diana years that constant bickering through media mouthpieces is not a cute look. Trading barbs with Harry will do him no good publicly. Trying to mend fences will show him to be the mature, responsible one; the way a monarch should look.

Now, will he sit down and own every comment Harry made about him and grovel at Meghan?s feet? No. But do I believe he would be willing to call his son and daughter-in-law to ask if there was some way for them to reconcile so that he could see his grandchildren and have some peace? Yes, I do.


hary is the one who will lose out, if he continues to be on cool terms with his father.  What happens if he runs out of money, or gets in trouble in the US?  Will Meghan and her friends have the influence to help?  It will be his father he'll end up calling. 
I dont see what Ch has to apologise for.  He wasn't a perfect father, and he made mistakes.  but IMO the big mistake he made was to be too soft on both boys, particullarly Harry.


I think you?re missing my point. It?s not about whether Charles has anything to apologize for or what he did or didn?t do right. It?s about how to get past this situation. While it would be easy for me to sit here and say, ?Stay steadfast, Charles. You haven?t done a thing wrong and Harry is just a spoiled brat who doesn?t deserve anything from you.? It?s a little bit different when you?re his father and your family (and family business)  is the one in the news everyday over it.

I know revenge and giving like for like is tempting and satisfying, but it is hardly ever the right call. It?s the reason I find Harry and Meghan?s behavior so distasteful. I?m sure there were moments where they had some legitimate gripe because, as you say, no one is perfect. But to turn around and trash everybody and everything is what a child does because they?re incapable of having a perspective that?s not based on their own self. If Charles falls into the same self indulgent trap, it will only harm him.

I think Charles wants to move past this. His job is now a lot more serious than it ever was. He?s the king. He doesn?t have the luxury of doing things out of spite because now his first thoughts always have to be, ?How will this affect the monarchy?? How regular people would deal with this does not come into play with them. That?s something that Harry and Meghan never seemed to understand or want to accept. They can also have a public side and a personal side. On the public side, they can be cordial, like sending invites to the coronation, sending gifts to the kids, wishing them well. Whilst on the private side, they can refuse to go past the politeness and not speak to them like the family they are but as visiting guests. It?s an icing out that isn?t quite as dramatic as most people would like but can be just as uncomfortable to the people subjected to it. I think that?s more likely to happen than a telling-off.


well I'm not quite sure what you mean because Im sure that Charles will invite them to the coronation unless there are very loud noises from the Government that they don't want them there.  Equally tho' Im sure that Charles is not going to go all out to please them, he will invite them.  If they come, they will sit where they are told, and probably he will make polite conversation with them, but not much more than that.  I suspect that others in the RF will be rather cool as well....
but the truth is that Harry adn Meg are SO utterly unreliable that there's nothing one can do to ensure that they behave, they are capable of signing NDAs and then turning round and appearing on Oprah or the like. and its equally true that in the end, Harry has more to lose if he gives up at least a formal polite relationship with his father.  so I supsect he will come, and will probably try to behave himself, because he may need Pa's help some day....


Very valid points, HistoryGirl2, but it seems to me that not responding to Harry and Meghan is not a spiteful act, but a wise and necessary one.  Harry and Meghan have proven they are not trustworthy.  They have no respect for others' privacy.  They will sell out the family and stab them in the back for money.  And based on the Sussexes' previous words and actions, I think that whatever Charles and the palace do, short of groveling at Harry and Meghan's feet and granting their every wish, will not be enough to satisfy them.  I think it would more prudent for the family to continue to ignore them and carry on doing their jobs.  They're playing the long game after all.

If the Sussexes are invited to the Coronation, I do sincerely hope that there will lots of conditions and controls to prevent them from turning a beautiful and solemn occasion into their own little circus.     


I agree that no matter what Charles does, he may be sure that Harry and Meg will find a way to twist it to make him seem bad and that whatever conditions he imposes on them, its quite likley that if it suits them, they will agree to the conditions and then renege. I dont usually feel that people are all bad, but Harry has shown himself to be very much on the bad side, and the image of Harry the Lad, who is kind nad good natured, has been shown, by H's own book to be completely false.


