Tsar Michael II of Russia

Started by LouisFerdinand, October 11, 2017, 12:41:43 AM

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If Grand Duke Michael had not renounced the throne, would the monarchy still have been able to continue? Would Tsar Michael II have been a successful sovereign? Would his wife Natalia have been accepted as Tsarina?


No Tsar would have been successful in 1917, in my view. It was all miles, miles too late by then. If Tsar Alexander the Liberator had been able to establish a working parliament and true democracy in Russia after he came to the throne, and it had been a success, then the Romanovs might, just might have had a chance as constitutional monarchs in the 20th century. That didn't happen however, and the dynasty continued on its doomed way.


how on earth could anyone "be a successful czar" when there was a Communist revolution?  the Mood of the country was for the most part hostile to the Romanovs as a terrible dynasty who had made a horrible mess of modernising the cuotnry.


If Michael II had been the Tsar, how might he have changed the leadership of the army?


It wouldn't have mattered what Michael attempted. It would have been akin to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic as it was going down. He was done, the Romanov dynasty was done, and considering the chaotic conditions on the Home Front which affected morale as well as the spirit of revolution that was spreading everywhere, and the supply and logistics problems, the Russian army was done.


And if it hadn't been for what replaced it, it would have beena  good thing


Should Michael actually be considered as a Tsar? He did not have an imperial coronation.


Grand Duke Michael enjoyed automobiles. He had a garage filled with motorcars which he loved to drive. The Grand Duke had the habit of falling asleep at the wheel. Once, with his sister Grand Duchess Olga beside him, speeding to Gatchina, Michael nodded off and the car rolled over. Both Michael and Olga were thrown, unhurt.



Harald Scavenius, the Danish minister, arranged for George Brasov, the son of Grand Duke Michael, to be smuggled to Denmark. Here George lived with King Christian X until he could rejoin his mother.


Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna called Michael's marriage to Natalia Wulfert 'unspeakably awful in every way'. The Tsar banished Michael from Russia.


Grand Duke Michael and Russian Interior Minister Peter Swiatopolk-Miski attended an unveiling of a monument to Catherine the Great in 1904.   
Prince Peter Swiatopolk-Miski and Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in Stock Photo: 37006421 - Alamy


 Grand Duke Michael wrote to his brother, the Tsar, to inform him of the marriage to Natalia. Because Natalia was divorced and not of royal blood Nicholas II refused to approve it. Despite marrying a Grand Duke, Natalia was not entitled to be known as "Grand Duchess".



Michael A had all the height that his older brother the Tsaravitch Nicholas lacked, though he was thin not built like a bull as several of his large uncles were. He was married morganatically. I?m always moved by the fact that his British male Secretary remained with him to the end and the Bolsheviks shot them together.