Prince Andrew-A New Chapter

Started by TLLK, January 14, 2022, 12:44:19 AM

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Quote from: TLLK on August 28, 2023, 12:29:58 PM
Yes it seems that the family truly loves being in the Scottish Highlands and enjoying the peace and quiet that the Balmoral Estate can provide to them.

They also seem to love pampering Andrew while continuing giving Harry the cold shoulder.

King Charles Embraces Andrew, Keeps Shunning Prince Harry

?Yet, there Andrew was, nestled in a car with William and Kate on Sunday at Crathie Kirk, the church the royals attend during their summer stays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. William drove to the church with his uncle in the passenger seat and his wife in the back seat. Andrew and Kate switched seats on the way back.?

What a good look. Shunning a son and brother, while a man accused of sex crimes against teenage girls gets a free pass in the heart of the family.

The article goes on   

?His appearance alongside the future king and queen, while knowing they would all be photographed, has been seen as a major boost in the York camp towards the Duke?s rehabilitation.

? After the public declaration of support from William and Kate, with Andrew riding in the car to and from the service in Balmoral where the royals are on holiday, one source said: ?It?s more than he (Andrew) could have wished for.?


Quote from: Curryong on September 01, 2023, 10:42:32 PM
They also seem to love pampering Andrew while continuing giving Harry the cold shoulder.

King Charles Embraces Andrew, Keeps Shunning Prince Harry

?Yet, there Andrew was, nestled in a car with William and Kate on Sunday at Crathie Kirk, the church the royals attend during their summer stays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. William drove to the church with his uncle in the passenger seat and his wife in the back seat. Andrew and Kate switched seats on the way back.?

What a good look. Shunning a son and brother, while a man accused of sex crimes against teenage girls gets a free pass in the heart of the family.

The article goes on   

?His appearance alongside the future king and queen, while knowing they would all be photographed, has been seen as a major boost in the York camp towards the Duke?s rehabilitation.

? After the public declaration of support from William and Kate, with Andrew riding in the car to and from the service in Balmoral where the royals are on holiday, one source said: ?It?s more than he (Andrew) could have wished for.?

I'm not surprised to see Prince Andrew at the annual Balmoral summer holiday which he's been attending for decades. I'm also not surprised to see him attending a church service which I consider to be  a private family gathering.  Especially during a time that is close to the anniversary of his mother's passing.

As for Prince Harry, I'm sure that his father would love to see him and his family visit Balmoral or Windsor or Sandringham. Admittedly, I believe that his step-mother, brother and sister-in-law would be more cautious about a visit with Harry, but know that Charles would especially want to see his other grandchildren again.


This is a private family gathering. As is attending church. However, as it always is with the RF it is also about signs to the media. The royals know darned well that absolutely everything they do, from the way they speak to each other, their mode of travel, their seating etc etc, is an object of fascination to the British public and is disseminated to that public by the media.

The royal family knew very well that their cars and passengers would be photographed by tabloid photographers on the way to and back from Craigie Kirk in the same car as the Waleses and that it would be commented on in the Press.

The message to the public that they wished to have conveyed was and is that Andrew is in the bosom of his family as one of them and will continue to be so. And the media reported it as such.

In the meantime the media constantly continue on with the Charles ?has no time? to see Harry line, the William is ?too angry, too hurt and annoyed? to see Harry narrative and so on. (No matter that it was William who physically attacked his brother or that Charles was so busy that he told Harry to put everything in  writing rather than have a heart to heart with his son when it mattered.


Quote from: Curryong on September 01, 2023, 10:42:32 PM
They also seem to love pampering Andrew while continuing giving Harry the cold shoulder.

King Charles Embraces Andrew, Keeps Shunning Prince Harry

?Yet, there Andrew was, nestled in a car with William and Kate on Sunday at Crathie Kirk, the church the royals attend during their summer stays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. William drove to the church with his uncle in the passenger seat and his wife in the back seat. Andrew and Kate switched seats on the way back.?

What a good look. Shunning a son and brother, while a man accused of sex crimes against teenage girls gets a free pass in the heart of the family.

