Been away a while ... virtually at sea

Started by Hamlet, November 27, 2008, 12:13:54 AM

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So much has happened on my journey ... family friends a job new language, where to start.

Have landed in a good country.  The people are fantastic and currently working on some solutions for a peaceful resolution to an energy issue which has involved the formation of a coalition of the willing.

Some ask willing to do what?  Well willing to assure we do not have more wars and blood spill over energy again.

Prior to the issue of energy some folks were working to build a fantastic future full of possibilities and positive interaction.  Perhaps once we have completed our agreement to help with the energy issue we will move forward and continue to build a fantastic future with all our family and friends.

Some of my friends are no longer alive.  Can not change this, though....  can assure they are not forgotten nor their families abandoned.  To keep their thoughts alive is a good thing to do and build as agreed with all the resources available.

Christmas is coming, not everyone in this country celebrates Christmas by choice that is fine, and they have that choice.  Though have an equivalent moment of reflection and celebration.





Hi Hamlet, Welcome :hiya: What country are you talking about? :unsure:
Harry2Me4Ever and ~Alice~ are             


Amaliaite #1 cheese-ite #0025

The Chocolate Princess

Glamorous Kate:



The country is the one Harry's family helped build with the people of the UK, France, First Nations and some other family members.

Remember his Mother; she worked hard to assure peace.  Some are assuring her work is not forgotten either.




THE BEST REVENGE? Smile. Be happy. Never let them know it hurt.

Scarlet Flowers

They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept any but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.~Red Cloud

When you step out in faith, you step into a whole other world.


Welcome Back to the Forum, Hamlet!   :advent:


"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil