Re: The Dutch Monarchy Current Events

Started by Jennifer, January 13, 2017, 05:13:32 PM

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Queen Maxima visits the Elance Academy ? Royal Central
QuoteQueen M?xima paid a virtual visit to the Elance Academy on International Women?s Day to learn more about the projects from the Dutch coaching academy.

At Elance, an organisation first supported by King Willem-Alexander?s and Queen M?xima?s Oranje Fonds Growth Program, girls and young women are mentored and trained to ?become strong, ambitious women and role models for the next generation.?

During her visit, Queen M?xima spoke with the staff, coaches and young women who use the mentoring tools to become more independent and confident women.



Queen Maxima at the Netherlands Dance Theater today.

Queen Maxima March 16 Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images,%202021&sort=newest#license


King Willem Alexander receives new ambassadors.

Pics: PPE Agency


Queen Maxima visited the petrochemical company Huntsman Holland BV in Rotterdam-Botlek this afternoon.

Pics: PPE Agency


Any idea what she was doing?  Or just a Royal visit?


Queen M?xima discusses COVID and its impact on mental health ? Royal Central

QuoteQueen M?xima of the Netherlands spoke to researchers, psychiatrists, general practitioners and the organisation MIND on Tuesday regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.

Vaccine rollout in the EU has been slower compared to some other nations, so unfortunately it's likely to still impact feelings of isolation among all age groups.


A Book on Queen Maxima of Netherlands *More than Majesty* written by the Royal Journalist Rick Evers. Based on exclusive conversations with the Queen and the people around her will be published on 15th April on what will be two days to her 50th Birthday.


It does my heart good that mental health is being recognized as important.  That old idea to ?tough it through? is so harmful. 

When I was a fairly new nurse, mental health was whispered about. Psych rotation was dreaded.  Now - I have a wealth of programs to refer my patients to. People are more willing to talk about issues.  There is a long way to go but I think we are moving in the right direction.  At least here in Canada.


Wow! I can't believe that Maxima will be 50 this year. Come to think of it,  I'm pretty sure that another member of the "M" club (Maxima, Mary, Mathilde, Mette-Marit, and "Metizia) might be reaching that milestone too in 2021.

@Macrobug67 - So pleased to see that mental healthcare is finally receiving its due in the 21st century. It impacts our physical well being tremendously and should be considered part of a routine check up IMO.


I do bring up mental health, sleep and exercises during annual health reviews.   Also pay attention for people with chronic conditions esp diabetes, renal impairment etc.   It?s all part of primary health care.


King Willem-Alexander visited the Van Weel-Bethesda Hospital in Dirksland to hear about the consequences of the corona pandemic on hospital care.

DPG Media Privacy Gate


Queen Maxima is paying a digital working visit to the national Student InzetopSchool platform. Various non-commercial initiatives are affiliated to this platform that deploy students from higher education in secondary education.


King Willem-Alexander spoke online with Governor George-Wout of Cura caao, with the Head of Epidemiology and Research Department of Medicine and Health, Cura caao in charge of the vaccination campaign and with the Director of Cura caao Medical Centre.


King Willem-Alexander meets with the new Speaker of the House of Representatives Vera Bergkamp.

Pics: PPE Agency



Prince Constantijn gives a digital speech at the online Awards Show of the 2021 World Press Photo Contests. The photo competitions reward Professional Photographers for the best photos taken in visual journalism in the past year.


Queen Maxima as the United Nations Secretary-Generals Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development held a virtual keynote speech for the UK Fintech Week.

UNSGSA Queen M?xima UK Fintech Week 2021 Video Remarks - YouTube


Queen Maxima visited the cleaning company CSU in Uden, the winner of the King Willem I Prize in the Large Business category.



Yesterday, King Willem-Alexander paid a working visit to the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD).

Today, King Willem-Alexander received the Ambassadors of Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tunisia:

Pics: Beelden | ANP Foto


Several books coming out about Maxi this year, to celebrate her fiftieth birthday I guess. The latest is a two  parter. The first part, named ?Motherland? will concentrate on her birth family, education, the Argentina years, before going on to her jobs and then her first meeting with W-A. It sounds extremely good. The second half, ?Fatherland? will come out later and examine her years in the Netherlands. The author is Marcia Luyten.

'Moederland': nieuwsgierige naar vroege jaren M?xima komt ruim aan zijn trekken - ROYALBLOG.NL