The article goes on   

?His appearance alongside the future king and queen, while knowing they would all be photographed, has been seen as a major boost in the York camp towards the Duke?s rehabilitation.

? After the public declaration of support from William and Kate, with Andrew riding in the car to and from the service in Balmoral where the royals are on holiday, one source said: ?It?s more than he (Andrew) could have wished for.?

Case in point: 

Andrew, he hasn't been found guilty of any crimes has he?  Can someone show me proof of his having sex with a woman who had sex with many other men? He hasn't bad mouthed the royal family or betrayed them has he? He has kept his mouth shut about issues within the royal family.   He lives in the  the area of many family members also and in the same country.  I bet A is walking very carefully within the royal family even mow.

Harry and Meghan, well all know them don't we, lairs is their name, front and center for their very betrayal of the royal family.......what they did to Harry's grandparents is totally despicable  to 2 older family  members which can't be forgiven ever......just who in a family does that to grandparents of which one of them, was dying?  And YES I do blame Harry and Meghan for having hastened the death of HM as I am sure the stress must of been horrific on her so called Beloved Grandson who had no care for her.     There is no positive feedback from them that will ever let them back, decent people that love their family wouldn't ever accept that behavior from any family member at all.  Living in CA it isn't possible for them to hitch a ride to that church is it?



?Could Prince Andrew return to public life?? asks the BBC. And the answer, from most sources their correspondent spoke to is a resounding ?N!?.

And the case of Andrew, a man who paid money to avoid a perilous civil case brought by an Epstein victim is very very different from the case of Harry, who has certainly not committed any crimes, neither has his wife.

Unless living in another country than your birth country is a crime. In which case I am certainly guilty as I have been happily ensconced on the other side of the world to Britain, since my twenties.

The RF attitude is keep quiet about everything even if you?re treated like dirt by the Palace and others and your behaviour will be tolerated and condoned. Speak out about anything that?s happened to you, as Diana did and Harry has done, and you are a pariah! And imo to treat Andrew after his behaviour, and friendship with a paedophile, like a much valued family member sharing cars and family events, shows where the Royal Family?s values are. In the gutter!


He, A, went 'to church with them for heaven's sake, something he has done hundreds of times, is that a crime? Who says he is welcomed back, did BP or KP or Charles or William say that? That is a fake message
from his fans or  the tabloids. I have little if I no respect for him at all, to me he is a creep yet maybe some are believing what he says, we don't know for sure.  Maybe he is trying to change and we don't know that either...Crucify him for going to church with his family.......Unless it is proven he is not guilty *yet* im a court of law.

And what Harry and Meghan are guilty of is just as bad........they BETRAYED their family, they bad mouthed their country, they LIED time and time again all for MONEY, well of course that is what they did, after all they expected the Bank of Dad to support them forever even with security in another country no less.  Any one who is a royal watcher knows just what they did for the last 3 years and I bet some of their fans are as frustrated with them as some of us here are........A DECENT PERSON DOES NOT DO THAT TO THEIR FAMILY EVER..especially to their *grandparents*.   Sorry for the caps, sometimes I feel nobody is hearing me. I don't care what title a person has or the color of their skin, I care about how they TREAT others with respect in this world...I say Thank You to the bus driver when I get on and off the bus, that is called *common courtesy* im the world I live in, H/M have shown very little respect for anybody, they are totally inside themselves and think of only what they want.........selfish to the core!  DONE!


When was the last occasion that Andrew shared a car with the Waleses on any private occasion for the last two years?
For at least 60 years the media has taken certain gestures or moves from royals as meaningful signals. Signals that mean to the Press that this is an unusual move, should be noted, and ought to be passed on to the public. There have been several occasions when such things have happened. And on this occasion the sharing of cars was no accident and it was duly reported in the tabloids. The Press don?t operate in a vacuum where the RF is concerned. Ever.