Quote from: Kristeh-H on February 01, 2023, 03:12:47 PM
Very valid points, HistoryGirl2, but it seems to me that not responding to Harry and Meghan is not a spiteful act, but a wise and necessary one.  Harry and Meghan have proven they are not trustworthy.  They have no respect for others' privacy.  They will sell out the family and stab them in the back for money.  And based on the Sussexes' previous words and actions, I think that whatever Charles and the palace do, short of groveling at Harry and Meghan's feet and granting their every wish, will not be enough to satisfy them.  I think it would more prudent for the family to continue to ignore them and carry on doing their jobs.  They're playing the long game after all.

If the Sussexes are invited to the Coronation, I do sincerely hope that there will lots of conditions and controls to prevent them from turning a beautiful and solemn occasion into their own little circus.     

Completely agree. They see anything that isn?t lauding them as an outright attack. They are spiteful and need to make a lot of money to fund their expensive lifestyle. But the majority of the public is already sick and tired of their complaints. So the best thing to do is to continue to behave as you had before, cordially. To show that every complaint they have is invalid. That?s what an invitation to the coronation does publicly. It shows your benevolence in the face of a vicious attack. No better publicity than that. I?d like to believe I?m not wrong in thinking that the majority of people still value graceful behavior over disgraceful behavior.

As far as controls, I?m just not sure it?s possible. Any invite will come with dangers that they?ll do their best to upstage the event or complaints if he?s not given the same privileges that William gets. They will come home and complain about the media if they?re not fawning over them. But hey, maybe they won?t even go if they don?t get everything they want beforehand. I think it?s a chance the RF have to take though.

Now, there?s the event and then there?s family moments. They don?t have to be invited to private family gatherings if it makes others feel uncomfortable, as it likely would if anything you say could wind up on Anderson 360. There?s a lot of leeway the RF are operating under here. They have the upper hand. They just have to be careful not to lose it.


Perhaps the palace could have attorneys draw up a document with a list of the conditions that the Sussexes would have to sign and agree to, and if they violate any of those conditions, legal action could be taken against them.  I actually doubt Charles would do that, but I think it would be appropriate with those two. 


I dont think it woudl stop them, any more than they stopped saying confusing and contradictory things during the publicity for Spare.  Unless Charles takes them to court, which he would be reluctant to do, i dont think they would stick by anything that they signed.


Yeah, I agree with Amabel. I don?t think they?d sign it or abide by it and all they?d do is go to the media and complain that Charles is forcing them to sign a legal document. I?d just invite them to the public event and no other gathering or family event. I?d also advise the family to be careful what they say around them if they?re not okay with it being publicized (not that they don?t know that already). How many secret details could they reveal about an already televised event?


Yes, I agree with you both, that I'm not sure the Sussexes would abide by any agreements and I doubt Charles would take action.  Which is why I don't think the Sussexes should be invited.  They are simply not trustworthy.

Edited to add, that while I have appreciated the Royal Family acting with grace in the face of the Sussexes hostility, I do think there is a point where they need to cut Harry and Meghan off.  They shouldn't respond in kind, and get into a tit-for-tat public fight, but just don't have anything to do with them.  I would hope that most people would understand that sometimes, for your own sake, people need to cut contact with toxic family members.


It?s sad but true. That?s the crux of the issue with William, I think. It was one thing when they fought and disagreed. Whatever. But I think when Harry and Meghan went to the media with their private fights and words, a line was crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Now, you can say they don?t care and maybe they don?t. I don?t think Meghan cares on a personal level like Harry might, but I think not inviting them to the places where private moments are held will sting eventually. Mainly because their connection to the family will dissipate and that?s where their allure comes from. Getting invited to a coronation isn?t just for family, so I don?t count that as being invited to a ?family event.?

But I think everyone needs to move on. The RF don?t need them. William and Charles have their partners and family, so they?ll carry on. And Meghan and Harry will need to find another schtick that isn?t talking about the royals. Goodness knows they have many options and tools to do so, so I hope they choose to do this soon for their own sake.

Harry chose his path, so anything that comes with that choice is something he has to accept. It?ll be a cold day in Hell before William apologizes, in my opinion, because of the seriousness of the transgression.

