Duke & Duchess of Sussex future engagements in the UK

Started by wannable, May 01, 2019, 02:23:17 PM

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Oh, for heaven's sake Harry and Meghan ought to be able to send a simple letter of praise and thanks to charities (whether British or American) without SM and the tabloid Press seizing on it and constantly turning every single thing they do into a point of controversy and drama!

StreetGames fits into Harry's other charities (sports for disadvantaged youth) very well.

As for the monogram, talk about a storm in a teacup. The monogram was chosen by them jointly before their marriage. They are still members of the BRF, still a Duke and Duchess and they have a perfect right to use their own monogram in a letter.


Harry has presented a Princess Diana Award to young changemakers on behalf of himself and his brother on the anniversary of their mother's birthday. (I miss her still.)

Speaking on video link he stated that his generation had not done enough against bias and prejudice.



Thank you for sharing Prince Harry's message on what would have been his mother's 59th birthday.


Harry and Meghan in their roles as President and Vice President of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust had a very interesting discussion with future young Commonwealth Leaders by video link earlier this week.



Harry and Meghan wont be satisfied until theyve burn ever bridge with the monarchy and Britain.


'Watch Sentebale's Co-Founding Patron, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, discuss what resilience means to him and the young people living with, or affected by HIV, he supports via Sentebale, during the Opening Ceremony of the AIDS 2020 Conference.'



Quote from: wannable on July 06, 2020, 02:57:48 PM
It's perfect for them.  They are inclined to the political left and with their latest official backing via videos, they may very well be communists.

Is Prince Harry wearing brown contact lenses? The video and pictures of their latest intervention his eyes are brown, whilst he is blue eyed.
oh come, Communists?  Realy?


Quote from: Curryong on July 06, 2020, 01:41:07 PM
Harry and Meghan in their roles as President and Vice President of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust had a very interesting discussion with future young Commonwealth Leaders by video link earlier this week.


So the QCT isnt actually connected to the Commonwealth or the BRF. I learned something new today.

DISCLAIMER The Queens Commonwealth Trust (QCT) is an independent organisation. Views expressed on the QCT website do not represent views of the Royal Family or the Royal Household. The QCT website offers a free and open forum where young people can share insights, expertise, advice and inspiration and come together to discuss issues that matter to them. The content and discussions shared by QCT are only intended to reflect the perspectives of those engaging with the platform.




The Queen's Commonwealth Trust IS linked to the monarch and to the Commonwealth. If it wasn't then various tabloid commenters wouldn't be getting up on their high horses about it.

The Queen is patron of the QCT and has been since 2017. The Sussexes are President and Vice President of the QCT, Harry's Presidency of which was announced at around the same time as him being appointed Commonwealth Youth Leader. The organisation is also a charity and its aims and programmes (mainly in Africa) are featured on its website. Lord (Christopher) Geist, the man ousted as the Queen's PS in the Palace coup by Charles and Andrew heads its board.

Double post auto-merged: July 08, 2020, 12:36:59 AM

The head of the NAACP, founded in 1909, confirmed that the Sussexes had spoken to him in the wake of the George Floyd murder. Is the national association for the advancement of coloured peoples also a Commie organisation?  :lol:

Double post auto-merged: July 08, 2020, 12:51:41 AM

Some interesting views of communism and of democratic values by Europeans and British citizens.

Public Opinion in Europe 30 Years After the Fall of Communism | Pew Research Center


Oooh, studied it, eh!  scarey! Reds under the bed! Quick, hide everyone!

The Queen is Patron of the charity organisation and her grandson and his wife head it, so they are linked. If they aren't then as usual Morgan and the tabloids are making a fuss over nothing again aren't they?

I introduced the fact that the Sussexes commiserated with the NAACP in my post. It was reported that they did after Floyd's murder and I repeated it as I am entitled to do.

And so what if some BLM leaders have far left views? Going around calling people Commies sounds like something from seventy years ago to citizens of most of the rest of the First World.

If you called someone a communist in Britain, Western Europe, Aus or NZ, they'd think it was a joke insult and collapse in laughter. You seem to think it's a deadly insult, and probably people who have extreme right views in the US do regard it as such. It's notable though that no British or Commonwealth newspapers are jumping up and down about Harry and Meghan being part of some Communist Front!  :teehee:

Double post auto-merged: July 08, 2020, 12:29:00 PM

Harry is outside in the gardens of his LA home as he delivers a video address for the 2020 AIDS Conference.