Quote from: Curryong on September 02, 2023, 07:24:07 AM
When was the last occasion that Andrew shared a car with the Waleses on any private occasion for the last two years?
For at least 60 years the media has taken certain gestures or moves from royals as meaningful signals. Signals that mean to the Press that this is an unusual move, should be noted, and ought to be passed on to the public. There have been several occasions when such things have happened. And on this occasion the sharing of cars was no accident and it was duly reported in the tabloids. The Press don?t operate in a vacuum where the RF is concerned. Ever.

Typically in recent years,  Andrew drove with one or both with his daughters or with the late Queen. My theory is that Charles made the request to the Wales and they obliged him.  A more far fetched theory is   there was a hasty game of "rock, paper, scissors" between Anne, Edward and their nephew and William lost.


Prince Andrew will not return to duty but he can going to church include St.Mary?s Magdalene in Sandringham and Crathie Kirk in Balmoral also kept low profile but remember still investigation on disgraced of his friend Jeffrey Epstein but not yet guilty verdict because Andrew is royals not without his attorney present

When he resigned from his duty he with late Queen Elizabeth to church kept low profile


He's both a victimizer and a victim to US VIP's who rubbed shoulders and more with the Pedo and the infamous victimizer/victim Virginia Giuffre, who also has been accused as a groomer to minor age girls. 

Moral of the story: Don't hang out with shady characters.

ETA: On the other hand, he can tell his experience - the good bad and ugly to the POW's (future of the monarchy) After a downfall, many lessons in all his 3 aspects of life, his young self Military hero, his fame going infamous hanging out with the Soho type rich people who aren't in the aristo circle with dark side exploitation, his downfall.

*My Soho comment is studied, about rich people who do not have entry at Aristo parties/gatherings/weekend hunting or gaming with BBQ circles, then there are the second and third or fourth children of aristo parents who make friends with this rich group of people who bring the 'thrills' that can get darkish.


It's always the second, third or forth who 'dare' to go further and a scandal ensues. Hardly or never see a first born get into such troubles, protected or not, time always is a matter of character, the young days, etc. I think the POW's should talk about dark characters when the time is right to their own children. It's a literal ''life saver''. My parents spoke about it to me and my brothers and sisters and the very likely consequences. And with examples of famous people or random but known people. It starts with a dinner sitdown, youngish to oldish teenagers - mom gossip out loud as a passing comment to dad the 'oh poor Johnson's dealing with their teenage child.  The most curious bro/sister will say what happened, breaks ice, parents don't say Johnson detail but talk about the wolf who fed the good or the bad side. Adding other aspect to middle bro knows the Johnson kid, is an acquaintance but not a friend, be nice to him, empathy, you never know if such a move can help him. Plus the other aspects that parents know how to handle when giving life examples to children.

That's it, that is how I can see the positive side of Uncle Andrew's life experience to the future of the Monarchy, the POW's.


What about King Edward VIII, who was POW and then King? Plenty of scandal swirling around him, even though he was heir from childhood. And Edward VII scarcely set a standard of personal morality to his brothers or to anyone else. He was POW from birth and the first to appear in Court (in a divorce action) brought against a married woman by her husband.

If we look at foreign royals, there is Juan Carlos of Spain, who started off great as King, even though his messing about with guns had killed his younger and only brother. His reign didn?t exactly end in a blaze of glory. Then there was Leopold the second and the third of Belgium. They were both heirs, one pillaged the Belgian Congo for his own financial benefit, while Leopold III?s actions during WW2 and after it caused his abdication in favour of his son. So it is not ?hardly ever? that spares cause trouble and heirs don?t.

As for Andrew there is nothing admirable personally or privately about Andrew bar his service in the Falklands. He was regarded by Palace staff as a nightmare as a child but because he was the Queen?s favourite he was allowed to get away with murder, and his behaviour continued into adult life. His family may excuse him but they don?t seem to visit him at Royal Lodge too often. Fergie stated recently that he was lonely. And his not speaking publicly about his family does not excuse his behaviour with Epstein, Ghislaine, both jailbirds, and co. At all!


And as for US Presidents, over half have been middle children and not eldest sons.