It?s funny. William has a much more mature attitude toward media than Harry does, in my opinion. He has accepted that they have public roles that come with a lot of negative media attention, and he?s also not interested in them invading his family?s privacy, like Harry claims he?s doing. William and Kate have set clear lines of what is acceptable to document in regards to their children. They preempt things by taking pictures themselves and releasing them. Tentatively introducing them to the public during some events and not others.

William plays nice with the media because he knows it?s a part of his position, even though he distrusts them. This distrust is valid. They?re not your friends. And no public figure should ever confuse a few months or years of good press with them ?liking you.? It?s a business and should be treated as such.

He would never trust the media enough with his private thoughts, comments, and stories because he doesn?t trust that they?d understand or care about him enough to treat these stories with respect. And he shouldn?t. No one should. That Harry did this with William?s thoughts and stories is a complete infringement from William?s perspective, in my opinion.

And Harry seems to shows a great deal of trust in the media that he claims to despise. It?s perplexing really.

William, Catherine and Harry were all targeted  by the phone hacking scandal and understandably have their concerns and reservations about the media. The then Cambridges also dealt with the Closer lawsuit over the photos taken in France and issued a statement about the tactics used by the press to obtain photos of George in 2015. However over time, they do appear to have come to a compromise regarding press coverage of their public and personal lives.

With Harry and Meghan, we know that this is still an ever evolving situation especially with their ongoing legal actions. I'm not sure where it will eventually end up.

As for the Sussexes' presence at the Coronation and their possible interaction with members of their family, I do believe it will be the family likely being even more guarded especially in the wake of Harry and Meghan along with the release of Spare.  Afterall Meghan has reminded us that she never signed anything when it came to her tenure as a senior royal. I believe that she and Harry have no qualms sharing the details of personal conversations. So I expect to that there  will be a great deal of filler chatter about the weather.


The Palace has proven that, that aren't that trust worthy either. Be it the Royals or their staff.

Just as Harry's statement and request that he had written down, as he was asked by his father winding up in the hands of Dan Wotton and The Sun. The Dan Wotton, who has a connection to Jason who is very close to William, personally close.

Or them choosing to release a statement about William not bullying, which hadn't actually been signed off by Harry, under Harry's name. That's not only a major breach of trust and an out-right lie to the public. The fact that William gets a statement due because of rumors and yet, Meghan got no protection when the rumors about her making Kate cry lead to...racist and anti-american attacks on her person from the BBC and comments and etc on their KP insta saying she looked like a slave next to Kate. The photo that KP posted of Meghan after the story had horrible, racist comments that, sure Maybe, Meghan didn't see but I, did have to see and they did nothing to close the comments or even filter it. 

Or say, Valentine Low, if you believe him, stated that after the Oprah interview, on a podcast that he knew about Meghan going to HR about her mental health because someone in the office told him. So, they couldn't get her help but they could tell that information to a reporter.

Everyone talks about trust from the Palace perspective but it's also clear that the Palace and family can't be trusted not to let things get out either, be it actual family members or members of staff.
The Sussex's haven't been a given a reason to trust the Palace and family. It's clear they haven't trusted the family since they left and even before that.

I don't trust anything they tell the family not end up in some Daily Mail, Telegraph or etc article.

Does the family have every right not to trust them? Yeah but let's not pretend like the Palace/Family are the perfect secret holders.

At least Harry has it in him to say it with his chest.

I don't trust the Palace to not try and do everything they can to put The Sussex's in their place and humiliate them if they come, which would be pointless because the Sussex's have proved they can come and go do nothing (Jubilee, The Queen's Funeral) or come and go no one would know about it. It doesn't matter if they're at the Coronation or not, the media is going to make everything about the Sussex's. Meghan, was barely seen during the Queen's funeral but all of the headlines were primed for attacking her, it doesn't matter if she doesn't speak that attacks happen (which is why I'm 100% fine with her speaking, it's silent doesn't end abuse)

Or during the Jubilee, when The Sussex's showed up, supported the Queen and then quietly left, the media complained that they and tried to track their every movement. A "palace source" rushed to the papers to tell them that The Sussex's didn't attend some event with other minor royals and how people were upset that the Sussex's didn't entertain others...after months of saying they're un-welcomed and nobody wants them, what's the truth? Or how another source rushed to tell the Telegraph that about how everyone snubbed a one year old's birthday party.