Prince Harry Shares Look Outside LA Home in New Video | PEOPLE.com


I don't care for Culture Cancelling....

The extracts from the BLM Movement and its Marxist and Communist websites is live to date.

Those who take offense, what can I say, it's a reality.

The End.

Next engagement, Girls Up


Plenty of evidence in Britains national newspapers this morning of why Harry and Meghan could not have remained as working royals representing the Queen while taking the stance that they do on controversies. Harrys criticism of the Commonwealth has gone down like a lead balloon

Forgive me if Ive missed some but in the Telegraph I count three pieces containing heavy criticism of Harrys comments about the Commonwealth. Other highly respected voices on the royal scene, including Robert Hardman and Arthur Edwards, have also criticised him in their papers.

- Richard Palmer, royal correspondent for The Daily Express


One of the young persons of colour from the Bahamas who actually participated in the QCT discussion with Harry and Meghan speaks out about the experience.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry "Brought a Calm, Relaxed Energy" to a Call About Racial Equity


As opposed to the British empire, the Commonwealth is made up of sovereign, independent countries. Each with their own foreign and domestic policies. Countries are free to join or leave.

If Harry and Meghan have issues with a particular country they should say so but to call out the Commonwealth as a whole makes no sense.

But once they go down that road theyll find many majority non white countries in Africa and Asia have appalling human rights records. Are they going to call out those countries or just the majority white countries like Australia, Canada and the U.K.


I have already written about the disgraceful laws against homosexuality in Afrcan and Asian countries of the Commonwealth. I'm aware of them. Harry has stayed at, lived in, worked in, several countries in the Commonwealth in Africa and would know some of the difficulties with human rights in that continent. Neither he nor Meghan pointed to any particular country or realm when they made their remarks on the video discussion.

Yes, the Commonwealth is made up of the sum of its parts ie different countries. However, the umbrella organisation, the Commonwealth Secretariat, is located in London and follows as it were, an overall administrative function in the organisation. There have been several occasions in both the distant and recent past were many hoped that the Secretariat would act more promptly and firmly with certain countries' behaviour and in attempting to censure their leaders.   


QuoteA young leader who took part in the video phone call with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, as part of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust discussion on justice and equal rights earlier this week, has admitted her initial hesitance in joining the call.

Alicia Wallace, the director of Equality Bahamas, gave an insider's view of the phone call, during which she admitted to at first feeling uncomfortable about joining Prince Harry, 35, and  Meghan Markle, 38, for the talk, due to the Royal Family's history of colonisation.

She admitted that choosing to be part of the conversation was 'complicated', as she feared being branded hypocritical by 'sitting with people whose titles are symbols of a legacy from which we need to be freed', Alicia went on to praise the Sussexes as 'calm, relaxed and responding with substance'

IMO I am not surprised that Ms. Wallace initially felt uncomfortable considering the topic but I am glad to see that she later felt more at ease.


A senior peer, Lord Howell of Guilford, who was involved in the Brexit negotiations, has stated that the Queen 'fully understood Harry's comments about the Commonwealth.'

At last, some sanity to counter the rantings of the likes of Morgan and wootton on the subject. .

Article in the Telegraph.



I read the article and he gives his opinion. Nothing more. He hasnt spoken to the Queen. He says I would *think* she fully understood the context. And I would have *thought* she understood it fully. 


They ALL give their opinion, nothing more, including ratty tabloid journalists and commentators who used the comments made by Harry on the Commonwealth video to further attack this couple. I'm equally sure Morgan, Wootton, et al haven't spoken to the Queen either. Lord Howell has at least had experience in foreign affairs and government.

Double post auto-merged: July 10, 2020, 07:16:28 AM

Speaking in Thursday's Chopper's Politics podcast (which you can listen to on the player above), Lord Howell said: "I would think she fully understood the context. He's been very active and committed to Commonwealth activities.

"He's a real champion of the Commonwealth and I think he was trying to explain to others outside Government ... where we are going. I would have thought she understood it fully, frankly."

Lord Howell described the Commonwealth as "winding down the empire" and "a voluntary coming together of those countries who didn't feel too antagonistic or angry or furious about the past".

The modern-day Commonwealth had allowed them to be "joined together in repairing some of the bad aspects of the past and some of the abuses and atrocities, and all the rest", he said.

He added that the fact the organisation was "ceasing to be the British Commonwealth and becoming the Commonwealth... [was] a brilliant way of moving out of empire" and said: "I would challenge all historians to tell me a better ending to any empire in history."


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