?Here's a claim to fame that middle children can wave over the heads of their siblings: just over half ? 23, exactly ? of US presidents have belonged to their ranks.

So, does that mean that most of our presidents have had raging cases of middle child syndrome?

Not exactly. Business Insider's Lindsay Dodgson reported that middle child syndrome is a myth. Middle kids are, in fact, susceptible to peer pressure, open-minded, social, and excellent at negotiating.

Weakness in the face of peer pressure aside, those don't sound like bad traits for a politician to possess.?


It would very likely be acceptable to date marrying a divorcee, back then with what I know what historically happened behind the scenes. I can answer and tell the story for those interested in the proper thread. Just DM me and will start the discussion there.

Who did Andrew murder? The Falkland war, he was in truest danger. Frontline fire power. Yet he hasn't trashed his family in ink or film. He just seeked thrills with dark people who have money and are happy to thrill a prince, those platitudes strangers offer and get close are costly, hence my previous comments of shady people who at the end of the road are bad news.


Why not discuss it openly on the forum? I happen to know a great deal about the Duke of Windsor from beginning to end after sixty odd years of reading about him and his circle.

There were plenty of people with money swirling around both Edward VII and Edward VIII, both aristocratic and otherwise. Some of them led very ?fast? lives, as both Edwards did themselves in their private lives.

And Edward VIII?s issues didn?t begin and end with Wallis Simpson. He enjoyed chasing many women, several of them married, from his very early twenties.

And Edward VII was regarded by his mother Victoria  as ?living for pleasure?. He followed the womanising route and borrowed money from wealthy friends from whom he could not repay back and so asked for titles for them from PM Gladstone and others.

And Andrew was known to seek out shady oligarchs to get money from them for himself and Fergie. He was mired in corruption for years, as the Press hinted for decades, including his time as trade envoy. There is very little that is admirable about him at all, at war or otherwise. He?s a boaster and may well have carried on about his war service to others.


^ I thought you didn't know a thing about him, because you described him as scandalous.  This is not the board or thread to discuss him.  I didn't say it isn't the forum.
I said THREAD.

Some of the US presidents have aristocratic ''ancestral'' background.  I was referring to - pardon if I wasn't understood about the aristocracy, very little has changed.

There is no tight circle aristocratic studies, explanations of how they keep their - precisly circle - tight with their life, but those children whom have ventured ''out of the circle'' a bit or mid or too much, we've witnessed it since yeah King Edward III who fell in love with an American divorcee....further stories in the proper thread, I only wanted to give a bit of an explanation of why I think Andrew can, may and will be crucial in a positive way to the POW's and his brother. He knows evil (experienced the ''fast life''), can make them also look 'out of the box' so to speak, each tale brings life lessons, 100%. I'm not saying entirely that they all live in a bubble.


We are discussing joint and group family events, my intention was to actually note why Andrew (not Harry, didn't want to discuss Harry as he clearly said he dislikes Balmoral as his wife too).  People have noted here that Andrew loves loves loves Balmoral, ages, years, decades going.  I just wanted to add in what positive note he can bring to the table in this joint and group family events.

Shall we go to the Diana thread? 


You thought I knew nothing about Edward VIII in spite of knowing I?m a history buff??

You think Andrew regrets his friendship with Epstein and Ghislaine other than it?s all come out about him and them and he?s now disgraced? My God, his BBC interview was full of defensive retorts and self justifications. He really regrets nothing about his past life except he can?t get money from his wealthy pals for his own and Fergie?s lifestyle any more! There is nothing he can bring to the table regarding life lessons or anything else. He may like Balmoral. Some do, some don?t. Prss Margaret went there for years but was bored there. So was Queen Mary. Andrew?s liking for the place is neither here nor there.

And Edward III was a medieval King of England who certainly wasn?t mixed up with any divorcee!


Quote from: Curryong on September 01, 2023, 10:42:32 PM
They also seem to love pampering Andrew while continuing giving Harry the cold shoulder.