The Sussex's can show up, say nothing and it will still be all about them. At this point, instead of being worried about what the Sussex's will do....the family and Palace should chat with their favorite RR and say, "focus on us."

And I'd like to once again say, if the family have issue's with trusting that things won't come out from the Sussex's than that is fine. Because it's true, but let's not pretend as if both sides aren't talking to the media and the H&M also, have valid reasons not to trust that anything they communicate or anything they do won't be leaked. Because even if it's a wayward staffer going off on their own...six years later...the family and Palace have proven that they are unable to keep sensitive matters private.

I'd also like to point out that William's camp doesn't keep things quiet.

In his book Low, had said that Harry didn't want to talk to William because he was scared that information would get out.....and low and behold, that information makes it into his book.

William allegedly assaulting Harry, (many people, even when it's in Harry's own words call it a fight but no, it's not a fight) was already mentioned in some ways by Robert Lacey and Robert Jobson, who had already referenced something in about it in their books.

That's why once again, I find the family don't say/make public statements to be a simply untrue thing. Harry is doing the same his family have done for years...only, he's willing to own up to it.


Doesn?t that kind of prove Harry and Meghan wrong though? I mean, the fact that the royal family can?t control what the media focuses on. I think Charles and William would be elated if not a single other word was uttered about Meghan and Harry publicly by the media (positive or negative) and all the focus was on the monarchy. But that?s the thing, they can?t just call the papers and say, ?Hey, I know all these stories sell and everything, but could you pretty please focus on what I tell you to focus on for me, pretty please with a cherry on top????

That?s not how free press works. That?s why Harry?s desire for the RF to tell media outlets to stop saying certain things about Meghan was always highly naive. You?re right about what you?re saying. The media will write about them whether they go or they don?t. But that?s not something the RF can control, and quite frankly, nor should they have the right to, in my opinion.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on February 01, 2023, 04:34:59 PM
Doesn?t that kind of prove Harry and Meghan wrong though? I mean, the fact that the royal family can?t control what the media focuses on. I think Charles and William would be elated if not a single other word was uttered about Meghan and Harry publicly by the media (positive or negative) and all the focus was on the monarchy. But that?s the thing, they can?t just call the papers and say, ?Hey, I know all these stories sell and everything, but could you pretty please focus on what I tell you to focus on for me, pretty please with a cherry on top????

That?s not how free press works. That?s why Harry?s desire for the RF to tell media outlets to stop saying certain things about Meghan was always highly naive. You?re right about what you?re saying. The media will write about them whether they go or they don?t. But that?s not something the RF can control, and quite frankly, nor should they have the right to, in my opinion.

No, it doesn't.

As long as the coverage of them is negative, it benefits Charles and William more.

I do think, some people in the Palace tried to knock the Sussex's down a peg and it snow-balled out of control, so now that even the Palace can keep a handle on it.

I would agree that they'd want a stop to it...but that won't happen when sources on behalf of the family/palace and etc keep running to the media and fueling the fire. Charles, working and dealing with the media's was well documented before Harry and Meghan became a thing.

My point it is, because the Palace and family members waffled around, didn't make a strong stand in support against the harassments (not reasonable coverage or critic of the Sussex's), helped the coverage by briefing against their own family...they helped to create a beast that they really can't control now.

In my view.


Harry and Meghan have no problem getting their information and views out through favoured media.

Harry clutching his pearls over palace leaks is odd given they have Omid Scobie on speed dial.


Hmm, I can see where that might seem the case. That?s why I kind of wonder about their conduct while working with other palace officials. I don?t think Charles and William were personally spearheading a campaign to ruin the supposed popularity of Meghan Markle. That?s a complete nonstarter for me because of the ridiculousness of it.

However, I?m not completely against the idea of palace staff or really any other royal source (outside agencies or businesses they work with) having a bone to pick with them and releasing stories if they felt they were being mistreated. Now, I?m not saying they 100% did, but maybe they didn?t behave as kindly as the staff might have wished? Maybe they demanded too much and Harry viewed every no as an attempt to undermine him and his wife? That can wear on people.

The media is their main enemy, in my opinion. I won?t discuss the racist stories because they?re beneath my dignity to discuss. There?s no defending it or rationalizing them. They are what they are. My focus is on the negative stories (Meghan is difficult and Harry is a hypocrite and such). Harry and Meghan are clear as to where they think they originated from and why. I wonder if it maybe was about people just genuinely thinking they?re unlikeable and rude?


