Re: Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and Family Discussion

Started by snokitty, February 20, 2015, 08:32:02 AM

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Quote from: LouisFerdinand on June 23, 2023, 10:06:32 PM
In Victoria A Life A. N. Wilson wrote:   
The Queen's loathing of hot rooms, and her indifference to the cold, became unrestrained during 
her years of widowhood, and those who visited Balmoral in particular, were in danger of feeling cold.
  :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr: :brr:

Yes, in Victoria?s reign courtiers, relatives and Govt Ministers suffered alike. She couldn?t stand being warm in overheated rooms at all throughout her adult life. When Albert felt unwell there were roaring fires in his dressing room where he would sit and do some work, but otherwise Victoria would order windows opened to let in air in all the rooms she was in, unless rain was pouring down. It was one of her things and her family knew it. However Albert was not a robust man and he has my heartfelt sympathy.


In Victoria A Life A. N. Wilson wrote:   
So it was that he (Prince Albert) received no credit for inventing the Victoria Cross,   
but was blamed for the appointment of the Duke of Cambridge as Commander-in-Chief   
of the army after the resignation of Lord Hardinge.


Did Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh use an alias when he travelled to Australia?



Quote from: LouisFerdinand on October 10, 2023, 10:51:01 PM
How high were the chances of Victoria becoming Queen?     
How High Were the Chances of Victoria Becoming Queen? - YouTube

That depended on exactly when that question was being asked, I suppose. The royal race after Prss Charlotte?s premature death in childbirth meant that three of the middle aged sons of George III, the Dukes of Clarence, Kent and Cambridge, hurried to the altar.

Edward Duke of Kent was quite high up in the line of succession anyway, when considering that his eldest brother the Prince Regent (later King George IV) and his older brother the Duke of York were both childless after Prss Charlotte?s death and unlikely to produce legitimate heirs afterwards. Only the Duke of Clarence was in the way. Then her father the Duke of Kent died while she was still a baby.

On the other hand, after the other older brother the Duke of Clarence (?Silly Billy?) married Priss Adelaide and started producing a few daughters when Victoria was still very young, Victoria?s chances went down. However when all Adelaide of Clarence?s baby daughters died Victoria was winning the race.

By the time she was about eleven it was clear that King William and Queen Adelaide would not have any live heirs the road ahead to Victoria becoming Queen was certain.


According to Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany's biographer, Charlotte Zeepvat,   
he was first diagnosed with hemophilia in 1858 or 1859.


Quote from: LouisFerdinand on November 01, 2023, 09:34:26 PM
According to Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany's biographer, Charlotte Zeepvat,   
he was first diagnosed with hemophilia in 1858 or 1859.

Yes Zeepvat is excellent, but really when Leopold was a very young child the doctors didn?t know what was wrong. They said he had weak veins. Most of the few studies of haemophilia (a very rare condition anyway) that were around had been published in medical journals in Germany. I believe Albert consulted medical professionals in Germany. Once it was confirmed by various doctors Pr Albert then informed Queen Victoria, but what she understood of it isn?t really clear and she didn?t know how what she always referred to as ?this terrible disease? had ?entered? her family. Nowadays it?s usually put down to a rogue gene transmitted to Victoria by her middle aged father at her conception.



Queen Victoria reading at the bedside of an Old Cottager   
The Queen reading at the Bedside of an Old Cottager stock image | Look and Learn   

:booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd: :booknerd:


Princess Christian at Eastbourne in 1882   
Princess Christian at Eastbourne stock image | Look and Learn     

:xmas14: :xmas14: :xmas14: :xmas14:


The Empress Frederick showed her mother the Castle Grounds.   
The Queen's Visit to the Empress Frederick at ? stock image | Look and Learn   

:xmas4: :xmas4:  :xmas18: :xmas8:


In 1828 the Duke of Orleans was suggested as a possible husband for Princess Victoria, but he was a Catholic.


Quote from: LouisFerdinand on January 01, 2024, 10:31:45 PM
In 1828 the Duke of Orleans was suggested as a possible husband for Princess Victoria, but he was a Catholic.

Suggested by whom? A newspaper? As far as I have ever read the only two males that were in close contention for the role of consort to Victoria were her cousins Albert of Saxe Coburg Gotha and his older brother Ernst. That was because from childhood it was decided between Prince Leopold (later King of the Belgians) and his sister Victoire (Victoria?s mother) that their two nephews were eminently suitable. There was a slight bias towards Albert from the beginning as he was a serious-minded and studious boy in comparison to his brother. It was believed by both that this would suit Victoria.

The very young Victoria enjoyed her brief period of freedom between 1837 and late 1839 as she adored dancing and late nights (not an Albert thing) and especially liked being whirled around the ballroom by the dashing heir to the Russian throne, the future Alexander II (very handsome as a young man, as was Albert) when he visited London. However after she met Albert for the second time in 1839 that was it for Victoria. The British people weren?t exactly thrilled however. Albert was not wealthy, came from an obscure Duchy and was considered by many courtiers who met him as rather stiff and Germanic.



In May 1857 Prince Albert opened the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition.   
It was here that photographs of the Royal Family were first put on public display.


In 1899 Queen Victoria wrote to her eldest daughter Victoria, Empress Frederick about   
a possible marriage for her granddaughter Princess Helena Victoria with Prince Johannes   
of Hohenloe-Langenburg. However, Prince Johannes was Catholic.                                               
  Religion was one reason this wedding never took place.


Queen Victoria of England used the name Countess of Kent on a trip to Switzerland in 1868.




Quote from: LouisFerdinand on April 07, 2024, 08:57:46 PM
Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll made a bust of her brother Prince Arthur.

And a statue of her mother. Louise did paint but she was a talented sculptor and that was more her thing. I wonder whether she ever sculpted a bust of her husband?



Queen Victoria and Prince Albert became Patrons of the Photographic Society soon after its inception in 1853. In 1853 Prince Albert contributed fifty pounds towards a study of howv to prevent fading in photographs.


Keep them out of direct sunlight I would suggest, though considering the thick curtains and drapes shading Victorian windows you wouldn't think it would be too much of a problem!
After Frederick Scott Archer invented the wet plate technique of taking photographs in about 1850, daguerretypes (which had to be kept in their own box, so preserving the image for all time) the first form of photography, virtually disappeared. They could not be displayed in albums or in frames, unlike later photos which Victorians loved to mass all over every surface of their homes. So I imagine light was the killer as far as fading went, though I have to say, I've seen many 19th century photographs still in splendid condition.


The Parents of Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha