Charles ands sustainable farming

Started by TLLK, June 22, 2017, 10:42:04 PM

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In what year did Prince Charles first become interested in organic farming?


I think Charles was very much influenced by mentors like Laurenz van der Post in his views on nature and mankind. They were certainly formed before he made an address to a conference held at the Agricultural College at Cirencester (the primary training establishment in the country for agriculture and estate management) in January 1983, in which he attacked the use of fossil fuels and the widespread use of fertilisers on farms.

It was not well received by the British Press, especially the tabloids, and fed into his later 'loony talking to plants, image' which served him so ill in the War of the Wales years. (It was preceded by a contentious speech he had made in the previous December on the failings of the medical profession, and was followed in 1984 by a speech on architecture which caused a furore.) Charles has continued to make speeches in the decades since on agriculture and genetically modified foods, which have not always received approval.

My belief is that Charles's views on organic foods, GMF, etc, may well go back to childhood. The royal family has always eaten healthily, quite easy in their position, with fresh vegetables, game, meat and fish and dairy products near to hand on their estates.