I think that Spare has made it very obvious that they are not at all a likable couple.  Harry is the one who put it out there that he beat up his bodyguard and that he mocked a woman with pain and a disability... it wasn't William or Camilla or Charles who put out those stories.  In fact given that H had an image for some time of being a jolly good natured not very smart but very kindly chap, who loved a few beers and a bit of fun and who was devoted to his army work and his veteran work afterwards, shows that the Royal household in fact put out positive stories about him which were at best only slightly true.
I think that the reason they began to get bad press from the time of Meg's arrival in the RF was that the Press was increasingly aware of Harry's and her darker side...and possibly the 2 of them together made a really unlikable couple - they encouraged each others worst aspects.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on February 01, 2023, 04:02:32 PM
Yeah, I agree with Amabel. I don?t think they?d sign it or abide by it and all they?d do is go to the media and complain that Charles is forcing them to sign a legal document. I?d just invite them to the public event and no other gathering or family event. I?d also advise the family to be careful what they say around them if they?re not okay with it being publicized (not that they don?t know that already). How many secret details could they reveal about an already televised event?
Im sure the RF are wary talking to them...  they know that even if they just talk about the weather, they are not immune from stuff being exaggerated and twisted, and outright made up, and attributed to them... I dont think they would abide by an NDA at all, unless Charles went in hard with lawyers and Im sure he does not want to do that.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on February 01, 2023, 04:51:45 PM

However, I?m not completely against the idea of palace staff or really any other royal source (outside agencies or businesses they work with) having a bone to pick with them and releasing stories if they felt they were being mistreated. Now, I?m not saying they 100% did, but maybe they didn?t behave as kindly as the staff might have wished? Maybe they demanded too much and Harry viewed every no as an attempt to undermine him and his wife? That can wear on people.

well people are human and PR is a vulgar business, and can sometimes involve a bit of buffing up one person to make him or her seem better, because he has had some bad PR.  But overall, the RF are supposed to be on the same page and working together, and they are not going to denigrate an important member of the Family... I think that just prior to the wedding, there seem to have been a lot of upsets and rows, and I certainly have a perception that the queen, Charles etc felt that no matter what they did to try and please H and Meg, it was never enough and never made them happy. Just like Harry claimed he wanted to leave royal life and make his own income.. yet got angry with Chalres because Ch could not go on paying his security....


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on February 01, 2023, 04:25:35 PM
It?s sad but true. That?s the crux of the issue with William, I think. It was one thing when they fought and disagreed. Whatever. But I think when Harry and Meghan went to the media with their private fights and words, a line was crossed that cannot be uncrossed. Now, you can say they don?t care and maybe they don?t. I don?t think Meghan cares on a personal level like Harry might, but I think not inviting them to the places where private moments are held will sting eventually. Mainly because their connection to the family will dissipate and that?s where their allure comes from. Getting invited to a coronation isn?t just for family, so I don?t count that as being invited to a ?family event.?

But I think everyone needs to move on. The RF don?t need them. William and Charles have their partners and family, so they?ll carry on. And Meghan and Harry will need to find another schtick that isn?t talking about the royals. Goodness knows they have many options and tools to do so, so I hope they choose to do this soon for their own sake.

Harry chose his path, so anything that comes with that choice is something he has to accept. It?ll be a cold day in Hell before William apologizes, in my opinion, because of the seriousness of the transgression.

It?s funny. William has a much more mature attitude toward media than Harry does, in my opinion. He has accepted that they have public roles that come with a lot of negative media attention, and he?s also not interested in them invading his family?s privacy, like Harry claims he?s doing. William and Kate have set clear lines of what is acceptable to document in regards to their children. They preempt things by taking pictures themselves and releasing them. Tentatively introducing them to the public during some events and not others.

William plays nice with the media because he knows it?s a part of his position, even though he distrusts them. This distrust is valid. They?re not your friends. And no public figure should ever confuse a few months or years of good press with them ?liking you.? It?s a business and should be treated as such.