King Charles Embraces Andrew, Keeps Shunning Prince Harry

?Yet, there Andrew was, nestled in a car with William and Kate on Sunday at Crathie Kirk, the church the royals attend during their summer stays at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. William drove to the church with his uncle in the passenger seat and his wife in the back seat. Andrew and Kate switched seats on the way back.?

What a good look. Shunning a son and brother, while a man accused of sex crimes against teenage girls gets a free pass in the heart of the family.

The article goes on   

?His appearance alongside the future king and queen, while knowing they would all be photographed, has been seen as a major boost in the York camp towards the Duke?s rehabilitation.

? After the public declaration of support from William and Kate, with Andrew riding in the car to and from the service in Balmoral where the royals are on holiday, one source said: ?It?s more than he (Andrew) could have wished for.?

Please tell me just how is A being pampered with a car ride? so let's make some to build up H/M as they live halfway around the world and need a ride to church. 

*Accused*is the operative word , not found guilty *yet* so let's get that straight okay.  Yet we all have heard, read and seen the very words out of H/M's mouth full blast for the entire world to hear, read  and see......that is full blown right from their mouths...can't put a spin on that to make it go away can we? And  they kept it up for 3 years no less.


A ride or whatever biases, Andrew has never trashed his family or Balmoral. Harry did.


YES, that I totally agree with you on, at least he knows to keep his mouth shut and at this time not create any more issues within the family.  I don't like him for his self entitlement attitude and his arrogant ego. Yet all he did was make friends with who just had a lifestyle he was looking for sex with VG, heck, why didn't she sue other men she has sex with....that right there tells me a lot about her, out for a very fat paycheck is all she was about.  She used Andrew to get that and the royal family fell for it. He will never be accepted back working for the family yet he is only accused of his choices in life of having  sex with a whatever she calls herself, he did not *betray his family* like H/M have done.


Andrew has been condemned for his doings with young girls and Ghislaine and Epstein. However he did many other things that smeared the BRF far more than that and nothing M+ H has done has come up to it.

Prince Andrew facing calls to explain ?1m payments linked to high court fraud case | UK news | The Guardian,28804,2034088_2034097_2033625,00.html

Andrew had dodgy financial dealings for years with Eastern European oligarchs, and borrowed money for his lifestyle from many shady people that he was then obligated to. Imagine if that had come out at the time! And as for Epstein, the son of the British monarch borrowing thousands and more for his wife (that she may not have paid back) from a man who had gone to jail for sex offences to do with minors.

Andrew was also removed from being a Trade Envoy for Britain after complaints were made against him by British diplomats and others. He was offensive in his interactions with foreign representatives and there were questions about his private dealings when he was in that position as Envoy.

Former British diplomat reveals Prince Andrew?s odd behaviour as British trade envoy - NZ Herald

So it is very very far from being just a question of Andrew getting involved with Virginia (and why did he pay her off if he was innocent of all wrongdoing?) I think his reported behaviour with the young girls Epstein had in his employ is reprehensible. However, the above activities that I?ve underlined are far far worse than anything the Sussexes have ever done against Britain?s reputation.


Well that was a boat load of info that I did not know about so put that together with VG and look where he is today, dammed from working for the family ever again and as I said earlier somewhere here, I believe A is walking on eggshells with the family. He might get a ride from someone yet I bet he and Sarah are living in a big house without family running in and out all the time. Just because he got that ride with William imo does not mean he is welcomed back full blown with balloons.  He is as untrustworthy as H/M are at this moment I believe.  and William did not look to pleased either as I bet dad almost forced the ride on him to take A........don't think A will be invited to dinner anytime soon at the Wales home.

As for all that information I will read up on that.....during that time, I was into HM mostly and my life.

Good Grief, that article is full of wild things all about the evils of MONEY of which I was married to what I call GOD who still to this day loves MONEY more than his family.....And I did not get any of that wealth
im my divorce either yet it was a good lesson about men and Money.


Anderew is never going to work as a royal again and is probably resigned, however unhappily, to a private and quiet life.  But the RF is not gong to beat him wth a stick, he is still part of the family and for the queens sake, if nothing else, they will treat him as such