He would never trust the media enough with his private thoughts, comments, and stories because he doesn?t trust that they?d understand or care about him enough to treat these stories with respect. And he shouldn?t. No one should. That Harry did this with William?s thoughts and stories is a complete infringement from William?s perspective, in my opinion.

And Harry seems to shows a great deal of trust in the media that he claims to despise. It?s perplexing really.

Yes, for someone who has been burned by the media, Harry does have a certain amount of trust in particular commentators and interviewers. However I wonder if he still feels the same way after his Spare publicity campaign? Does Tom Braby still hold a favored spot after questioning him during the interview?

William, Catherine and Harry were all targeted  by the phone hacking scandal and understandably have their concerns and reservations about the media. The then Cambridges also dealt with the Closer lawsuit over the photos taken in France and issued a statement about the tactics used by the press to obtain photos of George in 2015. However over time, they do appear to have come to a compromise regarding press coverage of their public and personal lives.

With Harry and Meghan, we know that this is still an ever evolving situation especially with their ongoing legal actions. I'm not sure where it will eventually end up.

As for the Sussexes' presence at the Coronation and their possible interaction with members of their family, I do believe it will be the family likely being even more guarded especially in the wake of Harry and Meghan along with the release of Spare.  Afterall Meghan has reminded us that she never signed anything when it came to her tenure as a senior royal. I believe that she and Harry have no qualms sharing the details of personal conversations. So I expect to that there  will be a great deal of filler chatter about the weather.


Quote from: Amabel2 on February 01, 2023, 05:44:33 PM
I think that Spare has made it very obvious that they are not at all a likable couple.  Harry is the one who put it out there that he beat up his bodyguard and that he mocked a woman with pain and a disability... it wasn't William or Camilla or Charles who put out those stories.  In fact given that H had an image for some time of being a jolly good natured not very smart but very kindly chap, who loved a few beers and a bit of fun and who was devoted to his army work and his veteran work afterwards, shows that the Royal household in fact put out positive stories about him which were at best only slightly true.
I think that the reason they began to get bad press from the time of Meg's arrival in the RF was that the Press was increasingly aware of Harry's and her darker side...and possibly the 2 of them together made a really unlikable couple - they encouraged each others worst aspects.

@Amabel2,  your point about Harry?s previous image is a good one. To hear Harry tell it, the palace PR have always thrown him under the bus and do everything in their power to make William look good and be well liked. The second part is true. It?s kind of their job to make William look good, just like every other PR employee. But Harry fails to mention just how well-liked he was when under those same PR officials. He was incredibly popular and most people bought the image that was created of the lovable, down-to-Earth chap who ?just happened to be born a prince.? In reality, he seemed to be a young man consumed by rage.

Since he has taken over the reigns of his own story, his popularly has plummeted. From my perspective, the PR team saved him for himself many a time. I think Meghan was not the driving force behind his demands once the marriage started. I think that was mostly him wanting to demand more control because he now felt more secure with her by his side. But his way of doing things doesn?t seem to yield a ton of good PR. He?s doing it his way and I think he?d see that as a success, but brutal from the neutral perspective.


Quote from: Kristeh-H on February 01, 2023, 03:12:47 PM
Very valid points, HistoryGirl2, but it seems to me that not responding to Harry and Meghan is not a spiteful act, but a wise and necessary one.  Harry and Meghan have proven they are not trustworthy.  They have no respect for others' privacy.  They will sell out the family and stab them in the back for money.  And based on the Sussexes' previous words and actions, I think that whatever Charles and the palace do, short of groveling at Harry and Meghan's feet and granting their every wish, will not be enough to satisfy them.  I think it would more prudent for the family to continue to ignore them and carry on doing their jobs.  They're playing the long game after all.

If the Sussexes are invited to the Coronation, I do sincerely hope that there will lots of conditions and controls to prevent them from turning a beautiful and solemn occasion into their own little circus.     

I absolutely and totally agree with you 1,000%.  Harry and Meghan can NOT be TRUSTED at all and it is not the BP or their staff  or William that will betray Charles, it is Harry's rage and anger at not being born first and then because HM said NO to the HIHO deal they wanted.   There is NOTHING to be gained by the royal family letting them have their own way as it will end up on the cover of some magazine, TV interviews or another Book which I am sure is already in the works by both of them...Spare the Sequel and Meghan's whatever title she chooses.